
论文标题    An overlay multicast protocol for live streaming and delay-guaranteed interactive media
作者    张未展,郑庆华,李海飞,田锋(通信作者)
发表/完成日期    2012-01-12
期刊名称    Journal of Network and Computer Applications
期卷    35
论文简介    In many collaborative multimedia applications, there is often a requirement for simultaneously supporting livestreaming and shareable interaction. A major challenge in designing such an application by overlaymulticast is how to simultaneously provide scalable livestreaming and delay-guaranteedinteractivemedia. Livestreaming by overlaymulticast incurs additional application-layer latency, which conflicts with the delay-sensitive property of interactivemedia. To handle this dilemma, in this paper, we propose a layered degree-constrained overlaymulticastprotocol, which organizes the overlaymulticast tree as a layered degree-constrained core tree and an extended tree. The core tree maintains available resources in its top layers for subsequent two-way interaction, whereas the extended tree expands the core tree for one-way livestreaming. Our simulation and experimental results show that the proposed overlaymulticastprotocol can simultaneously provide delay-guaranteedinteractivemedia as well as scalable livestreaming.(http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1084804511000518)