课题组席松涛同学论文被ASME会刊接收 - 主页 - 曹 宏瑞
近日, 研究小组成员,博士生席松涛的论文被美国机械工程学会权威会刊( Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transaction of ASME )接收,该论文提出了一种移频同步压缩方法,并应用于旋转机械瞬时转速估计. 文章摘要如下:
Abstract :
Instantaneous speed measurement is crucial in condition monitoring and real-time control of rotating machinery. Since the direct measurement of instantaneous rotating speed is not always available, the vibration measurement has been used for indirect estimation methods. In this paper, a novel indirect method is proposed to estimate the instantaneous speed of rotating machinery. Firstly, a frequency-shift synchrosqueezing transform is proposed to process the vibration signal to obtain the time-frequency (TF) representation. Secondly, the Viterbi algorithm is employed to extract the shifted instantaneous frequency (IF) from the TF representation. Lastly, the extracted IF is used to recover the IF of the measured vibration signal.The proposed method is validated with both numerical simulations and experiments. The results show that the proposed method could provide much higher frequency resolution, better time-frequency concentration results and more accurate IF estimation of the considered signal compared with the synchrosqueezing method. Furthermore, the proposed method was confirmed to be less sensitive to noise, especially for high-frequency components.
Keywords: instantaneous speed, frequency-shift synchrosqueezing, rotating machinery, instantaneous frequency estimation
Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transaction of ASME
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The Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering serves as a vehicle for the rapid dissemination of original theoretical and applied research results of permanent interest in all branches of manufacturing. The majority of the papers published are peer-reviewed full-length articles of considerable depth. The Journal also publishes technical briefs, design innovation papers, reviews, discussions of published papers with rebuttal, book reviews, and editorials.
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