Basic Information


Dr. Junhui HUANG

Associate Professor with Xi'an Jiaotong University


Date of Birth:

February 1984

Place of Nationality:

Hunan province, P.R. China

He received his Mechanical Design Manufacturing and Automation BS degree and graduated from the Hunan University in 2007, and then due to outstanding comprehensive ability, he was admitted to the Xi'an Jiaotong University directly studying for the PhD degree by recommendation and without taking the admission test. In 2013, he received his PhD degree in Instrument Science and Technology from the Xi'an Jiaotong University and worked with School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China. His research interests include 3D profile measurement, laser heterodyne interferometry, digital holographic microscopy, instrument design and imaging technology.



School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, No.28, Xianning West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi, P.R. China


Education & work experience

  • Jul. 2017 – Now              Xi’an Jiaotong University   School of Mechanical Engineering                     Associate Professor
  • May2015 – May2016     University of Warwick   School of Engineering                                         Visiting scholar
  • Jul. 2013 – Jun.2017      Xi’an Jiaotong University   School of Mechanical Engineering                      Lecture
  • Sep. 2007 – Jun. 2013     Xi’an Jiaotong University   Instrument Science and Technology                    Ph.D
  • Sep. 2003 – Jul. 2007      Hunan University   Mechanical Design Manufacturing and Automation     Bachelor

Scientific Research

1. Research interests:   

    3D profile measurement, laser heterodyne interferometry, digital holographic microscopy, instrument design and imaging technology


2. Major Publications:  

Ø [14] Junhui Huang*, Zhao Wang*, Jianmin Gao, Youping Huang, David Peter Towers. High-Precision Registration of Point Clouds Based on Sphere Feature Constraints[J]. Sensors, 17(1): 72, 2017. (SCI: EJ2DV; EI: 20170103223085)

Ø [13] Zhaoshuai Qi, Zhao Wang*, Junhui Huang, Qi Xue, Jianmin Gao. Improving the quality of stripes in structured-light three-dimensional profile measurement[J]. Optical Engineering 56(3): 031208, 2016. (SCI: EP2IS; EI: 20163602768713)

Ø [12] Yun Liu, Zhao Wang, Junhui Huang*, Jianmin Gao,Jiansu Li, Yang Zhang,and Xumeng Li. Coherent noise reduction of reconstruction of digital holographic microscopy using laterally shifting hologram aperture[J]. Optical Engineering 55(12), 121725. (SCI: EO0FE; EI: 20163602768713)

Ø [11] Junhui Huang*, Qi Xue*, Zhao Wang, Jianmin Gao. Analysis and Compensation for Lateral Chromatic Aberration in a Color Coding Structured Light 3D Measurement System[J]. Sensors, 16(9): 1426, 2016. (SCI: DZ0KN; EI: 20163702792689)

Ø [10] Junhui Huang*, Zhao Wang*, Jianmin Gao, Bao Yu. Modeling and Analysis of Phase Fluctuation in a High-Precision Roll Angle Measurement Based on a Heterodyne Interferometer[J]. Sensors, 16(8): 1214, 2016. (SCI:DU6KJ; EI: 20163302704972)

Ø [9] Jiansu Li, Zhao Wang, Junhui Huang*, Yun Liu, Jianmin Gao. Optimization of the object function matrix to improve the reconstruction speed and quality in compressive holography[J]. Optics Communications, 395(15): 34-44, 2016. (SCI: EV2QP; EI: 20161502211968)

Ø [8] Yun Liu, Zhao Wang*, Jiansu Li, Jianmin Gao, Junhui Huang. Phase based method for location of the centers of side bands in spatial frequency domain in off-axis digital holographic microcopy[J]. Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 86: 115-124, 2016. (SCI: DU1DZ; EI: 20162302473090)

Ø [7] Jingya Qi*, Zhao Wang, Junhui Huang*, Bao Yu, Jianmin Gao, Silvano Donati. Enhancing the sensitivity of roll-angle measurement with a novel interferometric configuration based on waveplates and folding mirror[J]. Review of Scientific Instruments 87(3): 036106, 2016. (SCI: DI7WS; EI: 20161202127684)

Ø [6] Qi Xue*, Zhao Wang, Junhui Huang, Jianmin Gao and Zhaoshuai Qi. A two-level space-time color-coding method for 3D measurements using structured light[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 26(11): 115204 (12pp), 2015. (SCI: CY3ZU; EI: 20154501503986)

Ø [5]  Jiansu Li, Zhao Wang*, Jianmin Gao, Yun Liu, Junhui Huang. Adaptive spatial filtering based on region growing for automatic analysis in digital holographic microscopy[J]. Optical Engineering, 54(3): 031103-1, 2014. (SCI: CE1QR; EI: 20144800252209)

Ø [4] Yun Liu, Zhao Wang*, Jiansu Li, Jianmin Gao, Junhui Huang. Total aberrations compensation for misalignment of telecentric arrangement in digital holographic microscopy[J]. Opt. Eng., 53 (11): 112307, 2014. (SCI: AY7EH; EI: 20141717605275)

Ø [3] Qi Xue, Zhao Wang, Junhui Huang*, Jianmin Gao. Improving the measuring accuracy of structured light measurement system[J]. Optical Engineering, 53(11):1-9, 2014. (SCI:AM0XB; EI: 20141717605270)

Ø [2] Huang Junhui, Wang Zhao*, Gao Jianmin, Xue Qi. Projector calibration with error surface compensation method in the structured light 3D measurement system[J]. Optical Engineering, 2013, 52(4): 1-10. (SCI: 151DB; EI: 20142217763387).

Ø [1] Junhui Huang*, Zhao Wang, Qi Xue and Jianmin Gao. Calibration of a camera–projector measurement system and error impact analysis[J]. Measurement Science and Technology, 2012, 23(12): 125402 (14pp) . (SCI: 041US; EI: 20124915768338).