
论文标题    Study on a High-Boron-Content Stainless Steel Composite for Nuclear Radiation
作者    Wei-QiangSun1,GuangHu1,*,Xiao-HangYu2,JianShi3,HuXu1,Rong-JunWu4,ChaoHe5,QiangYi5andHua-SiHu1,*
发表/完成日期    2021-11-19
期刊名称    Materials
期卷    14(22)
相关文章    materials-14-07004 (1).pdf   
论文简介    Study on a High-Boron-Content Stainless Steel Composite for Nuclear Radiation by Wei-Qiang Sun 1, Guang Hu 1,*, Xiao-Hang Yu 2, Jian Shi 3, Hu Xu 1, Rong-Jun Wu 4, Chao He 5, Qiang Yi 5 and Hua-Si Hu 1,* 1 School of Nuclear Science and Technology, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China 2 Department of Nuclear System Safety Engineering, Nagaoka University of Technology, Nagaoka 940-2188, Japan 3 State Key Laboratory of Light Alloy Foundry Technology for High-End Equipment Shenyang Research Institute of Foundry Co., Ltd., Shenyang 110022, China 4 Wuhan Second Ship Design and Research Institute, Wuhan 430064, China 5 Institute of Nuclear Physics and Chemistry, China Academy of Engineering Physics, Mianyang 621900, China *Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed. Academic Editor: Andrea Di Schino Materials 2021, 14(22), 7004; https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14227004 Received: 26 September 2021 / Revised: 20 October 2021 / Accepted: 27 October 2021 / Published: 19 November 2021 Abstract In this research, a high-boron-content composite material with both neutron and γ rays shielding properties was developed by an optimized design and manufacture. It consists of 304 stainless steel as the matrix and spherical boron carbide (B4C) particles as the functional particles. The content of B4C is 24.68 wt%, and the particles’ radius is 1.53 mm. The density of the newly designed material is 5.17 g·cm−3, about 68.02% of that of traditional borated stainless steel containing 1.7 wt% boron, while its neutrons shielding performance is much better. Firstly, focusing on shielding properties and material density, the content and the size of B4C were optimized by the Genetic Algorithm (GA) program combined with the MCNP program. Then, some samples of the material were manufactured by the infiltration casting technique according to the optimized results. The actual density of the samples was 5.21 g cm−3. In addition, the neutron and γ rays shielding performance of the samples and borated stainless steel containing 1.7 wt% boron was tested by using an 241Am–Be neutron source and 60Co and 137Cs γ rays sources, respectively, and the results were compared. It can be concluded that the new designed material could be used as a material for nuclear power plants or spent-fuel storage and transportation containers with high requirements for mobility. Keywords: radiation-shielding material; optimization design; MCNP code; neutron; γ rays transmission experiment Author Contributions: Conceptualization, G.H.and H.-S.H.; methodology, W.-Q.S.andG.H.;soft ware,H.-S.H.;formalanalysis,W.-Q.S.,H.-S.H.andG.H.;investigation,W.-Q.S.,H.X.andX.-H.Y.;experimentresources,J.S.andR.-J.W.;datacuration,W.-Q.S.,J.S.andG.H.;writingoftheoriginaldraftpreparation,W.-Q.S.andR.-J.W.;writingofreviewandediting,W.-Q.S.,Q.Y.andH.X.;super vision,H.-S.H.,C.H.andG.H.;projectadministration,C.H.,X.-H.Y.andQ.Y.;fundingacquisition,H.-S.H.andG.H.Allauthorshavereadandagreedtothepublishedversionofthemanuscript. Funding:This work was funded by the NSAFJoint Fund setup by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics under Grant(U1830128), the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.11975182), and the Natural Science Foundation of Shannxi Province(No.2020JM-030). Citation: Sun,W.-Q.; Hu,G.; Yu,X.-H.; Shi,J.; Xu,H.; Wu,R.-J.; He,C.; Yi,Q.; Hu,H.-S. Study on a High-Boron-Content Stainless Steel Composite for Nuclear Radiation. Materials 2021,14,7004. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma14227004