

       李永胜,男,(1963—  )教授,博士生导师,陕西华县人,主持国家哲学社会科学基金二项,主持省部级哲学社会科学基金六项,出版学术著作十余部,近年来在《求是》、《人民日报》、《光明日报》、《中国社会科学评价》、《哲学动态》、《自然辩证法研究》、《自然辩证法通讯》、《科学技术哲学》、《马克思主义研究》、《思想理论教育导刊》、《国外社会科学》、《人文杂志》等重要刊物发表学术论文360多篇,多次被中国人民大学复印报刊资料全文转载,在学术界产生了重要影响。主要研究方向:价值哲学、工程哲学、社会工程学、马克思主义原理。












11、红船精神价值永恒 红船初心历久弥新,载《光明日报》20171117日。




     Li Yongsheng, male, born in 1963, professor, doctoral supervisor, comes from Huaxian County of Shaanxi Province. He presided over two National Philosophical and Social Sciences Funds, six provincial and ministerial philosophical and social sciences funds, and published more than ten academic works. More than 360 academic papers have been published in such important journals or newspapers as Qiushi Journal, People's Daily, Guangming Daily, Chinese Social Sciences Evaluation, Philosophical Trends, Studies in Dialectics of Nature, Journal of Dialectics of Nature, Studies in Philosophy of Science and Technology, Studies on Marxism, Journal of Ideological & Theoretical Education, Social Sciences Abroad, and The Journal of Humanities. Many papers have been fully cited by Renmin University of China. The main research areas are value philosophy, engineering philosophy, social engineering, and Marxism principles.

Chief academic achievements:

1. Ideological and political education as the soul of quality education, published in Qiushi Journal, No.10, 2000.

2.The features of the times embodied in Chinese route, published in People's Daily, November 22, 2015.

3. Innovation aiming at improving people's well-being, published in People's Daily, March 23, 2016.

4. Acting in accordance with the Party’s spirit, not personal feelings, and acting in accordance with the truth, not the face, published in "Guangming Daily", November 15, 2016.

5. Resolutely win the just war against corruption, published in "Guangming Daily", February 21, 2017.

6. The spiritual power of science, published in "Guangming Daily", March 23, 2017.

7. Scientific culture and innovation drive, published in "Guangming Daily", April 13, 2017.

8. Selective corruption: corruption with "rules" and "principles", published in "Guangming Daily", July 4, 2017.

9. Why do we have family rules today, published in "Guangming Daily", July 11, 2017.

10. Ensuring that the Party always becomes a strong core of leadership, published in "Guangming Daily", November 7, 2017.

11. The spiritual value of the Red Boat is eternal, and the initial heart of the Red Boat lasts forever, published in "Guangming Daily", November 17, 2017.




论文标题 作者 发表/完成日期 期刊名称
基层党建在城市社区治理中的作用、问题及创新研究 李永胜; 张玉容 2020-09-10 西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)
中国新型政党制度的生成逻辑、基本特征及实践价值 李永胜; 肖圆圆 2020-09-01 中州学刊
论共同价值的几个问题 李永胜; 肖圆圆 2019-03-01 吉首大学学报(社会科学版)
全面从严治党宝贵经验的哲学意蕴 李永胜; 肖圆圆 2019-01-01 红旗文稿
为什么政治建设是党的根本性建设 李永胜; 张紫君 2018-11-03 红旗文稿
中国共产党为什么自信 李永胜 2018-07-02 人民日报(理论版)
十九大报告对新时代党的建设的八大理论创新 李永胜;张紫君 2018-07-02 北京工业大学学报(社会科学版)
赓续红船精神,书写新的辉煌 李永胜 2018-05-16 光明日报
领导干部要讲政德(思想纵横) 李永胜 2018-03-29 人民日报
“亲”“清”政商关系开拓了治国理政新境界 李永胜 2018-01-09 北京工业大学学报(社会科学版)
“互联网+”是一种创新思维与理念 李永胜 2018-01-02 洛阳师范学院学报
论工程思维的性质、特征与作用 李永胜 2018-01-01 创新
红船精神价值永恒 红船初心历久弥新 李永胜 2017-11-07 光明日报
“红船精神”的历史价值与现实意义 李永胜 2017-10-10 渭南师范学院学报
抓好“关键少数”是治国理政的中国智慧 李永胜 2017-05-18 党政研究
科学文化与创新驱动 李永胜 2017-04-13 光明日报
科学的精神力量 李永胜 2017-03-23 光明日报
以人民为中心的价值导向引领创新向上向善 李永胜 2017-03-10 创新
创新旨在增进民生福祉 李永胜 2016-03-23 人民日报
中国道路体现时代特征 李永胜 2015-11-22 人民日报