
论文标题    Compacton and solitary pattern solutions for nonlinear dispersive KdV-type equations involving Jumarie’s fractional derivative
作者    S. Guo , L. Mei, Y. Fang, Z. Qiu
发表/完成日期    2012-01-02
期刊名称    Physics Letters A
期卷    376(3)
论文简介    In this Letter, the fractional variational iteration method using He’s polynomials is implemented to construct compacton solutions and solitary pattern solutions of nonlinear time-fractional dispersive KdVtype equations involving Jumarie’s modified Riemann–Liouville derivative. The method yields solutions in the forms of convergent series with easily calculable terms. The obtained results show that the considered method is quite effective, promising and convenient for solving fractional nonlinear dispersive equations. It is found that the time-fractional parameter significantly changes the soliton amplitude of the solitary waves.