
Applied Mechanics


Applied Mechanics


Constitutive theory and thermodynamics of continua, and strength theory

Inclusion mechanics,& composites

Contact mechanics & fracture mechanics

Plastic mechanics, & soil and rock mechanics

Friction and tribology 

Fluid mechanics and fluid constitutive theory 


  1. Ma LF, Korsunsky AM, Hills DA, (2024). Formulation for axisymmetric non-slipping contacts between dissimilar elastic solids. Proceedings of the Royal Society A. In press.
  2. Ma LF, Su F, Wen Y, Korsunsky AM, Wiercigroch M, (2024). Modelling interfacial inclusions embedded between dissimilar solids. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 272, 109176.
  3. Ma LF, Chen Y, Hills DA, (2024). Non-slipping adhesive contact between dissimilar elastic solids under normal and tangential loads. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 184, 105528.
  4. Zhang JY, Zhang JY, Zhang BH, An YM , Yang X, Hu N, Ma LF, Peng Y, Wang B*, (2024). Broadband multifrequency vibration attenuation of an acoustic metamaterial beam with two-degree-of-freedom nonlinear bistable absorbers. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 212, 111264.
  5. Qin L, Jian Z*, Xu YY, Ma LF*, (2023). On the attitude stability of flying dandelion seeds. Physics of Fluids, 35, 081904.
  6. Ma LF*, Hills DA*, (2023). A wedge of arbitrary angle interacting with a generalized singularity. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 262-263, 112062.
  7. Ma LF*, Chen Y., Hills DA*, (2023). A generalized antiplane singularity within a semi-infinite wedge of arbitrary angle. The Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design. 59, 21-30 (DOI: 10.1177/03093247231190684).
  8. Yan J, Ma LF*, Wang J*, (2023). Formulation for zirconia toughened alumina (ZTA) reinforced metal matrix composites based on a three-phase concentric inclusion model. Mechanics of Materials, 181,104660.
  1. Ma LF*, Chen YF, Hills DA* (2022). A parabolic notch interacting with a generalized anti-plane singularity. ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 89, 091001.
  2. Ma LF*, Korunsky AM*, (2022). Interface mismatch eigenstrain of non-slipping contacts between dissimilar elastic solids. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 253, 111760.
  3. Yan J, Zhu J, Ma LF*, (2022) Analytical solutions for coated circular inhomogeneity with non-uniform axisymmetric eigenstrain distribution, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 243, 111567.
  4. Li R, Tang Z, Su F, Fan W, Ma LF* (2022). Generic explicit analytical solution for the exterior field of Eshelby’s inclusion in plane elasticity based on Green's Function. Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, 7, 184-196.
  5. Gan Y, Liu H, Li G, Shi Y, Ma LF, Zhao YC, Liu M, Zhang JB (2022). Effect of Ni on Corrosion Behavior of Zr-Cu-Al Amorphous Alloys in NaCl Solution. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering 51, 712-718.
  6. Ma LF*, Hills DA*, (2022). Interaction of a parabolic notch with a generalized singularity. International Journal of Engineering Science, 176, 103685.
  7. Ma LF*, Korsunsky AM, (2022). The fundamental formulation for inhomogeneous inclusion problems with equivalent eigenstrain principle. Metals, 12, 582.
  8. Ma LF*, (2022). Fundamental formulation for anti-plane eigenstrain problems. Mechanics of Materials, 165, 104188.
  9. Zhang B, Zhang L, Yang N, Zhao X, Chen C, Cheng Y, Rasheed I, Ma LF*, Zhang J*, (2022). 2D Young’s modulus of black phosphorene with different layers. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126, 2, 1094-1098.
  10. Huang MJ, Ma LF, Shang FL, (2022). Micro-mechanical analysis of effective moduli of composite materials based on the principle of equivalent eigenstrain. Chinese Journal of Solid Mechanics, 43, 271-283.
  11. Zhang X, Li J, Feng J, Ma LF, Liu M, (2021). Linear opening model of substrate pre-crack and determination of fracture strain of thin film during tensile testing of microbridge method, China Surface Engineering, 34, 41-49.
  12. Zhang B, Wang Z, Li Y, Cheng Y, Ma LF*, Zhang J*, (2021). Cross structured two-dimensional violet phosphorene with extremely high deformation resistance, J. Mater. Chem. A, 9, 13855-13860.
  13. Zhang N., Xiang X., Ma LF*, (2021). On the crack-tip stress field due to the presence of isotropic dilatational inclusion: theoretical and numerical analysis, Archive of Applied Mechanics, 91, 2893-2905.
  14. Ma LF*, Tang Z, Bian Z, Zhu J, Wiercigroch M, (2021). Analytical solution for circular inhomogeneous inclusion problems with non-uniform axis-symmetric eigenstrain distribution. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 194, 106213.
  15. Zuo X, Wen Y*, Qiu Y, Cheng YJ*, Yin S, Ji Q, You Z, Zhu J, Muller BP, Ma LF*, Bruce P, Xia Y, (2020). Rational design and mechanical understanding of three-dimensional macro-/mesoporous silicon lithium-ion battery anodes with tunable pore size and wall thickness. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, 43785-43797.
  16. Yan J, Zhang P, Gu Y, Yuan Y, Da B, Ma LF, Li Y, (2020). Oxide cracking behaviour of Cu-added 18%Cr-8%Ni austenitic alloy after steam oxidation, Corrosion Science,169, 108601.
  17. Zhang Y, Ma LF* (2020). Surface Zener-Stroh crack model to slip band due to contact. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 90, 221-234. 
  18. Yan J, Qiu Y, Da B, Li Z, Li Y, Ding Z, Ma LF, Zhang P, Yuan Y, Gu Y, (2020). Impact of the voids on the cracking behavior of the duplex oxide scale on the 18%Cr austenite alloy surface, Corrosion Science, 163, 108298,
  19. Wang B, Zhao W, Ma LF*, (2020). Analysis of a finite matrix with an inhomogeneous circular inclusion subjected to a non-uniform eigenstrain. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 90, 945-956.
  20. Ma LF, Eom K, Geringer J, Jun TS, Kim K, (2019). Literature review on fretting wear and contact mechanics of tribological coatings, Coating, 9, 501.
  21. Ma LF*, Qiu Y, Zhang YM, Li G, (2019). General solution for inhomogeneous line inclusion with non-uniform eigenstrain. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 89, 1723-1741.
  22. Qiu Y, Wen Y, Ma LF*, (2019). Study of numerical method for singular integral equations of the second kind in solid mechanics using Gauss-Jacobi quadrature formulae, Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics, 36, 774-778.
  23. Ma LF, Yari N, Wiercigroch M, (2018). Shear stress triggering brittle shear fracturing of rock-like materials, International Journal of Mechanical Science, 146-7,295-302.
  24. Qiu Y, Zhang P, Ma LF*, (2018). Collinear micro-shear-bands model for grain-size and precipitate-size effects on the yield strength. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2018, 8, 245-251. 
  25. Ma LF*, Wang B, Korsunsky AM, (2018). Complex variable formulation for a rigid line inclusion interacting with a generalized singularity. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 88, 613-627. 
  26. Ying S, Ma LF, Sui T, Papadaki C, Salvati E, Romanobrandt L, Zhang H, Korsunsky AM, (2018). Nanoscale origins of the size effect in the compression response of single crystal Ni-base superalloy micro-pillars. Materials, 11, 561.
  27. Yari N, Kapitaniak M, Vaziri V, Ma LF, and Wiercigroch M, (2018). Calibrated FEM modelling of rock cutting with PDC cutter, MATEC Web of Conferences, 148, 16006.
  28. Sun K, Shi J and Ma LF*, (2017). Atomistic insights into the effects of residual stress during nanoindentation, Crystals,7, 240. 
  29. Lunt AJG, Salvati E, Ma LF, Dolbyna IP, Neo TK, Korsunsky AM, (2016).  Full In-plane Strain Tensor Analysis using the Microscale Ring-core FIB milling and DIC Approach, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 94, 47-67.
  30. Zhang P, Ma LF, Yang G, Song X, (2016). Extraordinary plastic behavior of the γ′ precipitate in a directionally solidified nickel-based superalloy, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 96, 19-26.
  31. Ma LF*, Wang B, Korsunsky AM, (2015). Plane deformation of circular inhomogeneous inclusion problems with non-uniform symmetrical dilatational eigenstrain. Materials and Design, 86,809-817.
  32. Ma LF*, Korsunsky AM, (2014). The principle of equivalent eigenstrain for inhomogeneous inclusion problems. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 51. 4477-4484.
  33. Ma LF*, Zhao J, Korsunsky AM, (2014).  Fundamental elastic singular solutions for a layer perfectly bonded to a dissimilar substrate. Sciencepaper Online, www.paper.edu.cn/html/releasepaper/2014/03/309/
  34. Sun K, Cheng J, Liu X, Fang L, Ma LF, (2014). In-Situ fabrication of Fe–Al intermetallic coating by laser remelting, Journal of Mechatronics, 2, 1-5.
  35. Ma LF, Sun K (2014). A direct approach for modelling ion-exchange residual stress distribution in glass. Journal of Strain Analysis, 49, 445-451. 
  36. Sun K, Shen WT, Ma LF*, (2014). The influence of residual stress on incipient plasticity in single-crystal copper thin film under nanoindentation. Computational Materials Science, 81, 226-232
  37. Ma LF*, Korsunsky AM, McMeeking RM, (2013). The fundamental formulation for residual stress problems in anisotropic solids, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 80. 051001.
  38. Ma LF*, He R, Zhang JS, Shaw B, (2013). A simple model for the study of the tolerance of interfacial crack under thermal load. Acta Mechanica, 224, 1571-1577.
  39. Zhao J, Ma LF*, Korsunsky AM, (2012). Surface dislocation nucleation by wedge indenter contacts, Materials Science and Technology, 28, 1167-1172.
  40. Ma LF*, Korsunsky AM, (2012). Complex variable formulation for non-slipping plane strain contact of two elastic solids in the presence of interface mismatch eigenstrain, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 49, 1177-1188.
  41. Ma, LF*, Zhao J, Korsunsky AM, (2012). Fundamental solutions for singularities within a layered solid, European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 35, 37-46.
  42. Ma LF*, Zhao J, Ni B, (2011). A Zener-Stroh crack interacting with an edge dislocation, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2, 021003.
  1. Ma LF*, Korsunsky, AM, Wiercigroch M, (2010). Dislocation model of localized plastic deformation initiated with a flat punch. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 47, 1082-1089.
  2. Ma LF, (2010). Fundamental formulation for transformation toughening, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 47, 3214-3220.
  3. McMeeking RM, Ma LF, Arzt E, (2010). Bistable adhesion of a surface with a dimpleAdvanced Engineering Materials, 12. 389-397
  4. McMeeking RM, Ma LF, Arzt E, (2009). Mechanism maps for frictional adhesion between fibrillar surfaces, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 76, 031007.
  5. Ma LF*, Korsunsky AM, (2008). Surface dislocation nucleation from frictional sliding contacts, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 45, 5936-5945.
  6. Ma LF, McMeeking RM, Arzt E, (2007). Adhesive contact between flat punches with finite edge radius and an elastic half-space, International Journal of Materials Research, 98, 1156-1162.
  7. Ma LF, Korsunsky AM, (2006). Vector J-integral analysis of crack initiation at the edge of complete sliding contact, Proceedings of the Royal Society A.462 1805-1820.
  8. Ma LF, Korsunsky AM, (2006). Analytical solution for sliding rounded edge contact, Journal of Elasticity, 82, 9-30.
  9. Ma LF*, Korsunsky AM, Sun K, (2006). The contact of coated systems under sliding conditions. ASME Journal of Tribology, 128, 886-890.
  10. Ma LF*, Lu TJ, Korsunsky AM, (2006). Vector J-integral analysis of crack interaction with preexisting singularities, ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics, 73, 876-883.
  11. Wang D, Ma LF, Shi JP, (2006). Investigation of the M-integral in crack-damaged piezoelectric ceramics, Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 19, 167-173.
  12. Ma LF, Korsunsky AM, (2005). On the use of vector J-integral in crack growth criteria for brittle solids, International Journal of Fracture, 133, L39-L46.
  13. Ma LF, Korsunsky AM, (2005). Solution of sliding contact problems using Gauss-Jacobi quadrature formulae, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 64, 1236-1255.
  14. Ma LF, Korsunsky AM, (2004). Fundamental formation for contact problems of coated systems, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 41, 2837-2854
  15. Ma LF, Chen YH, (2004). Weight functions for interface cracks in dissimilar anisotropic materials, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 20, 82-88.
  16. Ma LF, Korsunsky AM, (2004). A note on the Gauss-Jacobi quadrature formulae for singular integral equation of the second kind, International Journal of Fracture, 126,399-405.
  17. Ma LF, Korsunsky AM, (2003). Effect of friction on edge singularities in slip bands, International Journal of Fracture, 123, L143-L150.
  18. Ma LF, Chen YH, (2001). Weight functions for interface cracks in dissimilar anisotropic piezoelectric materials, International Journal of Fracture, 110, 263-279.
  19. Ma LF*, Chen YH, and Liu CS, (2001). On the relation between the M-integral and the change of the total potential energy in damaged brittle solids, Acta Mechanica, 150, 79-85
  20. Ma LF*, Chen YH, Zhang SY, (2001). On the explicit formulations of circular tube, bar and shell of cylindrically piezolelectric material under pressuring loading, International Journal Engineering Science, 39, 369-385.
  21. Ma LF*, Chen YH, (2001). Crack tip shielding by microcracking in piezoelectric materials, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 110, 263-279.
  22. Chen YH, Ma LF, (2000). Bueckner’s work conjugate integrals and weight functions for a crack in anisotropic solids, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 16, 240-253.
  23. Ma LF*, Zhang XZ, (2000). Numerical simulation of nonlinear oil film forces of titling-pad guide bearing in large hydro-unit, International Journal of Rotation Machinery, 6, 345-353.
  24. Zhang XZ, Ma LF, (1999). A pseudo nonlinear method for calculating nonlinear oil film force of tilting pad guide bearing in large hydro-units, Journal of Hydroelectric Engineering, 2, 92-100 (in Chinese).






  1. Elastic Contact Mechanics of Coated Systems. Natural Science Foundation of China  (Grant No.:10502040),(2006-2008). Principal investigator.
  2. Analysis of the thermal stress distribution of disc rod-fastening-rotor system and strength criterion. Subprogram of the National Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2007CB707705-3), (2007-2011) Principal investigator.
  3. Study on the damage tolerance of key points of airplane wings (2015-2016) HONGDU Aviation Industry Group LTD. Principal investigator.
  4. Adhesion contact mechanics for biological attachment, Alexander von Humboldt Research foundation, 2006-2007, Principal investigator.
  5. Study on the friction and wear mechanism of ultra-high speed dry sliding, Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.:51475359) (2015-2018). Co-investigator.
  6. Stress optimization for the fiber-strengthened pipe under thermal loading. (2012) Xi’an Thermal Power Research Institute Co. Ltd, Principal investigator
  7. Surface residual stress optimization for the glass panel. (2011) SCHOTT Glass Technologies (Suzhou) Co.Ltd. Principal investigator.
  8. Study on contact damage mechanism of micro-surface. Ph.D. Programs Foundation of Ministry of Education of China (2011-2012). Principal investigator
  9. Study on the transformation hysteresis influence on the micro-crack shielding toughening, Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.:11172228) (2012-2015), Co-investigator.
  10. Study on the mechanics of loess slope failures at multi-scale (micro-/meso-/macro-) under the influence of environment (Grant No.: 41630634), 2016-2020. Natural Science Foundation of China. Co-Principal investigator.
  11. Study on the micromechanics of austenitic heat-resistance steel for membrane type tube panels (2018-2019). Dongfang Electric Corporation (DEC). Principal investigator.
  12. Study on the theory and applications of the equivalent eigenstrain principle for generic inhomogeneous inclusion problems, Natural Science Foundation of China. (Grant No.:12072254), 2021-2024, Principal investigator.


  • Hong Kong Oxford Scholarship, 2001
  • Oxford Clarendon Scholarships, 2001-2004.
  • Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship, 2006-2007.
  • Senior Visiting Fellowship to Oxford (from China Scholarship Council), 2016.11-2017.5
  • Sir Joseph Pope Fellowship , University of Nottingham, UK