Basic Info. of PI (负责人信息)




Prof. Dr. Cunlu Zhao

State-Level Young Talent, Distinguished Expert of Shaanxi Province

ORCID, Google Scholar, ResearcherID

Education background (教育经历)

  1. 2007.08–2012.12, Nanyang Technological University (南洋理工大学), Thermal Fluids Engineering (热与流体工程·), Ph.D. (博士);
  2. 2004.09–2007.07, Xi'an Jiaotong University (西安交通大学), Engineering Thermophysics (工程热物理), Master (硕士);
  3. 2000.09–2004.07, Xi'an Jiaotong University (西安交通大学), Thermal Energy and Power Engineering (热能与动力工程), Bachelor (学士).

Working Experience (工作经历)

  1. 2016.6–Present, Xi'an Jiaotong University (西安交通大学), School of Energy and Power Engineering (能源与动力工程学院), Professor (教授);
  2. 2013.102016.3, University of Twente (特温特大学), Faculty of Science and Technology (科学与技术学院), Research Fellow (研究员);
  3. 2013.12013.9, Nanyang Technological University (南洋理工大学), School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (机械与宇航工程学院), Research Fellow (研究员);
  4. 2012.32012.12, Nanyang Technological University (南洋理工大学), School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (机械与宇航工程学院), Research Associate (副研究员).

Contact (联系方式)

Postal Address: Department of Thermo-Fluid Science and Engineering, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, NO.28 Xianning West Road, Xi’an 710049, China

通信地址:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号,西安交通大学能源与动力工程学院热流科学与工程系,邮编 710049


Office: Room 711, Northern 4th Building

办公室: 4-711





Research Areas (研究领域)

Welcome to the group of "Micro-Nano Scale Transport Phenomena & New Energy" (MNSTP&NE). Our group is affiliated to CEMTA and conducts research in the broad field of transport phenomena at micro/nanoscale. Currently, there are five major directions of research in our group:


  1. Electrokinetic transport phenomena and their applications in microfluidics/nanofluidics and new energy harvesting;


  1. Electrowetting and its applications in droplet manipulations;


  1. Micro/Nanoscale heat transfer and its applications;


  1. Thermal management under extreme conditions;


  1. Topology optimization of thermo-fluid problems.


Our research is highly multidisciplinary and requires the knowledge of fluid mechanics, heat transfer, micro-nano fabrication, colloid science, physics, and mathematics etc. We enjoy collaborating with researchers with diverse backgrounds. Feel free to visit us, either in person or on the web.



Every year, we have 3-4 master student positions and 1-2 Ph.D. student positions, and please contact me for details if you are interested in our group. We are also looking for one postdoc who has the strong motivation to do cutting-edge research in the aforementioned research areas. Please send the application documents including CV and/or transcripts to



In addition to the applicants in the power engineering and engineering thermophysics, we are also encouraging those with a background in applied physics, applied mathematics, electrochemistry or fluid mechanics to join our group.


Introduction of PI (PI简介)

赵存陆,博士,西安交通大学教授、博导,国家级青年人才,陕西省特聘专家,科技部重点领域创新团队―“热质传递强化及数值预测创新团队的核心成员。分别于2004年和2007年获得西安交通大学学士和硕士学位,2012年获新加坡南洋理工大学博士学位,2013-2016年任荷兰特温特大学博士后研究员。作为课题负责人主持国家级项目2项、省市级项目1项、校级项目1项、企业委托项目2项,作为骨干成员参与国家重点研发计划项目1项。在J. Fluid Mech.NanoscaleAdv. Colloid Interface Sci.J. Colloid Interface Sci.Int. J. Heat Mass TransferSoft Matter 等知名SCI期刊发表论文50余篇,发表的论文被SCI刊物引用1000余次,单篇最高SCI他引超180次,H-Index19。曾受邀在国内外学术会议和大学作报告10余次。2011年于攻读博士学位期间获得国家优秀自费留学生奖学金,2017年获得国家科技进步一等奖(创新团队)。研究方向包括新能源、微尺度流动和传热传质、微流控技术和极端条件热管理等。

Academic Duties (学术任职)

  1. Electrophoresis编委
  2. Topic Editors of Energies and Micromachines
  3. Session Organizers of ICMFLOC 2018 and ASME MNHMT 2019

Awards (奖项)

奖项名称 获奖年份 奖项类型 奖项等级 申报部门
第9批陕西省“百人计划”青年项目 2017 省部级科技成果奖 其他 西安交通大学
国家优秀自费留学生奖学金 2012 省部级科技成果奖 其他 南洋理工大学