
Project name    硅橡胶柔性手功能康复机器人光纤编织感知与气动正负压驱动技术研究(51505363)
Project origin    国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目
Start Date    2016-1~
Project Fund    23.3Ten thousand yuan
Project kind    Vertical project
Project status    Processing
Project advantage   
Technical excellence   
Description    A pneumatic soft robot for hand rehabilitation with pose and force sensing based on macrobend optical fiber 脑卒中幸存者手功能运动障碍呼唤康复机器人的研究,安全考量使得柔性成为手功能康复机器人的发展趋势,然而现阶段柔性手功能康复机器人的驱动灵活度需要提升,而且精确监测运动姿态和驱动力是柔性康复机器人的挑战。本申请拟通过开展柔性手功能康复机器人驱动感知一体化研究来解决上述问题:将多根光纤编织到驱动执行器结构里,当光纤弯道曲率随驱动执行器发生变化时,利用光纤光强宏弯损耗特性获取其变形量,从而得到手指关节运动状态和驱动力;结合人手结构和关节运动特点以及柔性手功能康复机器人的结构特点,建立柔性手功能康复机器人手指运动学模型;构建正负压气动手指关节独立驱动方法,实现手指远端和近端指关节弯曲伸直运动驱动以及掌指关节处的多自由度驱动控制。项目研究为柔性手功能康复机器人手指运动的精确监测和控制提供理论方法和使能技术支撑,推动柔性手功能康复机器人的实用化进程,同时带来更大的经济和社会效益。 Many stroke survivors suffer from hand dysfunction limiting participation in functional activities. Robotic devices have been introduced as tools in hand rehabilitation. Soft rehabilitation robots have drawn more and more attention because they are considered to be safer and more comfortable than conventional rigid robots. However, the sensing ability and dexterity of soft robots for hand rehabilitation need to be further improved. In this application, we propose to conduct research on the integration of actuation and sensing of soft robots for hand rehabilitation. Pneumatic and vacuum actuation will be used to activate finger joints individually. Not only the flexion and extension of the fingers but also the abduction and adduction movements will be controllable. Pose and force sensing will be integrated with the actuation design using macrobend optical fiber embedded in the structure. Kinematics of the robot finger for hand rehabilitation will also be examined. This project will provide theoretical methods and technologies leading towards the practical application of soft robots for hand rehabilitation.