
学术论文被国际权威期刊Journal of the Energy Institute (SCI/EI, IF= 6.470) 录用出版
发布者: 高宁博 | 2023-03-24 | 1707

学术论文被Journal of the Energy Institute  (SCI/EI, IF= 6.470)录用出版,论文信息:

Jamilu Salisu, Ningbo Gao*, Cui Quan, Jale Yanik, Nancy Artioli. Co-gasification of rice husk and plastic in the presence of CaO using a novel ANN model-incorporated Aspen plus simulation. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2023, 101229. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.joei.2023.101239. (SCI/EI, IF= 6.470)