
发布者: 聂鹏 | 2024-06-27 | 3288

       近日,聂鹏教授有关“Housing conditions and health: New evidence from urban China”的合作研究被城市研究领域国际权威期刊Cities (IF=6.0, CiteScore=11.2)录用。该研究系统地分析内外部住房条件对城镇居民健康的影响及潜在作用机制。北大国发院丁兰琳博士为该研究第一作者,聂鹏教授为通讯作者。德国霍恩海姆大学Alfonso Sousa-Poza教授为该研究的合作者。



Using longitudinal data from the China Health and Nutrition Survey, we investigate the relation between housing conditions (both internal and external) and health among urban adults aged 18 and above. We find that housing improvement reduces the probability of bad self-reported health by 3.7 percent, with more pronounced impacts among females, older adults, those with lower socioeconomic status (low education and income, and the employed females) and residents of the less developed central and western regions. This beneficial health effect is enhanced by longer treatment periods and consistent across several robustness checks. Housing conditions seemingly operate on health via poor macronutrient intake, physical inactivity, and sleep deprivation.

JEL Classification: D63, I10, I12, R21


Keywords: housing conditions, health, difference-in-differences, urban China