
祝贺博士生张胜棋的研究论文被Applied Thermal Engineering接收
发布者: 蒲亮 | 2020-05-04 | 90

Ref: ATE_2020_1499_R1
Title: Melting performance analysis of phase change materials in different finned thermal energy storage
Journal: Applied Thermal Engineering

Dear Professor. Pu,

I am pleased to inform you that your paper has been accepted for publication. My own comments as well as any reviewer comments are appended to the end of this letter. Now that your manuscript has been accepted for publication it will proceed to copy-editing and production.

Applied Thermal Engineering shares the view that authorship and reviewing manuscripts are two inextricable aspects of scholarship and we hope that authors whose paper has been accepted for publication will appreciate our community’s needs for insightful and critical reviews and positively respond on future requests to review for the journal.

Thank you for submitting your work to Applied Thermal Engineering. We hope you consider us again for future submissions.

Kind regards,

William Worek
Executive Editor
Applied Thermal Engineering

Comments from the editors and reviewers:
- The paper can be accepted.