
论文标题    A novel graphical method for the integration of hydrogen distribution systems
作者    Qiao Zhang, Xiao Feng*, Guilian Liu and Khim H. Chu
发表/完成日期    2011-02-05
期刊名称    Chemical Engineering Science
期卷    66
论文简介    Increase in refining demand and tighter environmental regulations have led to sharp increases in hydrogen consumption of oil refineries. Hydrogen conservation and effective use are of interest to refineries whose operations and profitability are constrained by hydrogen. Purification is widely used in hydrogen networks of refineries to reduce hydrogen production load. To minimize hydrogen utility consumption,itisnecessary tooptimizethehydrogennetworkwith purificationasawhole.Inthispaper, for hydrogen purification process, a triangle rule (which can be generalized to polygon rule) is proposed forgraphicalrepresentationofitsmassbalance.Theproposedproceduretreatstheproductconcentration and recovery rate of the purification process as adjustable parameters. An ensuing graphical method is developed for targeting the pinch point and minimum utility consumption of the hydrogen system with purificationreuse.Thisgraphicalmethodcanbeusedforanypurificationdevicesandinsystemswithany utility concentration. A refinery case is studied to demonstrate the optimization method