Team Name

[1]    Wang, Wei and Gang Li* (2021). A Theoretical Analysis of the Pricing and Advertising Strategies with Lévy-Walking Consumers. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 16(6), 2129-2150.

[2]    Wang, Wei, Gang Li*, Richard Y.K. Fung, and T. C. E. Cheng (2019). Mobile advertising and traffic conversion: The effects of front traffic and spatial competition. Journal of Interactive Marketing, 47, 84-101.

[3]    Wang, Wei, Gang Li*, and T. C. E. Cheng (2016). Channel selection in a supply chain with a multi-channel retailer: The role of channel operating costs. International Journal of Production Economics, 173, 54-65.

Research Team

[1]    Behavior-Based Targeting and Pricing.

[2]    Behavior-Based Targeting in Competitive Channels.

[3]    Real-Time Bidding in Geofencing Advertising.

[4]    Personalized Pricing in a Retail Platform with Imperfect Consumer Recognition.