
论文标题    Convergence characteristics of PD-type iterative learning control in discrete frequency domain
作者    Xiaoe Ruan, Zhaozhen Li
发表/完成日期    2014-11-13
期刊名称    Journal of Process Control
期卷    24(2014)
论文简介    On the basis that a Dirichlet-type signal over a finite time period can be expanded in a Fourier seriesconsisting of fundamental-frequency sinusoidal and cosine waves plus a sequence of higher-frequencyharmonic waves, this paper investigates the convergence characteristics of the first- and second-orderproportional-derivative-type iterative learning control schemes for repetitive linear time-invariant sys-tems in discrete spectrum. By deriving the properties of the Fourier coefficients in a complex form withrespect to the linear time-invariant dynamics and adopting Parseval’s Energy Equality, the average energyof the tracking error signal over the finite operation time interval is converted into a quarter of a sum-mation of the fundamental spectrum plus the harmonic spectrums. By means of analyzing the featureof discrete frequency-wise spectrum of the tracking error, sufficient and necessary conditions for mono-tone convergence with respect to the first-order iterative learning control scheme is deduced togetherwith convergence of the second-order learning scheme is discussed. Numerical simulations manifest thevalidity and the effectiveness.