
论文标题    Wavelet-based diffusion approaches for signal denoising
作者    Feng Liu, Xiaoe Ruan
发表/完成日期    2007-05-14
期刊名称    Signal Processing
期卷    vol.87, no. 5
论文简介    The efficiency of nonlinear diffusion filters is related to diffusivity. In the previous models, diffusivity depended on the derivatives of a signal, and hence it is easily affected by noise. Tnis paper considers the nonlinear wavelet-based diffusion methods for signal denoising in which the diffusivity is expressed by the wavelet transfers of received signal at several scales. Duo to the multisolution of wavelet transform, the prosed diffusivity with wavelet transforms efficiently reduces the influence of noise on the estimate of diffusion amount and improves nonlinear diffusion filters. Some numerical experimental results compared with the previous models are shown.