
论文标题    Layered and Distributed Charge Load Dispatch of Considerable Electric Vehicles
作者    Shao, Chengcheng; Wang, Xifan; Wang, Xiuli; Du, Chao
发表/完成日期    2015-07-15
期卷    卷: 30 期: 4
相关文章    Layered and Distributed Charge Load Dispatch of Considerable Electric Vehicles.pdf   
论文简介    Cooperation between controllable loads such as electrical vehicles (EVs) and wind power is regarded as a promising way to promote the integration of wind power. A novel layered and distributed charging load dispatch mechanism is proposed for the control of thousands of EVs in this paper. Based on the Lagrangian Relaxation and Auxiliary Problem Principle, the dispatch framework is developed, consisting of layers of system operator, generation units/EV aggregators, and EVs, and the cooperation between the generation and EVs is considered. Furthermore, the necessity of EV aggregators is analyzed, and the function of them is stressed. Compared with existing distributed methods, the proposed method is proper for large populations of EVs and gains an advantage in reducing generation cost directly. In addition, it is with a wider application scope such as problems with coupled constraints. The case study on IEEE-RTS verifies the method is feasible and valid and the charge load dispatch based on it reduces generation cost and wind power spillage.