Research Fields




Academic Exchange


1)刘清江参加南京热流体国际会议,Qingjiang Liu; xianliang Lei; Experimental Comparison of Carbon Dioxide Heat Transfer Deterioration under Supercritical and Subcritical Pressures, 4th International Symposium on Thermal-Fluid Dynamics, Nanjing,

2)刘云帆参加日本先进节能与污染物控制国际会议Yunfan Liu; Xianliang Lei; Dyanamic corrosion characteristics of metal materials in supercritical
carbon dioxide, 7th International Workshop on Heat-Mass Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution
Control, Tokushima, 2023-08-04




1)特邀报告:Xianliang Lei; Heat and Mass Transfer, Flow Instability of Carbon Dioxide in the Sub/Supercritical Regions, The Third International Symposium on Thermal-Fluid Dynamics, Xi'an, 2022-7-272022-7-31. 

2)刘清江; 雷贤良; 利用超临界流体拟沸腾与射流冲击的高效冷却方法研究第二届超临界二氧化碳循环发电技术研讨会, 西安, 2022-5-272022-5-28.

3)刘云帆参加热流体国际会议Yunfan Liu; Xianliang Lei; Lingtong Gou; The Mechanism of Abnormal Corrosion Behavior of Metal Materials in the Pseudocritical Region of Supercritical Water, The Third International Symposium on Thermal-Fluid Dynamics, Xi'an, 2022-07-272022-07-31.


2019519号至24号在里约热内卢参加了举办第10届国际多相流会议(10th International Conference on Multiphase Flow),并做口头报告。

1) Xianliang Lei, Experimental investigation on deteriorated heat-transfer of carbon dioxide in the trans-critical cycle.

2) FengYuan, Xianliang Lei, Three-dimensional numerical simulation on pool boiling heat transfer by Lattice Boltzmann Method: boiling curves and the effect of contact angles.

3) Liangxing Li, Xianliang Lei, Experimental and numerical studies on the flow characteristics in two-layer porous bed packed with different size particles.

Work Experience

  • Xianlianglei, Ziman Guo, Assessment and improvement on the applicability of turbulent-Prandtl-number models in RANS for liquid metalsInternational Journal of Thermal Sciences,2022

  • Ruifeng Peng, xianliang leiForced Convective Heat transfer of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide in Mini-channel under Low Mass FluxesInternational Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2022

  • Xianliang Lei, Ziman Guo, Ruifeng Peng, Huixiong Li. Numerical Analysis on the Heat Transfer Characteristics of SupercriticalWater in Vertically Upward Internally Ribbed Tubeswater., 2021, 13,621.

  • Wen Chan, Xianliang Lei, Fucheng Chang, Huixong li, Thermodynamic analysis and optimization of Allam cycle with a reheating configurationEnergy Conversion and Management, 2020,224,113382

  • Xianliang Lei, Ruifeng Peng, Ziman Guo, et al. Experimental comparison of the heat transfer of carbon dioxide under subcritical and supercritical pressuresInt. J. Heat Mass., 2020, 152: 119562.

  • Xianliang Lei, Jun Zhang, Lingtong Gou, Huixiong Li, et al. Experimental study on convection heat transfer of supercritical CO2 in small upward channels Energy., 2019, 301: 164-174.

  • Xianlaing Lei, Weiqiang Zhang, Jun Zhang, Nam Dinh, et al. Experimental investigations on the boiling heat transfer of horizontal flow in the near-critical regionInt. J. Heat Mass., 2018, 125: 618-628.

  • Liangxing Li, Kailin Wang, Xianliang Lei*. An experimental study on two-phase flow resistances and interfacial drag in packed porous bedsNuclear Engineering and Technology, 2018, 50, 842-848.

  • Xianliang Lei, Yumeng Guo, Weiqiang Zhang, Huixiong Li, et al. Development of Heat Transfer Correlation for Supercritical Water in Vertical Upward Tubes Heat transfer EngineeringHeat Transfer Eng., 2018, 1-15.

  • Xianliang Lei, Huixiong Li, Nam Dinh, Weiqiang Zhang. A study of heat transfer scaling of supercritical pressure water in horizontal tubeInt. J. Heat Mass., 2017, 114: 923-933.

  • Xianlaing Lei, Huixiong Li, Weiqiang Zhang, Nam Dinh, et al. Experimental study on the difference of heat transfer characteristics between vertical and horizontal flows of supercritical pressure waterAppl. Therm. Eng., 2017, 113: 609-620.

  • Xianliang Lei, Qian Zhang, Jun Zhang, Huixiong Li. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Convective Heat Transfer of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide at Low Mass FluxesApplied Science., 2017, 7(12) 1026.

  • Xianliang Lei, Huixiong Li, Weiqiang Zhang. Numerical Analysis on Heat Transfer Deterioration of Supercritical Fluid in The Vertical Upward TubesASME J. of Nuclear Rad. Sci., 2016, 2(3), 031017.

  • Xianliang Lei, Huixiong Li, Yumeng Guo, Qing Zhang, et al. Experimental Study on the Minimum Drag Coefficient of Supercritical Pressure Water in Horizontal TubeNucl. Eng. Des., 2016, 301: 164-174.

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