基本信息 Basic Information


Jun Xie, Ph.D., Associate Professor,

Doctoral Supervisor

联系方式 Contact Information

地址: 陕西省西安市雁塔区雁翔路99号


邮编: 710054

微信:  xjtuxiejun


工作经历 Work Experience

2015年9月 - 2016年9月   

美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校    访问学者

September 2015 - September 2016

University of California, San Diego    Visiting Scholar 

2013年12月 - 今               

西安交通大学机械工程学院  讲师,副教授

December 2013 - Now

School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University    Assistant Professor, Associate Professor

研究领域 Research Fields

  1. 脑电信号处理技术 Brain Signal Processing
  2. 大脑-计算机交互技术 Brain-Computer Interface
  3. 脑控机器人与康复应用 Brain-Actuated Robotic and Its Application on Neuro-Rehabilitation

期刊论文 Journal Articles

论文标题 作者 发表/完成日期 期刊名称
稳态视觉诱发电位脑-机接口的现场可编程逻辑门阵列实现 张彦军, 谢俊 (通讯作者), 薛涛, 曹国智, 徐光华, 李敏 2020-02-01 西安交通大学学报
Performance Evaluation of Visual Noise Imposed Stochastic Resonance Effect on Brain-Computer Interface Application: A Comparison Between Motion-Reversing Simple Ring and Complex Checkerboard Patterns Jun Xie, Guangjing Du, Guanghua Xu, Xingang Zhao, Peng Fang, Min Li, Guozhi Cao, 2019-11-08 Frontiers in Neuroscience
用于稳态视觉诱发电位脑-机接口目标识别的深度学习方法 杜光景, 谢俊(通讯作者), 张玉彬, 曹国智, 薛涛, 徐光华 2019-11-01 西安交通大学学报
Enhanced Plasticity of Human Evoked Potentials by Visual Noise During the Intervention of Steady-State Stimulation Based Brain-Computer Interface Jun Xie, Guanghua Xu, Xingang Zhao, Min Li, Jing Wang, Chengcheng Han and Xingli 2018-11-29 Frontiers in Neurorobotics
Highly Interactive Brain–Computer Interface Based on Flicker-Free Steady-State Motion Visual Evoked Potential Chengcheng Han, Guanghua Xu, Jun Xie, Chaoyang Chen and Sicong Zhang 2018-04-11 Scientific Reports
Electroencephalogram-based brain-computer interface for the Chinese spelling system: a survey Minghui Shi, Changle Zhou, Jun Xie, Shaozi Li, Qingyang Hong, Min Jiang, et al. 2018-03-10 Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering
A review: Motor rehabilitation after stroke with control based on human intent Min Li, Guanghua Xu, Jun Xie, Chaoyang Chen 2018-01-04 Proc IMechE Part H: J Engineering in Medicine
Brain response to luminance-based and motion-based stimulation using intermodulation frequencies Xin Zhang, Guanghua Xu, Jun Xie, Xun Zhang 2017-11-15 PLoS ONE
Four Novel Motion Paradigms Based on Steady-State Motion Visual Evoked Potential Wenqiang Yan, Guanghua Xu, Jun Xie, Min Li and Ziyan Dan 2017-10-13 IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
脑卒中意念控制的主被动运动康复技术 李敏, 徐光华, 谢俊, 韩丞丞, 张鑫, 李黎黎, et al. 2017-09-01 机器人
Classification of single-trial motor imagery EEG by complexity regularization Lili Li, Guanghua Xu, Jun Xie, Min Li 2017-08-14 Neural Computing and Applications
The Role of Visual Noise in Influencing Mental Load and Fatigue in a Steady-State Motion Visual Evoked Potential-Based Brain-Computer Interface Jun Xie, Guanghua Xu, Ailing Luo, Min Li, Sicong Zhang, Chengcheng Han, et al. 2017-08-14 Sensors
Effects of Mental Load and Fatigue on Steady-State Evoked Potential Based Brain Computer Interface Tasks: A Comparison of Periodic Flickering and Motion-Reversal Based Visual Attention Jun Xie, Guanghua Xu, Jing Wang, Min Li, Chengcheng Han, Yaguang Jia. 2016-09-22 PLoS ONE
稳态视觉诱发电位的脑机接口范式及其信号处理方法研究 徐光华, 张锋, 谢俊, 李叶平, 韩丞丞, 李黎黎. 2015-06-01 西安交通大学学报
Addition of visual noise boosts evoked potential-based brain-computer interface Jun Xie, Guanghua Xu, Jing Wang, Sicong Zhang, et al. 2014-05-14 Scientific Reports
Steady-State Motion Visual Evoked Potentials Produced by Oscillating Newton's Rings: Implications for Brain-Computer Interfaces Jun Xie, Guanghua Xu, Jing Wang, Feng Zhang, et al. 2012-05-25 PLoS ONE

会议论文 Conference Articles

1. Guozhi Cao, Jun Xie (通讯作者), Guanghua Xu, Peng Fang, Guangjing Du, Min Li, Qing Zhang and Guanglin Li. Two Frequencies Sequential Coding for the ASSR-based Brain-Computer Interface Application[C]. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics  (RCAR2019). Irkutsk, Russia, August 4-9, 2019.

2. Guangjing Du, Jun Xie (通讯作者), Peng Fang, Guanghua Xu, Min Li and Guanglin Li. Mid-Air Gestures for Multi-Fingered Virtual Assembly System with Leap Motion[C]. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Real-time Computing and Robotics  (RCAR2019). Irkutsk, Russia, August 4-9, 2019.

3. Yubin Zhang, Jun Xie (通讯作者), Guanghua Xu, Peng Fang, Guangjing Du, Xiaodong Zhang, Min Li, Sicong Zhang, Tangfei Tao and Hua Yuan. Performance Evaluation of a "Switch-To-Target" Based Asynchronous SSVEP BCI Paradigm[C]. 2019 16th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots  (UR2019). Jeju, Korea, June 24-27, 2019. (EI: 20193307314001)

4. Yubin Zhang, Jun Xie (通讯作者), Guanghua Xu, Xingliang Han, Min Li and Tangfei Tao. Asynchronous eye-tracking-actuated switch for steady-state visual evoked potential based brain-computer interface applications[C]. 2019 International IEEE EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER2019). San Francisco, USA, March 20-23, 2019. (EI: 20192307018340)

5. Xingliang Han, Jun Xie (通讯作者), Ailing Luo, Guanghua Xu, Xiaodong Zhang, Jing Wang and Min Li. Comparison of Visual Cortex Functional Connectivity Patterns Based on Steady-state Monochromatic Flicker and Oscillating Checkerboard Visual Stimulus[C]. 2018 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots  (UR2018). Honolulu, USA, June 26-30, 2018. (EI: 20183905850890)

6. Jun Xie, Xingliang Han, Guanghua Xu, Xiaodong Zhang, Min Li, Ailing Luo, et al. Recognition of SSMVEP signals based on multi-channel integrated GT2circ statistic method[C]. 2017 14th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI2017). Jeju, Korea, June 28 - July 1, 2017. (EI: 20174704425613)

7. Yaguang Jia, Jun Xie (通讯作者), Guanghua Xu, Min Li, Sicong Zhang, Ailing Luo, et al. A Separated Feature Learning based DBN Structure for Classification of SSMVEP Signals[C]. 2017 IEEE 39th Annual International Conference of the EMBS. Jeju, Korea, July 11-14, 2017. (EI: 20174404319024)

8. Jun Xie, Guanghua Xu, Feng Zhang, Yizhuo Zhang. A Local Tangent Space Based Approach for Single-Trial Representation of Event-Related Potentials[C]. 2010 5th Cairo International Biomedical Engineering Conference. Cairo, Egypt, December 16-18, 2010. (EI: 20111113752822)

中国专利 Chinese Patents


科研项目 Research Projects

项目编号 项目名称 项目来源 起讫时间 承担角色 项目类别
51911530243 视觉诱导增强的脑控刚柔一体化康复训练机械手 国家自然科学基金项目 2019-4~ 骨干成员 纵向项目
51775415 脑损伤康复机器人的神经可塑性视听诱发增强与健患机能补偿控制技术研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2018-1~ 骨干成员 纵向项目
XJJ2016006 视觉噪声下的生物运动脑机接口神经可塑性效应及脑控康复机器人研究 西安交通大学基本科研业务费综合交叉项目 2016-1~2018-12 负责人 纵向项目
61503298 听觉噪声整合下的视觉诱发脑机接口及其跨模态神经功能连接效应研究 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 2016-1~2018-12 负责人 纵向项目