One paper was accepted by Applied Surface Science
发布者: 井新利 | 2021-09-01 | 865

      Recently, one paper titled “Fully recyclable and reprocessable polystyrene-based vitrimers with improved thermal stability and mechanical properties through nitrogen-coordinating cyclic boronic ester bonds” was accepted by Applied Surface Science. The first author of the paper is Prof. Shujuan Wang, and the corresponding author is Prof. Xinli Jing. (Written by Zhen Wang; proofread by Xiaolong Xing)


RGFP的一篇论文被Applied Surface Science接受​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

日前,王淑娟副教授的论文被Elsevier旗下的学术期刊Applied Surface Science接受,论文的题目为“Fully recyclable and reprocessable polystyrene-based vitrimers with improved thermal stability and mechanical properties through nitrogen-coordinating cyclic boronic ester bonds”,论文的通讯作者为井新利教授。(撰稿:王  镇;校对:行小龙)​​​​​​​