(1.)Basic Information


Dr. Xiaojie Lou



Frontier Institute of Science and Technology,

Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, 710054, China



2002-2007 University of Cambridge, UK Ph. D
1999-2002 Jilin University, China M. S.
1995-1999 Jilin University, China B. S.
Working Experience
2011- Xi'an Jiaotong University Professor
2007-2010 National University of Singapore Postdoctor


(5.)Scientific Research

●Photovoltaic and electric card effects of ferroelectrics;

●Lead-free piezoelectric materials;

●Polarization fatigue, imprinting, and polarization retention phenomena in ferroelectric memory devices;

●Turning dynamics, size effect, and phase transition of ferroelectrics;

●The domain structure in ferroelectrics and polyferrites;

●Coupling and interaction of electric polarization and magnetic polarization in multiferroic materials;

●The charge transport mechanism in strongly correlated oxide materials;

●New physical phenomena in nano-electromagnetic materials;

●Deposition, characterization and device preparation of functional metal oxide films;

●Preparation and application of microelectronics, dielectric, piezoelectric, thermoelectric and optoelectronic devices;

●Ferroelectric and anti-ferroelectric thin films and ceramics, lead-free piezoelectric ceramics, organic ferroelectrics, ferroelectric polymers;

●Ferroelectric memories, dynamic random access memories (DRAM), field effect devices, energy storage devices; 


Professor Lou Xiaojie has been engaged in the basic research on the application of electronic materials and devices. He is studying the polarization fatigue, Rayleigh's law, size effect, reversal dynamics, polarization maintenance, electron emission, electrical card/bounce card effect and Many important contributions have been made in areas such as lead-free piezoelectric. Published 132 high-quality papers in internationally renowned academic journals (such as PRL, AM, AFM, JACS, PRB, APL, etc.); of which 16 were the first author, 58 were the corresponding author, were cited by SCI 2954 times, and were authorized as a Chinese invention 2 patents. Based on the outstanding academic achievements of Professor Lou Xiaojie, he has been invited to serve as the chairman of the branch of international academic conferences 7 times, and has given topics, special invitations or oral presentations at international conferences more than 10 times.