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  • 李兆进, 刘雅, 杨臻. 考虑订单合并和货物转运的多式联运路径优化研究 [J]. 运筹与管理2022,31(4).
  • Zhaojin Li, Ya Liu, Zhen Yang. An effective kernel search and dynamic programming hybrid heuristic for a multimodal transportation planning problem with order consolidation [J]. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2021, 152: 102408.
  • Li Z J,  Liu Y,  Yang Z. A lower bound generating procedure for a fixed charge capacitated multimodal transportation problem[C]// 2019 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM). 2019.
  • Liu Y, Li Z. Dynamic-programming-based heuristic for multi-objective operating theater planning[J]. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization, 2017, 13(5).
  • Ya Liu, Qingpu Li, Zhen Yang*. A new production and shipment policy for a coordinated single-vendor single-buyer system with deteriorating items[J]. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2019, 128:492-501.
  • Ning Ma, Ya Liu* , Zhili Zhou. Two heuristics for the capacitated multi-period cutting stock problem with pattern setup cost[J]. Computers & Operations Research, 2019, 109(SEP.):218-229.
  • 马宁, 周支立, 刘雅. 考虑生产计划的多周期切割问题优化研究[J]. 运筹与管理, 2018, 027(010):17-22.
  • Ning Ma, Ya Liu*,  Zhili Zhou, Chengbin Chu. Combined cutting stock and lot-sizing problem with pattern setup[J]. Computers & Operations Research, 2018, 95(JUL.):44-55.
  • 李清瀑, 刘雅. 单一生产商单一零售商供应链中最优生产与运输协调策略研究[J]. 运筹与管理, 2019, 028(001):86-93.
  • P.FNG, Y. LIU*, F. WU, C. CHU. Two heuristics for coordinating production planning and transportation planning.[J]. International Journal of Production Research, DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2017.1351631
  • Y. LIU*, C. CHU, F. WU. A heuristic for variable size multiobjective two-dimensional bin packing[J]. International Journal of Production Research,2014, 52(12)
  • 刘雅*, 姜飞飞, 李腾飞. 战略联盟中的关系风险与绩效风险--环境及组织间要素的影响[J]. 科技管理研究, 2014, 000(016):205-215.
  • 郑万松,黄志中,范艳妮,辛伟,刘雅.基于过程管理的医疗决策支持系统研究与应用[J].中国数字医学,2014,9(02):30-32.
  • Y. LIU*, C. Chu, Y. Yu. Aggregated state dynamic programming for a multiobjective two-dimensional bin packing problem[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2012, 50(14-16):4316-4325.
  • Y. LIU*,  C. Chu, K. WANG. A new heuristic algorithm for a class of two-dimensional bin-packing problems[J]. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2011, 57(9-12):1235.
  • Y. LIU*, C. Chu, KL. WANG. "A new heuristic algorithm for the operating room scheduling problem." Computers & Industrial Engineering 61. 3(2011):865-871.
  • Y. LIU*, C. Chu, K. WANG. A dynamic programming-based heuristic for the variable sized two-dimensional bin packing problem[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2011, 49(13):3815-3831.


  • 多式联运网络中集装箱拼箱集运的路径、资源、装载优化问题研究(72071156),2021年1月~,国家自然科学基金项目
  • 需求可拆分的车辆路径与货物装载协同决策问题研究(18YJC630104),2018年7月~,教育部人文社会科学研究项目
  • 面向网络环境脉冲式需求的采购风险控制(71471144),2015-1~,国家自然科学基金项目,骨干成员
  • 集成运输资源优化配置的生产与运输计划协同决策研究(71301127),2014-1~,国家自然科学基金项目,负责人
  • 基于资源与规模瓶颈的生产与运输计划协同决策研究(20130201120027),2014-1~,国家教育部项目,负责人
  • 医疗管理中的手术室资源优化配置问题研究( 2012JQ9002 ), 2012-1~,陕西省自然科学基金,负责人