
论文标题    A two-angle model of dynamic wetting in microscale capillaries under low capillary numbers with experiments
作者    Da Lei , Mian Lin , Yun Li , Wenbin Jiang
发表/完成日期    2018-06-15
期刊名称    Journal of Colloid and Interface Science(SCI, IF:4.233)
期卷    520
论文简介    The dynamic contact angle was confirmed velocity-independent with 10 -9 < Ca <10 -5 (contact line velocity V 02 =0.13565490 μm/s) and it can be described by a two-angle model with desirable accuracy. A modified two-angle model was developed and an empirical form was obtained from experiments. For different liquids contacting the same surface, the advancing angle θ adv θ adv mathContainer Loading Mathjax approximately equals the static contact angle θ o θ o mathContainer Loading Mathjax . The receding angle θ rec θ rec mathContainer Loading Mathjax was found to be a linear function of θ adv θ adv mathContainer Loading Mathjax , in good agreement with our and other experiments from the literature.