
论文标题    中国人日本語学習者の暗示的知識と明示的知識測定の試み(An attempt to measure the implicit and explicit knowledge of Chinese learners of Japanese)
作者    张文丽
发表/完成日期    2009-09-12
期刊名称    日本語教育方法研究会会誌
期卷    Vol16.2
论文简介    Abstract:This study investigated the implicit and explicit knowledge of 30 Chinese learners of Japanese who are studying in a university in China through an ‘oral-imitation test’ and an ‘untimed grammaticality judgment test’. The result indicated that 1) the developments of the implicit and explicit knowledge are different; 2) the difference is related to proficiency level; 3) there were two types of grammatical items of undeveloped implicit knowledge.