
论文标题    A new grating thermography for nondestructive detection of cracks in coatings: fundamental principle
作者    Zhi Qu,Weixu Zhang*, Zhichao Lv and Feng Wang
发表/完成日期    2019-06-28
期刊名称    Coatings
论文简介    It is important to detect the surface and/or subsurface cracks in coatings because the cracks usually indicate the failure of the system. Conventional detection techniques face two main challenges. One is the locating of the shallow cracks or defects in thin coatings. The other is the detection of the vertical cracks. Conventional infrared thermography can efficiently detect the horizontal cracks or defects. However, when locating the shallow cracks, it requires a high sampling frequency which is unrealistic for most of the infrared cameras. In terms of the vertical cracks, it is invalid since the propagation of its detecting signal is parallel to the cracks and does not interact with them. We introduce a new grating thermography method to overcome the two difficulties. In this paper we mainly illustrate its fundamental principle, which is validated by numerical simulations and a simple experiment. Overall, the principle analysis shows that grating thermography is highly effective in detecting cracks in coatings.