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朱东丽 副教授/博士






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研究方向:  复杂疾病非编码区易感变异位点/基因的鉴定及其致病机理的研究,长链非编码RNA功能作用机制的研究,miRNA功能机制的研究,转录因子相分离机制研究。

        所在单位隶属于西安交通大学生物医学信息工程教育部重点实验室,多年来以骨质疏松症、骨关节炎和肥胖等人类复杂疾病/性状为研究对象,致力于复杂疾病易感变异位点/基因的鉴定及其致病机理的研究,在复杂疾病易感SNP/基因的鉴定及功能调控机制研究方面具备扎实的基础和经验,并取得了一系列有价值的创新性学术成果:主持国家级项目2项(国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,中国博士后基金面上项目1项(一等资助))、省部级项目2项(陕西省基础研究计划项目、浙江省萧山区重大计划项目)、以及中央高校基本科研业务费等科研项目;近五年,American Journal of Human GeneticsIF11.043)、DiabetesIF9.337Journal of Bone and Mineral ResearchIF6.390)等杂志上共发表相关论文15篇(影响因子平均>6/篇)以第一作者和共同第一作者发表SCI收录论文7篇(其中14篇)。研究成果获得同领域广泛关注,研究成果被多个国际权威杂志如Nature Reviews EndocrinologyJournal of Clinical OncologyTrends in Genetics等高水平SCI杂志的文章引用;201710月,参加了国际遗传学领域顶级会议-67届美国人类遗传学会年会(2017,美国,奥兰多)并被选做口头报告(参会~7000人,大陆仅入选3个口头报告),并在第二届国际基因组大会和中国遗传学会第十次学术会议中分别被选做口头报告2018年,以第二完成人获得第四届研究生创新成果大赛一等奖20211月,获2020年陕西省优秀博士论文2022年,以第六完成人参与的整合多组学的骨质疏松症遗传标记鉴定及调控机制研究获“陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果奖--特等奖”。



Honorary Title

1. Zhu DL, Chen XF, Zhou XR, Hu SY, Tuo XM, Hao RH, Dong SS, Jiang F, Rong Y, Yang TL, Yang Z*, Guo Y*. An osteoporosis susceptibility allele at 11p15 regulates SOX6 expression by modulating TCF4 chromatin binding. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2022 April, 37(6),1147-1155. (1, IF: 6.74)

2. Zhu DL#, Yao S#, Wu H, Ke X, Zhou XR, Geng SM, Dong SS, Chen H, Yang TL, Cheng Y, Guo Y*. A transcriptome -wide association study identifies novel susceptibility genes for psoriasis, Human Molecular Genetics. 2021, Aug, 31 (2) , 300-308. (2, IF: 6.15)

3. Dong SS#, Zhu DL#, Zhou XR, Rong Y, Zeng M, Chen JB, Jiang F, Tuo XM, Feng Z, Yang TL, Guo Y*. An intronic risk SNP rs12454712 for central obesity acts as an allele-specific enhancer to regulate BCL2 expression. Diabetes. 2021, 70(8):1679-1688. (1区,IF: 9.461)

4. Zhu DL, Tuo XM, Rong Y, Zhang K, Guo Y. Fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling as therapeutic targets in female reproductive system cancers, Journal of Cancer, 2020, 11:(24), 7264-7275 (IF: 4.207)

5. Zhu DL#, Chen XF#, Hu WX, Dong SS, Lu BJ, Rong Y, Chen YX, Chen H, Thynn HN, Wang NN, Guo Y, Yang TL. Multiple functional variants at the 13q14 risk locus for osteoporosis regulate RANKL expression through long-range super-enhancer[J]. The Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2018, 33(7), 1335-1346. (1, IF: 6.741)

6. Zhu DL, Guo Y, Zhang Y, Dong SS, Xu W, Hao RH, Chen XF, Yan H, Yang SY, Yang TL. A functional SNP regulated by miR-196a-3p in the 3'UTR of FGF2 is associated with bone mineral density in the Chinese Population[J]. Human Mutation, 2017, 38(6):725-735. (2, IF: 4.878)

7. Chen X F#, Zhu DL#, Y M, Hu WX, Duan YY, Lu BJ, Rong Y, Dong SS, Hao RH, Chen JB, Chen YX, Yao S, Thynn HN, Guo Y, Yang TL. A Functional SNP at 1p36.12 Associated with Osteoporosis Modulates    Linc00339 Expression by Acting as an Allele-Specific Enhancer via Long-Range Loop Formation[J]. American Journal of Human Genetics, 2018, 102, 1-18. (# 共同一作, 1, IF: 11.025)

8. Duan YY, Chen XF, Zhu RJ, Jia YY, Huang XT, Zhang M, Yang N, Dong SS, Zeng MQ, Feng ZH, Zhu DL, Wu H, Jiang F, Shi W, Hu WX, Ke X, Chen H, Liu YL, Jing RH, Guo Y, Li M, Yang TL. High-throughput functional dissection of noncoding SNPs with biased allelic enhancer activity for insulin resistance-relevant phenotypes[J]. American Journal of Human Genetics, 2023, S0002-9297(23)00242-2.[1, IF: 11.043]

9. Wang NN#, Zhang Y#, Jiang F#, Zhu DL, Di CX, Hu SY, Chen, Zhi LQ, Rong Y, Ke X, Duan YY, Dong SS, Yang TL, Yang Z*, Guo Y*. Enhancer variants on chromosome 2p14 regulating SPRED2 and ACTR2 act as a signal amplifier to protect against rheumatoid arthritis, American Journal of Human Genetics. 2023,110, 1-13. [1, IF: 11.043]

10. Hao RH#, Guo Y#, Wang C#, Chen F, Di CX, Dong SS, Cao QL, Guo J, Rong Y, Yao S, Zhu DL, Chen YX, Chen H, Yang TL*. Lineage-specific rearrangement of chromatin loops and epigenomic features during adipocytes and osteoblasts commitment. Cell Death and Differentiation. 2022; 29(12), 2503-2518. [1, IF: 12.073]

11. Thynn HW#, Chen XF#, Hu WX, Duan YY, Zhu DL, Chen H, Wang NN, Chen HH, Rong Y, Lu BJ, Yang M, Jiang F, Dong SS, Guo Y, Yang* TL, An allele-specific functional SNP associated with two systemic autoimmune diseases modulates IRF5 expression by long-range chromatin loop formation. Journal of Investigative Dermatology. 2020, 140 (2), 348-360. (1, IF: 8.551)

12. Dong SS, Guo Y, Zhu DL, Chen XF, Wu XM, Shen H, Chen XD, Tan LJ, Tian Q, Deng HW, Yang TL. Epigenomic elements analyses for promoters identify ESRRG as a new susceptibility gene for obesity-related traits[J]. International Journal of Obesity, 2016, 40(7):1170-1176. (1, IF: 5.095)

13. Hao RH, Guo Y, Dong SS, Weng GZ, Yan H, Zhu DL, Chen XF, Chen JB, Yang TL. Associations of Plasma FGF2 Levels and Polymorphisms in the FGF2 Gene with Obesity Phenotypes in Han Chinese Population[J]. Scientific Reports, 2016,6:19868. (1, IF: 4.379)

14. Hao RH, Gao JL, Li M, Huang W, Zhu DL, Thynn HN, Dong SS, Guo Y. Association between fibroblast growth factor 21 and bone mineral density in adults[J]. Endocrine. 2018(11):1-8. (2, IF: 3.633)

15. Zhu DL, Guo Y, Yang TL. A Functional SNP in the 3‘UTR of FGF2 Gene Increases Osteoporosis Risk through Modifying miRNA Binding in Han Chinese Population. Osteoporos Int. 2016 Apr;27(1):627-27. (会议论文, 2, IF: 4.507)会议: WCO-IOF-ESCEO World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases 会议地点: Malaga, SPAIN 会议日期: APR 14-17, 2016

16.郭 #朱东丽#,张 燕,闫 菡,杨铁林.SOX6 基因3’UTR 区野生型和突变型重组质粒的构建与鉴定[J]现代生物医学进展2016.22(16)4201-4206(# 共同一作,全国核心期刊)

17. 妥晓梅, 朱东丽, 陈晓峰, 荣誉, 郭燕, 杨铁林. 骨质疏松易感SNP rs4325274通过增强子远程调控SOX6基因的功能机制研究[J]. 遗传, 2020, 42(9): 889-897.

18. 杨铁林*郭燕,朱东丽,王乃宁,董珊珊,陈皓。生物工程专业遗传学实验教学改革与创新,高生物学教学研究(电子版)201910月,95):36-40.(中文核心)教改论文

19. 郭燕,王乃宁,朱东丽,杨铁林,高校遗传学基础实验教学的改革与创新[J],生物学杂志,202239(6):114-116. (中文核心)教改论文