卢晨阳,教授/博导,西安交通大学核科学与技术学院副院长,第十五批海外高层次人才引进计划(青年),科技部重点研发课题负责人,中国核学会辐照效应分会常务理事,SCI期刊《Materials Today Communications》编委,《Tungsten》杂志编委,《应用科技》青年编委,中核工程有限公司特聘顾问,入选爱思唯尔发布的2022年全球顶尖2%科学家年度榜单,入选科学中国人发布的2024年度科技人物榜单。2014年毕业于东北大学获材料学博士学位,2014-2018年在密西根大学核工程与放射科学系先后从事博士后和助理研究员工作,于2018年底全职加入西安交通大学。主要研究方向包括先进核结构材料制备、材料中的辐照损伤,以及材料微观结构的先进表征等。共发表SCI论文90余篇,其中包括4篇Nature Communications,1篇PNAS,8篇Acta Materialia, 10余篇Journal of Nuclear Materials及其它多篇具有领域影响力的相关论文,ESI高被引论文3篇,文章总引用5200余次,H因子36。多篇论文被国际多家国际主流媒体独立报道并正面评价,其中包括三大通讯社之一的合众联合社(UPI),以及NEI Smartbrief 和Phys.org。2013年在电子显微镜和电子显微分析国际大会上获得美国显微镜学会颁发的总统学者奖。担任Nature Energy,Acta Materialia,Scripta Materialia,International Journal of Plasticity,Journal of Nuclear Materials,Journal of alloys and compounds等金属材料及核材料领域主流杂志审稿人。
1.C. Lu, L. Niu, N. Chen, K. Jin, T. Yang, P. Xiu, Y. Zhang, F. Gao, H. Bei, S. Shi, R. Mo, I.M. Robertson, W.J. Weber and L. Wang. “Enhancing radiation tolerance by controlling defect mobility and migration pathways in multicomponent single phase alloys, Nature communications7:13546, 2016. (IF= 12.036) 高被引论文
2. Z. Zhang, Z. Su,B. Zhang, Q. Yu, J. Ding*, T. Shi, C. Lu*, R. Ritchie and E. Ma*. Effect of local chemical order on the irradiation-induced defect evolution in CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy. PNAS, 120, 2023. ( IF= 9.4 )
3. Su, Z., Ding, J., Song, M., Jiang, L., Shi, T., Li, Z., ... & Lu, C. (2023). Enhancing the radiation tolerance of high-entropy alloys via solute-promoted chemical heterogeneities. Acta Materialia, 245, 118662.
4. Su, Z., Shi, T., Yang, J., Shen, H., Li, Z., Wang, S., ... & Lu, C. (2022). The effect of interstitial carbon atoms on defect evolution in high entropy alloys under helium irradiation. Acta Materialia, 233, 117955.
5. Shi, T., Su, Z., Li, J., Liu, C., Yang, J., He, X., ... & Lu, C. (2022). Distinct point defect behaviours in body-centered cubic medium-entropy alloy NbZrTi induced by severe lattice distortion. Acta Materialia, 229, 117806.
6. Zhou, Y., Shi, T., Li, J., Wu, L., Peng, Q., & Lu, C. (2023). Element-dependent evolution of chemical short-range ordering tendency of NiCoFeCrMn under irradiation. International Journal of Plasticity, 171, 103768.
7. Q. Peng, F. Meng, Y. Yang, C. Lu*, H. Deng, L. Wang, S. De and F. Gao. “Shockwave generates< 100> dislocation loops in bcc iron”, Nature communications9:4880, 2018. (IF= 12.036)
8. C. Lu, T. Yang, K. Jin, N. Gao, P. Xiu, Y. Zhang, F. Gao, H. Bei, W.J. Weber, K. Sun, Y. Dong and L. Wang. “Radiation-induced segregation on defect clusters in single-phase concentrated solid-solution alloys”, Acta materialia,127, 98-107, 2017. (IF= 6.036)
9. Shi, T., Qiu, X., Zhou, Y., Lyu, S., Li, J., Sun, D., ... & Lu, C. (2023). Unconventional energetics of small vacancy clusters in BCC high-entropy alloy Nb0. 75ZrTiV0. 5. Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 146, 61-71.
10. T. Yang, C. Lu*, G. Velisa, K. Jin, P. Xiu, M.L. Crespillo, Y. Zhang, H. Bei and L. Wang. “Effect of alloying elements on defect evolution in Ni-20X binary alloys”, Acta materialia, 151, 159-168, 2018. (IF= 6.036)