
Nanoscale: Recent progress on stabilization of noble metal nanostructures for sensing and catalysis
发布者: 高传博 | 2018-10-15 | 2497

Our feature article collaborated with Prof. Yadong Yin group has been accepted for publication in Nanoscale (IF: 7.233). In this feature article, we summarized our recent progess in stabilizing noble metal nanostructures for sensing and catalytic applications, and provided our perspective on the future studies.

Title: Stabilization of noble metal nanostructures for catalysis and sensing

Authors: Ji Feng, Chuanbo Gao*, and Yadong Yin*

Link to the Publisher: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2018/nr/c8nr06757k

Abstract: Noble metal nanocrystals have been widely used as active components in catalysis and chemical/bio-sensing. The size, structure, and shape of noble metal nanocrystals are crucial to their electronic, optical, and catalytic properties. However, metal nanocrystals tend to lose their structural and morphological properties when they are subjected to thermal and chemical treatment. Therefore, stabilization of noble metal nanostructures remains a challenge. In this feature article, we present our recent efforts on the stabilization of noble metal nanocrystals, i.e., using inorganic and non-metal solids as supports and physical barriers, protecting the nanocrystal surface by a metal coating, and forming alloys with other metals. At the end of this review, we provide our perspectives on the future development of effective methods for nanocrystal stabilization.