
论文标题    Three-body topology entanglement generation via a six-wave mixing: competing and coexisting of linear and nonlinear optics responses in triphoton correlation
作者    Kangkang Li, et al
发表/完成日期    2020-03-30
期刊名称    Adv. Quantum Technol.
期卷    3(5)
相关文章    Adv Quantum Technol 3(5) 1900119(2020)-LKK.pdf   
论文简介    Kangkang Li, Yin Cai, Ji Wu, Yuliang Liu, Siqi Xiong, Yameng Li, and Yanpeng Zhang, “Three-body topology entanglement generation via a six-wave mixing: competing and coexisting of linear and nonlinear optics responses in triphoton correlation”, Adv. Quantum Technol. 3(5), 1900119 (2020).