2016.09-2020.11: Eindhoven University of Technology (可持续建筑材料),博士学位
2018.03-2020.07: Tata steel RD&T, Ceramic Research Center (陶瓷研究中心)
2013.09-2016.07: 西北农林科技大学, 学术型硕士 (环境岩土工程方向)
2006.09-2010.09: 西北农林科技大学, 学士学位
• 基于低碳激活固体废弃物的可持续混凝土(超高性能混凝土 UHPC) :
主要研究内容: 大体积低碳制备补充凝胶材料(SCMs)对(高性能)混凝土的微观结构,反应机理,强度增长及耐久性的影响及其协同机理的研究。
• 碱激发凝胶材料体系设计及抗碳化性能改进研究
主要研究内容: 硅-纳型前驱体(废玻璃)的引入对传统碱激发混凝土体系产物和微观结构的改善,以及对抵抗碳化收缩, 提高抗碳化性能的机理研究。 碱热处理高硅高纳型废料(废玻璃)制备固体激发剂的研究。
• CO2 在绿色混凝土中的吸附,固定与应用研究
主要研究内容: 利用环境温度下的碳化处理改进转炉钢渣/镁渣等冶金渣作为补充凝胶材料(SCMs)的性能,及其在超高性能混凝土(UHPC)中反应机理和应用研究。基于转炉钢渣绿色混凝土的环境温度下的碳化激活的机理及应用研究。
G. Liu, Yanjie Tang, Jianyun Wang. Recycling and valorization of hydrated cement blends in mortars via semi-dry carbonation – The role of waste glass, granulated blast furnace slag and fly ash [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023.
G. Liu, R. Zhang, Zhaolin Gu, Jianyun Wang. Evaluation of calcined coal slime in binary and ternary ordinary portland cement composites: The role of calcination temperature [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023.
G. Liu, Y. Tang, Wang J. Effects of carbonation degree of semi-dry carbonated converter steel slag on the performance of blended cement mortar – reactivity, hydration, and strength [J]. Journal of Building Engineering, 2022
Tang Y, Liu G*, Schollbach K, et al. Re-cementation effects by carbonation and the pozzolanic reaction on LWAs produced by hydrated cement paste powder[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022: 134529.
G. Liu, Rong H, Wang J. Valorization of converter steel slag in sustainable mortars by a combined alkali and carbonation activation [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022: 133519.
Li P, Jiang J, G. Liu*, et al. Physical, mechanical, thermal and sustainable properties of UHPC with converter steel slag aggregates[J]. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2022, 17: e01458.
- G. Liu, M.V.A. Florea, H.J.H. Brouwers. The role of recycled waste glass incorporation on the carbonation behaviour of sodium carbonate activated slag mortar [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, Volume 292.
- G. Liu, K. Schollbach, P.P. Li, H.J.H. Brouwers. Valorization of converter steel slag into eco-friendly ultra-high performance concrete by ambient CO2 pre-treatment [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, Volume 280.
- G. Liu, K. Schollbach, S. van der Laan, et al. Recycling and utilization of high volume converter steel slag into CO2 activated mortars – The role of slag particle size [J]. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 2020, volume 160.
- G. Liu, M.V.A. Florea, H.J.H. Brouwers. Characterization and performance of high volume recycled waste glass and ground granulated blast furnace slag or fly ash blended mortars [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, Volume 235.
- G. Liu, M.V.A. Florea, H.J.H. Brouwers. Performance evaluation of sustainable high strength mortars incorporating high volume waste glass as binder. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, Volume 202.
- G. Liu, M.V.A. Florea, H.J.H. Brouwers. The hydration and microstructure characteristics of cement pastes with high volume organic-contaminated waste glass powder. Construction and Building Materials,2018, Volume 187.
- G. Liu, M.V.A. Florea, H.J.H. Brouwers. Waste glass as binder in alkali activated slag–fly ash mortars [J]. Materials and Structures, 2019, Volume 52.
- Z.Y. Qu, F. Gauvin, F.Z. Wang*, G. Liu*, H.J.H. Brouwers. Effect of hydrophobicity on autogenous shrinkage and carbonation of alkali activated slag [J]. Construction and Building Materials. 2020,
- Y.X. Chen, G. Liu*, K. Schollbach, et al. Development of cement-free bio-based cold-bonded lightweight aggregates (BCBLWAs) using steel slag and miscanthus powder via CO2 curing [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, Volume 322.
- X. Ling, K.Schollbach, G.Liu*, et al. The utilization of Waste incineration filter dust in one-part alkali-activated blast furnace slag [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2022.
- Shaohua Li, G. Liu*, Qingliang Yu*. The role of carbonated steel slag on mechanical performance of ultra-high performance concrete containing coarse aggregates [J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, Volume 367.
- Y.Y.Y. Cao, G. Liu, H.J.H. Brouwers, et al. Enhancing the low-velocity impact resistance of Ultra-High Performance Concrete by an optimized layered-structure concept. Composites Part B. 2020.
2023年1月-2025年12月 国家自然科学基金 (主持)
- 项目名称:基于球霰石诱导调控的碳化处理再生废弃混凝土微粉活化机理研究 (No. 52208288)
2022年1月-2025年12月 国家自然科学基金项目(主要参与)
- 项目名称:微生物自修复混凝土裂缝愈合深度的控制机制研究(No.52178252)
2021年7月-2023年7月 博士后国际交流计划引进项目
- 项目名称:碳化处理激发钢渣在水泥基体系中反应活性 (No. YJ20210154)
2018年3月-2020年7月 荷兰自然科学基金(NWO)80万欧 (主要参与)
- 项目名称:转炉钢渣在可持续建筑材料中的高端应用 (High-end application of converter steel slag in sustainable building materials)
2017年3月-2020年11月 荷兰校企合作攻关项目 2万欧(主持)
- 项目名称:回收废玻璃在建筑材料中的应用 (Application of recycled waste glass as ingredients in building materials)
2018年3月-2020年7月Tata steel RD&T, Ceramic Research Center (主持)
- 项目名称:钢渣碳化激活技术在建筑材料中的应用 (Application of steel slag based building materials activated by CO2)