(5.)Scientific Research


Prof. Gao has chaired/participated more than 15 provincial or state-level projects, and authored/coauthored more than 35 papers in renowned journals, such as Cement and Concrete Research, Cement and Concrete Composites, Composites Part B: Engineering, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Construction and Building Materials


hydration kinetics and microstructure evolution of low carbon ternary blended cementitious system;

high performance concrete;

manufacturing of low carbon recycling concrete by utilization of construction waste.

Selected Publications

  1. ​​​​​​​Yun Gao*, Kai Wu, Zhidan Rong, Qiang Yuan, A Hybrid Analytical-Numerical Algorithm Based General Modeling Framework of Molecular Diffusivity in Cement Paste, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 180, 121774, 2021.
  2. Yun Gao*, Wenwei Li, Kai Wu, Qiang Yuan, Modeling the elastic modulus of cement paste with X-ray computed tomography and a hybrid analytical-numerical algorithm: The effect of structural heterogeneity, Cement and Concrete Composites, Vol. 122, 104145, 2021.
  3. Yun Gao*, Kai Wu, Qiang Yuan, Limited fractal behavior in cement paste upon mercury intrusion porosimetry test: Analysis and models, Construction and Building Materials, Vol. 276, 122231, 2021.
  4. Jinyang Jiang*, Wenjing Zhou, Yun Gao, Liguo Wang, Fengjuan Wang, Hongyan Chu, Guangyuan Xu, Brecht Vandevyvere, Zeger Sierens, Jiabin Li, Feasibility of manufacturing ultra-high performance cement-based composites (UHPCCs) with recycled sand: A preliminary study, Waste Management, Vol. 83, 104-112, 2019.
  5. Yun Gao*, Pan Feng, Jinyang Jiang, Analytical and numerical modeling of elastic moduli for cement based composites with solid mass fractal model, Construction and Building Materials 2018, Vol. 172, 330–339.
  6. Yun Gao*, Jinyang Jiang, Kai Wu, Modeling of Ionic Diffusivity for Cement Paste with Solid Mass Fractal Model and Lattice Boltzmann Method, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2017, 04016287, 1-10.
  7. Yun Gao*, Geert De Schutter, Guang Ye, Jinyang Jiang, Wei Sun, Assessment of structural feature and ionic diffusivity of ITZ in blended cementitious composites, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Vol. 14, 344-353, 2016.
  8. Yun Gao*, Geert De Schutter, Guang YeMicro- and meso-scale pore structure in mortar in relation to aggregate content, Cement and Concrete Research, 2013, Vol. 52, 149-160.
  9. Yun Gao*, Geert De Schutter, Guang Ye, Zhijun Tan, Kai Wu, The ITZ microstructure, thickness and porosity in blended cementitious composite: effects of curing age, water to binder ratio and aggregate content, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2013, Vol. 60, 1-13.
  10. Yun Gao*, Geert De Schutter, Guang Ye, Haoliang Huang, Zhijun Tan, Kai Wu, Porosity characterization of ITZ in cementitious composites: Concentric expansion and overflow criterion, Construction and Building Materials, 2012, Vol. 38, 1051-1057.

(1.)Basic Information


2022/04-presentXi'an Jiaotong UniversityDepartment of Civil EngineeringProfessor

2017/04-2022/03Southeast UniversityDepartment of Civil Engineering MaterialsAssociate Professor

2014/06-2017/03Southeast UniversityDepartment of Civil Engineering MaterialsAssitant Professor


2009/11-2013/10, Ghent University (Belgium), PhD

2006/09-2009/06, University of Science and Technology of China, MS

2002/09-2006/06, Hefei University of Technology, BS