

  1. Xiang Zhou, Jiarui Wu, Huan Luo, Zihao Song, Long Pei, Donghua Duan, Peng Guo, Laili Wang, Yan-Fei Liu. Wide voltage-regulation range synchronous-rectifier LLC converter with novel operation modes [J]. IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification. 2025, Early Access. (IF=7.2, 中科院一
  2. Xiang Zhou, Shuting Feng, Chaojie Li, Zhengchao Yan. Analysis and design of synchronous‐rectified LLC DC‐DC converter for LDC of electric vehicles [J]. IET Power Electronics. 2024, 17:1176-1188.(IF=2.1, 中科院区)

  3. Xiang Zhou. Soft-switching resonant DC transformer for class-D switching amplifier with symmetric bipolar outputs [J]. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II-Express Briefs. 2023, 70(9): 3529-3533. (IF=4.4, 中科院
  4. Xiang Zhou, Xiang Yu, Chaojie Li, Shuting Feng, Hongbo Zhao, Zhengchao Yan. A reduced-switch-count two-phase interleaved switch-control-capacitor LLC converter with accurate current balancing [J]. IET Power Electronics. 2024, 17:1163-1175.(IF=2.1, 中科院区)
  5. Xiang Zhou, Laili Wang, Yongmei Gan, Huan Luo, Yan-Fei Liu and Paresh C. Sen. Accurate analysis and design of the circuit parameters of LLC dc-dc converter with synchronous rectification [J], IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2022, 37(12): 15051-15065. (IF=5.9, 中科院一区)
  6. Xiang Zhou, Duo Xu, Yue Wang, Laili Wang, Yan-Fei Liu and Paresh C. Sen. An electrolytic capacitor-free half bridge class-D audio amplifier system without bus-voltage pumping [J], IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021, 36(8): 9221-9236. (IF=6.1, 中科院一区)
  7. Xiang Zhou, Bo Sheng, Wenbo Liu, Yang Chen, Laili Wang, Yan-Fei Liu, Paresh C. Sen. A high-efficiency high-power-density on-board low-voltage dc–dc converter for electric vehicles application [J], IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021, 36(11): 12781-12794. (IF=6.1, 中科院一区) 
  8. Xiang Zhou, Yue Wang, Laili Wang, Yan-Fei Liu and Paresh C. Sen. A soft-switching transformerless dc-dc converter with single input bipolar symmetric outputs [J], IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2021, 36(8): 8640- 8646. (IF=6.1, 中科院一区)
  9. Xiang Zhou, Jianping Xu, Shu Zhong and Yan-Fei Liu. Soft switching symmetric bipolar outputs dc-transformer (DCX) for eliminating power supply pumping of half bridge class-D audio amplifier [J], IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2019, 34(7): 6440-6455. (IF=7.2, 中科院一区)
  10. Xiang Zhou, Jianping Xu and Shu Zhong. Single-stage soft switching bipolar PWM modulation high-frequency-link dc-ac converter with auxiliary circuit [J]. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2018, 65(10): 7719-7729. (IF=7.5, 中科院一区)
  11. Xiang Zhou, Jianping Xu, Xuejian Chen, Shu Zhong. Novel soft-switching step-up/down DC-DC converter with bipolar outputs [J]. Electronics letters, 2016, 31(14): 156-164.
  12. 周翔, 许建平, 陈章勇. 高升压增益软开关 DC-DC 变换器[J]. 电工技术学报, 2016, 31(14): 156-164.
  13. 周翔, 许建平, 陈学健, 钟曙. 一种采用无损有源箝位辅助电路的软开关高频链DC-AC变换器[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2017, 37(4): 1197-1207.
  14. Huan Luo; Buxiang Zhou; Gao Liu; Tianlei Zang; Shi Chen; Xiang Zhou; Jianping Xu, “Voltage-Mode Variable-Frequency Controlled LLC Resonant Power Factor Correction Converter and its Accurate Numerical Calculation Analysis” IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics., 2023. (Early Access)
  15. Huan Luo, Tianlei Zang, Chongfu Zhao, Shi Chen, Yi Zhou, Yiwei Qiu, Xin Wang, and Xiang Zhou, “Power Boundary Controlled Single-Stage LLC Power Factor Correction Converter and Its Optimal Parameter Design,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2023. (Early Access)
  16. Buxiang Zhou, Miao Zhang, Huan Luo, Yiwei Qiu, Shi Chen, Tianlei Zang, Yi Zhou, Xiang Zhou, “Multi-Objectives Optimization of Parameter Design for LLC Converter Based on Data-Driven Surrogate Model,”  IET Power Electronics. 2023 (Early access).
  17. Xiaoqiang Wang, Minrui Leng, Xin Zhang, Qingxin Tian, Xiang Zhou, Bin Guo and Hao Ma, Multioutput Wireless Charger for Drone Swarms with Reduced Switch Requirements and Independent Regulation Capability,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2023. (Early Access)
  18. Hongbo Zhao, Zhixing Yan, Shaokang Luan, Dipen Narendra Dalal, Jannick Kjær Jørgensen, Rui Wang, Xiang Zhou, Szymon Michal Beczkowski, Bjørn Rannestad, Stig Munk-Nielsen. “A Comparative Study on Parasitic Capacitance in Inductors with Series or Parallel Windings” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., 2022, 37(12):  15140 - 15151.
  19. Shu Zhong, Jianping Xu and Xiang Zhou, “2.1-channel switching amplifier with DC/high-frequency-AC mixed power supply for efficiency improvement and bus voltage pumping elimination,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 33, no. 11, pp. 9110-9115, Nov. 2018.
  20. Shu Zhong, Jianping Xu and Xiang Zhou, High efficiency zero voltage switching single-stage switching amplifier with half bridge active clamping circuit,” IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron., vol. 65, no. 11, pp. 8574-8584, Nov. 2018.
  21. Zhangyong Chen, Qun Zhou, Jianping Xu and Xiang Zhou.Asymmetrical Pulse Width Modulated Full-Bridge Secondary Dual Resonance DC-DC Converter[J].Jounal of Power Electronics 2014, 14(6):1224-1232.
  22. Yaping Cai, Jianping Xu, Zhangyong Chen and Xiang Zhou.High-efficiency high step-up PWM resonant converter[J].Eletronics letters. 2015, 51(6):512-514.
  23. Xuefeng Lin, Jianping Xu, Xiang Zhou and Guohua Zhou.ZVZCS DC/DC converter with high step-up and high efficiency [J].Eletronics letters.  2016.
  24. Shu Zhong, Jianping Xu, Xuejian Chen and Xiang Zhou.Battery powered high efficiency single-stage switching amplifier[J].Eletronics letters. 2016 52(12):1052-1054.
  25. Shu Zhong, Jianping Xu, Xuejian Chen and Xiang Zhou.High efficiency two-channel single-stage switching amplifier with power switches multiplexing. Eletronics letters. 2016.
  26. Shu Zhong, Jianping Xu, Xuejian Chen and Xiang Zhou.Bi-frequency Pulse controlled LLC resonant converter with fast response. Eletronics letters.  2016.
  27. 张建丰, 许建平, 周翔,杨平,黎宁昊. 一种基于辅助网络的软开关二次型Boost高增益变换器[J]. 电工技术学报, 2016.
  28. 钟曙,许建平,陈学健,周翔. 基于有源钳位的高效单级开关功放[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2018.
  29. 林雪凤,许建平,周翔. 谐振软开关耦合电感高增益DC-DC变换器[J]. 电工技术学报, 2018.



  1. Xiang Zhou, Bo Sheng, Wenbo, Liu, Yang Chen, Yan-Fei, Liu, P.C, Sen. A high efficiency high power-density LLC dc-dc converter for electric vehicles (EVs) on-board low voltage dc-dc converter (LDC) application [C]. 2020 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition, 2020: 1339-1346.
  2. Xiang Zhou, Bo Sheng, Wenbo, Liu, Yang Chen, Andrew, Yurek, Yan-Fei, Liu, P.C, Sen, “Analysis and Design of SR Driver Circuit for LLC DC-DC Converter Under High Load Current Application,” IEEE ECCE 2019., 2019.
  3. W. Liu, A. Yurek. Y. Chen. B. Sheng, X. Zhou and Y.F. Liu, "A High Power Density Thermal Managment Approach Using Multi-PCB Distributed Cooling (MPDC) Structure," in IEEE Energy Conversion Congress & Expo (ECCE) 2019, Baltimore, MD, USA, Sept 2019, pp. 4181-4188.
  4. Analysis and Control of Three-Phase Interleaved SCC-LLC Resonant Converter Load Sharing Considering Component ToleranceBo Sheng;Xiang Zhou;Wenbo Liu;Yang Chen;Yan-Fei Liu;Paresh C. Sen2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)
  5. Design and Optimization of A High Power Density Low Voltage DC-DC Converter for Electric VehiclesYang Chen;Wenbo Liu;Andrew Yurek;Xiang Zhou;Bo Sheng;Yan-Fei Liu2020 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE)
  6. Adaptive Hysteresis Comparison Control of Load Sharing for Three-Phase Interleaved SCC-LLC ConverterBo Sheng; Xiang Zhou; Wenbo Liu;Andrew Yurek;Yang Chen;Yan-Fei Liu;P. C. Sen2020 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC)
  7. Andrew Yurek, Wenbo Liu, Yang Chen, Bo Sheng, Xiang Zhou and Yan-Fei Liu, “A Novel Integrated Multi-Layer Cooling (IMLC) Structure for High Power Density Applications,” IEEE COMPEL 2019., Jun. 2019.
  8. Longyang Yu;Chengzi Yang;Chaojie Li;Min Wu; Xiang Zhou; Laili Wang. Magnetic Integration for GaN-based DC-DC Converters. 2020 IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Asia (WiPDA Asia) 23-25 September 2020
  9. Longyang Yu;Chengzi Yang;Shuting Feng;Feifei Yan; Xiang Zhou; Laili Wang. A Novel Non-isolated GaN-based DC-DC Converter with High Step-Down Gain. 2020 IEEE Workshop on Wide Bandgap Power Devices and Applications in Asia (WiPDA Asia) 23-25 September 2020



  1. 周翔,王来利。一种单输入对称双极性双输出DC-DC变换器。发明专利。专利号:ZL202010663385.5

  2. 周翔,王来利。一种单输入对称双极性双输出DC-DC变换器。发明专利。专利号:ZL202010664677.0

  3. M Forouzesh, X Zhou, YF Liu. Three-Phase Single-Stage Soft-Switching AC-DC Converter with Power Factor Correction. 专利号:US 11,451,139 B2

  4.    周翔,王来利。脉冲序列控制三角波电流模式软开关Buck变换器的控制系统。发明专利。申请号:202211441794.6

  5.    周翔,王来利。一种具有宽调压能力的新型同步整流变换器控制方法。发明专利。申请号:202210893806.2
  6.    周翔,王来利。一种高频链单级软开关DC-AC变换器及其控制方法。发明专利。申请号:202210530605.6
  7.    周翔,王来利,王凯。一种谐振软开关伪连续Buck变换器及其控制系统和方法。发明专利。申请号:202310232947.4
  8.   周翔,叶尔扎提·努尔德别克,高泽图,王来利,王凯。电感电流伪连续下的软开关DC-DC变换器及其优化控制策略。发明专利。申请号:202311694711.9
  9.   周翔,宋子豪,王来利。宽调压范围谐振变换器的最优轨迹脉冲跨周期控制方法。发明专利。申请号:202410770974.1