

4. 廉卓禧; 王丹; 朱香平; 洪云帆; 李相鑫. 一种微通道板导电层结构及其制备方法. 2023-5-10, 中国, 申请号:CN202310525779.8 (已公开)

3. 王丹; 孟祥琛; 贺永宁; 蔡亚辉; 朱香平. 一种抑制微波器件微放电阈值的方法、结构及其测试装置. 2023-4-28, 中国, 申请号:CN202310485393.9 (已公开)

2. 王丹; 蔡亚辉; 廉卓禧; 贺永宁; 祁康成. 一种测量介质材料二次电子发射系数的方法及系统. 2023-4-10, 中国, 申请号:CN202310380754.3 (已公开)

1. 叶鸣; 冯鹏; 王丹; 贺永宁. 一种电子枪束斑尺寸的测量装置及方法. 2020-7-28, 中国, 申请号:CN201811629995.2 (已授权)



40. Lian ZX, Li DJ, Wang D*, He YN. Discharge Characteristics of the Planar Microscale Gap Electrodes with Various Geometry Structures in the Atmosphere Environment. Results in Physics, 2024, 62: 107823.

39. Lian ZX, Xu YN, Meng XC, Wang D*, Chen JX, Qi KC, He YN. Secondary electron emission reduction from boron nitride composite ceramic surfaces by the artificial microstructures and functional coating. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2024, 57: 315304.

38. Meng XC, Xu YN, Lian ZX, Wang JY, Wang D*, Qi KC. Secondary roughness effect of surface microstructures on secondary electron emission and multipactor threshold for PTFE-filled and PI-filled single ridge waveguides. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2024, 57: 265301.

37. Wang JY, Xu YN, Lian ZX, Wang D*, Meng XC, Zhou N, He YN. Dynamic evolution investigation on the dielectric surface charging under electron irradiation with various energy distributions. Results in Physics, 2024, 57(10): 107339.

36. Lian ZX, Zhu XP, Wang D*, Meng XC, He YN. Effect of atmospheric environment on the stability of secondary electron emission from magnesium oxide and alumina surfaces. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2024, 57(12): 125302.

35. 姚璐,欧阳林杰,王丹*,陈继新,贺永宁,徐亚男.氮化硼复合陶瓷表面二次电子发射抑制.高电压技术, 2023, 49(9): 3848-3855.

34. 孟祥琛, 王丹*, 蔡亚辉, 叶振, 贺永宁, 徐亚男. 氧化铝表面二次电子发射抑制及其在微放电抑制中的应用. 物理学报, 2023, 72(10): 107901.

33. Wang D*, Mao ZS, Ye Z; Cai YH, Li Y, He YN, Qi KC, Xu YN, Jia QQ. Ultralow electron emission yield achieved on alumina ceramic surfaces and the application in multipactor suppression. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2022, 55: 455301.
32. Wang D*, Cai YH; He YN, Xu YN, Jia QQ. Electron emission properties of silver oxide and its impact on the secondary emission yield of air-exposed silver. Results in Physics, 2022, 33: 105231.

31. 王丹*, 蔡亚辉, 茅张松, 贺永宁. 电子束辐照诱导介质表面带电演化过程. 科学通报, 2022, 67(2): 212-220. 

30. 王丹*, 姚璐, 蔡亚辉, 贺永宁, 徐亚男. 空气环境中镀银表面二次电子发射劣化机理. 空间电子技术, 2022, 19(4): 23-29.

29. Cai YH, Wang D, Zhang W, He YN. Seesaw-type modulation of secondary electron emission characteristics of polytetrafluoroethylene-MgO composite coating. Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B, 2022, 40(4): 044001.
28. Cai YH, Wang D, Qi KC, He YN. Measurement of total electron emission yield of insulators based on self-terminating charge neutralization. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2022, 93(5): 055103.

27. 朱香平, 王丹, 汪辉, 等. 基于原子层沉积的氧化铝和氧化镁纳米薄膜二次电子发射特性. 科学通报, 2022, 67(23): 2811–2820.

26. 蔡亚辉, 王丹, 贺永宁. 基于扫描电子显微镜的二次电子发射系数测量. 真空科学与技术学报, 2022, 42(9): 654-657.

25. 叶鸣, 王丹, 贺永宁. 金属柱状阵列结构二次电子发射系数模拟研究. 空间电子技术, 2022, 19(4): 79-84.
24. Wang D, He YN, Guo JJ, Cai YH, Mao ZS, Ye M. Investigation on secondary electron emission characteristics of double-layer structures. Journal of Applied Physics, 2021, 129(9): 093304. 

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22. Cai YH, Wang D, Ye M, He YN. A new method for measuring total electron emission yield of insulators. Review of Scientific Instruments, 2020, 91(9): 095111.

21. Guo JJ, Wang D, Xu YT, Zhu XP, Wen KL, Miao GH, Cao WW, Si JH, Lu M, Guo HT, Theoretical and experimental investigation of secondary electron emission characteristics of MgO coating produced by atomic layer deposition, Ceramics International, 2020, 46(6): 8352-8357.

20. Li Y, Ye M, Yang J, He YN, Cui WZ, Wang D, Simulation studies of interface dynamics of secondary electron yield in perforated media. Physics of Plasmas, 2020, 27(1): 013108.





19. 王丹, 叶鸣, 冯鹏, 贺永宁, 崔万照. 激光刻蚀对镀金表面二次电子发射的有效抑制. 物理学报, 2019, 68(6): 067901.

18. Guo JJ, Wang D, Xu YT, Zhu XP, Wen KL, Miao GH, Cao WW, Si JH, Lu M, Guo HT, Secondary electron emission characteristics of Al2O3 coatings prepared by atomic layer deposition, AIP Advances, 2019, 9(9): 095303.

17. Ye M, Feng P, Wang D, Song BP, He YN, Cui WZ, Secondary electron yield suppression using millimeter-scale pillar array and explanation of the abnormal yield–energy curve, Chinese Physics B, 2019, 28(7): 077901.

16. Ye M, Feng P, Li Y, Wang D, He YN, Cui WZ, The total secondary electron yield of a conductive random rough surface, Journal of Applied Physics, 2019, 125(4): 043301.

15. 张勇, 叶鸣, 胡少光, 茅张松, 陈理想, 王瑞, 王丹, 贺永宁. 一种基于调零理论检测低气压放电效应的方法. 空间电子技术, 2019, 16(3): 109-114.

14. Wang D, He YN, Cui WZ, Secondary electron emission characteristics of TiN coatings produced by RF magnetron sputtering. Journal of Applied Physics, 2018, 124(5): 053301.

13. 王丹, 贺永宁, 叶鸣, 崔万照. 金纳米结构表面二次电子发射特性. 物理学报, 2018, 67(8): 087902.

12. 王丹, 贺永宁, 崔万照. 氮化钛薄膜二次电子发射特性研究. 表面技术, 2018(5): 9-14.
11. 王丹, 贺永宁, 叶鸣. 一种激光刻蚀降低二次电子产额的方法. 空间电子技术, 2018, 3: 1-7.

10. Li Y, Wang D, Yu M, He YN, Cui WZ. Experimental Verification of Multipactor Discharge Dynamics between Ferrite Dielectric and Metal. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2018, 65(10): 4592-4599.

9. 贺永宁, 王丹, 叶鸣, 崔万照. 铝合金镀银表面粗糙化处理方法及其SEY 抑制机理. 表面技术, 2018(5): 1-8.

8. 冯鹏,叶鸣,李韵,王丹, 贺永宁. 模拟分析随机粗糙金属表面的二次电子发射特性. 空间电子技术, 2018, 1: 17-24.

7. Wang D, He YN, Ye M, Peng WB, Cui WZ. Secondary electron emission characteristics of nanostructured silver surfaces. Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 122(15): 153302.

6. 王丹, 贺永宁, 李韵. 电子束撞击介质表面引发的带电现象分析. 中国空间科学技术, 2017, 37(2): 1-10.

5. Ye M, Wang D, Li Y, He YN, Cui WZ, Daneshmand M. Positive bias and vacuum chamber wall effect on total electron yield measurement: A re-consideration of the sample current method. Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 121(7): 074902.

4. Ye M, Wang D, He YN. Mechanism of total electron emission yield reduction using a micro-porous surface. Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, 121(12): 124901.

3. Li Y, Ye M, He YN, Cui WZ, Wang D, Surface effect investigation on multipactor in microwave components using the EM-PIC method, Physics of Plasmas, 2017, 24(11): 113505.

2. Li Y, Cui WZ, He YN, Wang XB, Hu TC, Wang D, Enhanced dynamics simulation and threshold analysis of multipaction in the ferrite microwave component, Physics of Plasmas, 2017, 24(2): 023505.

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