
No entries were found.
Awards Name Year Awards Type Awards Level Offer
河南省教育厅科技成果 2022 局厅级科技成果奖 一等奖 河南省教育厅
陕西高等学校科学技术奖 2022 局厅级科技成果奖 一等奖 西安交通大学
陕西省科学技术奖-自然科学 2021 省部级科技成果奖 二等奖 西安交通大学
陕西省第十三届自然科学优秀论文奖 2017 省部级科技成果奖 三等奖 西安交通大学

Science Project

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Project number Project name Project origin Start time Roles Project kind
2023-YBGY-403 面向跨界融合的服务信用管理技术研究 陕西省重点研发一般项目 2023-01~2024-12 负责人 Vertical project
2022YFB3305503 业务态势全景感知和事件驱动分析的人机协同决策(课题3) 国家重点研发计划 2022-11~2025-10 负责人 Vertical project
201300210400HZ 基于鲲鹏平台的国产操作系统研究与示范 河南省重点研发项目 2021-01~- 负责人 Vertical project
2020GY-033 基于区块链的数据隐私保护与可监管技术研究 陕西省重点研发一般项目 2020-1~ 负责人 Vertical project
201771802 支持隐私保护的群智感知服务关键技术研究 深圳市科技计划 2018-1~ 负责人 Vertical project
61502380 群智感知中基于可信交互的细粒度众包机制研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2016-1~ 负责人 Vertical project
2013SZS16-K01 基于群智计算的服务众包机制研究 陕西省科技统筹 2015-1~ 负责人 Vertical project
2014JQ8322 基于群智计算的物联网移动服务模型与方法 陕西省自然基金 2014-7~ 负责人 Vertical project
20140532 面向3D打印的创新创意云服务平台 校企合作 2014-3~ 负责人 Other
XJJ2014049 基于群智计算的物联网移动服务模型与方法 中央高校基本科研业务费 2014-1~ 负责人 Vertical project


1. Jian An, Rongzhen Sang, Feifei Wang, Xiaolin Gui, Xin He, Siyuan Wu; Research on Personnel Tracking Based on Location Prediction Under Edge Computing, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024, 11(7): 12702-12706 .

2. Jian An; Siyuan Wu; Xin He; Xiaolin Gui; A blockchain-based framework for data quality in edge-computing-enabled crowdsensing, Frontiers Of Computer Science, 2023.

3. Jian An; Zhenxing Wang; Xin He; Xiaolin Gui; Jindong Cheng; Ruowei Gui ; PPQC: A Blockchain Based Privacy-Preserving Quality Control Mechanism in Crowdsensing Applications, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2022 30 (3) pp.1352-1367.

4. Jian An; Yusen Cheng; Xin He; Xiaolin Gui; Siyuan Wu; Xuejun Zhang; Multiuser Behavior Recognition Module Based on DC-DMN, IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022,22(3): 2802-2813.

5. Jian An; Zhenxing Wang; Xin He; Xiaolin Gui; Jindong Cheng; Ruowei Gui ; Know Where You Are: A Practical Privacy-Preserving Semi-Supervised Indoor Positioning via Edge-Crowdsensing, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2021, 18(4): 4875-4887.

6. An Jian, Wang Zhengxing, He Xin, Gui Xiaolin*. PPNS: A Privacy-Preserving Node Selection Scheme in Crowdsensing Based on Blockchain[C]// 2021 IEEE 24th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD). IEEE, 2021.

7. An Jian, Cheng Jindong, Gui Xiaolin*, er al. A Lightweight Blockchain-based Model for Data Quality Control in crowdsensing. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2020, 7(1):84-97. 

8. 梁艳,安健*等,群智感知中支持隐私保护的激励机制研究,计算机学报,2020, 43(12):2414-2432. 

9. An Jian, Yang He, Gui Xiaolin*, et al. TCNS: Node Selection with Privacy Protection in Crowdsensing based on Twice Consensuses of Blockchain, IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2019, 16(3): 1255-1267.

10. Peng Z L, Gui X L*An J* , Wu T J, Gui R W . Multi-Task oriented data diffusion and transmission paradigm in crowdsensing based on city public traffic, Computer Networks, 2019, 156: 41-51. CCF B类;

11. Peng, Zhenlong; An, Jian*; Gui, Xiaolin*; Wang, Zhenxing; Zhang, Wendong; Gui, Ruowei. Location Correlated Differential Privacy Protection Based on Mobile Feature Analysis. IEEE ACCESS, 2019, 7: 54483-54496. 中科院2区;

12. Peng Z L, Gui X L*An J* , Gui R W. TDSRC: A Task-Distributing System of Crowdsourcing Based on Social Relation Cognition.  Mobile Information Systems, 2019, ID 7413460. 

13. Jian An, Danwei Liang, Xiaolin Gui*, He Yang, Ruowei Gui and Xin He. Crowdsensing Quality Control and Grading Evaluation based on a Two-consensus Blockchain, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2019, 6(3): 4711-4718. 中科院1区;

14. Danwei Liang, Jian An*, Jindong Cheng, He Yang, Ruowei Gui. The Quality Control in Crowdsensing based on Twice Consensuses of Blockchain, Ubicomp & Workshop, 2018, CCF A 类;

15. Peng Z L, Gui X L, An J*, Liao D, Cai N C, Gui R W.  A Node Selection Paradigm for Crowdsourcing Service Based on Region Feature in Crowd Sensing, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2018, HB5UM

16. 安健,彭振龙,桂小林,向乐乐,梁丹薇,群智感知中基于公交系统的任务分发机制研究,计算机学报2018(网络优先发表)

17. Peng Z L, An J*, Gui X L, et al. PTDU: Public transit system based framework of data upload in urban crowd sensing[C]// The 32th International Conference on Information NETWORKING. IEEE Computer Society, 2018:920-925.

18. Peng Z L, An J*, Gui X L, et al. A Low-cost Service Node Selection Method in Crowd Sensing Based on Region-Characteristics[C]// The 13th International Conference on Green, Pervasive and Cloud Computing. IEEE Computer Society, 2018.

19. Peng Z L, An J*, Gui X L, et al. Diffusion Utility Increment Based Crowdsensing Data Transmission Model Over City Public Traffic System[C]// The 27th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN), 2018.


1. An, Jian; Qi, Ling; Gui, Xiaolin; Peng, Zhenlong. Joint design of hierarchical topology control and routing design for heterogeneous wireless sensor networks, Computer Standards and Interfaces, v 51, p 63-70, March 1, 2017 (SCI:IDS : BG5NU) SCI 重要期刊

2. JianAn, XiaolinGui*, Jinhua Jiang, Jianwei Yang. Semi-Supervised Learning by K-Nearest Neighbors based on a Nearest-Neighbor Self-Contained Criterion in Mobile-Aware. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, 27(05): 11350, 2017. IF= 0.562.  (SCI:229OX)  [CCF C类, SCI 重要期刊]

3. Jian An, Ruobiao Wu, Lele Xiang, Xiaolin Gui. FCM: A Fine-Grained Crowdsourcing Model Based on Ontology in Crowd-Sensing. 13th International Conference on Network and Parallel Computing, NPC 2013, 2016: 172-179, (EI: 20164603019494)CCF C类会议

4. .Xuan Zhu;  Jian An *; Zhehao Wang;  Jianwei Yang;  Xin He. A Fair Incentive Mechanism for Crowdsourcing in Crowd Sensing, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Year: 2016, Accepted.  SCI   IEEE Journals & Magazines 中科院1区;

5. Jian An; XiaolinGui*; Zhehao Wang;  Jianwei Yang;  Xin He. A Crowdsourcing Assignment Model Based on Mobile Crowd Sensing in the Internet of Things, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Year: 2015, Volume: 2, Issue: 5  Pages: 358-369. (SCIDH9EH)  IEEE Journals & Magazines中科院1区;

6. An Jian; Gui Xiaolin*; Yang Jianwei; Sun Yu; He Xin. Mobile Crowd Sensing for Internet of Things: A Credible Crowdsourcing Model in Mobile-Sense Service, Multimedia Big Data (BigMM), 2015 IEEE International Conference on, Year: 2015, Pages: 92 – 99. (EI:20153701270918)

7. An Jian;  Gui Xiaolin*;  He Xin; Tian Shiwei; Wu Ruobiao; Sun Yu; Community Detecting Oriented Directed and Weighted Network in Mobile Crowd Sensing, UFirst 2015, the 7th International Symposium on UbiCom Frontiers contained in the 12th IEEE Internet conference on Ubiquitous Intelligence and Computing (UIC 2015). (EI:20163502752018), [CCF C]

8. 安健,桂小林,何昌其, 吴若飚. 群智感知中基于层次分析法的众包机制[J]. 北京邮电大学学报, 2015, 38(5): 37-41.


1. FengTian, XiaolinGui, Jian An*.Protecting location privacy for outsourced spatial data in cloud storage. Scientific World Journal, 2014, (6):1-11. (SCI: AR2RO) 

2. Yang Pan, GuiXiaolin, Jian An*.A Retrivalble Data Perturbation Used in Privacy-Preserving in Cloud Computing. China Communications, 11(8):73-82. (SCI: AN4RP)

3. TianFeng, GuiXiaolin, Jian An*. A Density-based Space Filling Curve for Location Privacy-preserving, 2014 IEEE 11th International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2014), June 26-July 2, 2014, Alaska, USA. EI:20145200371027 ) [CCF C],

4. Jianwei YangXiaolinGuiJian An* . Detecting Community Structure in Trust Networks. 2014 Communications Security Conference, CSC 2014. (EI: 20144900279195) 

5. Jian An, Xiaolin Gui. Research on Social Relations Cognitive Model of Mobile Nodes in Internet of Things. Journal of Network and Computer Applications. 2013, 36(2): 799-810. (SCI收录).

6. Jian An, Xiaolin Gui. Social Relation Predictive Model of Mobile Nodes In Internet of Things. Electronics and Electrical Engineering. 2013, 19(4): 81-86.(SCI收录).

7. Jian An, Xiaolin Gui. Research on the Mobile-aware Service Model in Internet of Things. KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems. 2013, 7(5): 1146-4465. (SCI收录).

8. 安健,桂小林等.物联网移动感知中的社会关系认知模型.计算机学报201235(6)1164-1174.

9.  安健,桂小林等.面向物联网移动感知的服务节点发现算法.西安交通大学学报201145 (12)6-9

10. Jian An, Xiaolin Gui. Nodes Social Relations Cognition for Mobile-awareness in the Internet of Things. 2011 IEEE International Conferences on Internet of Things, and Cyber, Physical and Social Computing, iThings2011, Dalian, China, 2011: 687-691.