
1.        高功率短脉冲天线阵研究,863青年基金,2003.1-2004.12主持。

2.        高功率超宽带天线及其阵列关键技术研究,国家自然科学基金,2006.1-2008.12主持。

3.        短脉冲收发实验验证,企业合作项目,2007.1-2007.12主持。

4.        高频生物传感器的微纳米磁致伸缩材料研究,校基金,2009.1-2010.12主持。

5.        探地雷达路基检测数据分析,企业合作项目,2009.12-2010.6主持。

6.        探月雷达信号处理与月壤特性反演算法、软件研究,中科院重点实验室项目,2010.8-2013.12主持。

7.        太中银铁路车载探地雷达测试,企业合作项目,2011.12-2012.6主持。

8.        铁路探地雷达检测,企业合作项目,2011.12-2012.6主持。

9.        天线远场测试系统研制,企业合作项目,2012.6-2012.12主持。

10.    铁路隧道检测车载探地雷达天线与发射源,2012.9-2013.9主持。

11.    基于超材料的天线应用研究,企业委托课题2013.3-2014.3主持。

12.    数字预失真系统统一时延算法的研究,企业委托课题2013.3-2014.3主持。

13.    襄渝铁路隧道衬砌探地雷达数据处理分析,企业合作项目,2013.12-2014.12主持。

14.    探地雷达数据分析处理软件开发,企业合作项目,2014.6-2014.12主持。

15.    基于压缩感知的超宽带信号采集与处理技术,基金课题,2013.8-2015.8主持

16.    超表面电磁波操控及其在隐身技术中的应用研究,陕西省基金,2015.1-2016.12主持。

17.    一体化天线隔离技术,企业委托课题2014.10-2015.10主持。

18.    超表面电磁波操控及其在隐身技术中的应用研究,国家自然科学基金,2016.1-2018.12主持。

19.    Super resolution TOA/DOA,企业委托课题2015.3-2016.3主持。

20.    超材料天线罩研究,研究所合作项目,2014.6-2015.6主持。

21.    相位梯度平板天线及其实验研究,2014.1-2018.12,国家自然科学基金重点项目,骨干成员。

22.    相位梯度超表面天线研究,研究所合作项目,2015.6-2016.6主持。

23.    溢油雷达信号检测与多传感器信息融合,企业合作项目,2016.1-2016.9主持。

24.    测向天线设计,企业合作项目,2016.1-2016.5主持。

25.    超材料参数测试方法与系统设计,纵向课题,2015.8-2017.8主持。

26.    Small planet高精度室外定位,企业委托课题2017.1-2017.10主持

27.    滤波天线,企业委托课题2017.4-2018.2主持

28.    列车多天线合路平台POI,企业委托课题,2017.7-2017.11主持

29.    探地雷达数据处理软件深化研究,企业委托课题,2017.5-2017.10骨干成员

30.    三维金属微加工毫米波器件设计与集成技术,教育部,2017.9-2018.12主持

31.    探地雷达数据天线深化研究,企业委托课题,2017.11-2018.3骨干成员

32.    手机终端多级腔体串耦耦合EMI仿真技术,企业委托课题2018.11-2019.10主持

33.    超材料谐振元研究和超分辨MIMO性能评估,企业委托课题2018.6-2019.5骨干成员

34.    新型多波束天线研究,华为合作项目,2018.11-2020.5骨干成员

35.    宽带时域网络分析仪,基金课题,2018.1-2020.12主持

36.    超材料测试技术,基金课题,2016.1-2020.12主持

37.    介质双工器设计及其参数提取,企业委托课题,2019.10-2020.9, 主持

38.    基于微同轴技术的毫米波器件设计,企业委托课题,2020.9-2020.11,主持

39.    探地雷达分析处理软件研究,企业委托课题,2020.6-2020.11,主持

40.    基于等效电路法的谐振元机理、共轴收发分离天线研究,企业委托课题2020.11-2021.10,主持

41.  车载式隧道衬砌地质雷达检测系统关键技术研究,企业委托课题,2021.1-2021.7,主持

42.  轨道交通路基灾害智能检测与超前预报系统,陕西省重点研发计划,2021.5-2024.4,主持

43.  可重构天线阵列研究,企业委托项目,2021.5-2022.4,主持

44.  新型车载探地雷达的天线开发及系统测试,企业委托项目,2021.5-2022.4,主持

45.  有限天面口径多天线极致性能探索,企业委托项目,2021.9-2022.8,主持

46.  Wi-Fi方向图调控技术研究,企业委托项目,2021.9-2022.8,主持

47.  多模态雷达,基金项目,2022.6-2023.12,主持

48.  埋地聚乙烯管道探地雷达天线设计开发,企业委托项目,2022.10-2024.12,主持

49.  电子系统瞬态特性仿真 ,基金项目,2021.11-2025.10,主持

50.  ”星池计划“卫星X通信多波束天线设计,企业委托项目,2021.4-2023.12,主持

51.  空气耦合探地雷达设备,企业委托项目,2022.12-2023.3,主持

52.  V波段反射阵列天线测试,企业委托项目,2022.12-2023.6,主持

53.  三维探地雷达天线开发, 企业委托项目,2022.12-2023.5,主持

54.  基于FPGA的脉冲式三维探地雷达设计与制造, 企业委托项目,2023.4-2024.4,主持

55. 高分辨率、高穿透能力地下空间数字化探测,揭榜挂帅项目,2022.9-2024.8,主持

56. 太赫兹波导探针及校准片研制,重点研发计划,2023.12-2026.11,主持



  1. Anxue Zhang, Zhensheng Shi, Xueping Xu, “Distribution of Poles Affected by the Object Surface Distinuity”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium 2005.
  2. Guo C, Zhang A, Jiang YS, et al. Design of an ultra-wideband dielectric-filled TEM-horn antenna. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium 2006, 9-14 July 2006: 559~562.
  3. Zhang Yue, Zhang Anxue, Jiang Yansheng, A Design of Coaxial-to-Horn antenna Balun in Ultra-Wide Band Applications,IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation 2006 (AP-S 2006), pp:556-558.
  4. 张安学,师振盛,蒋延生,光滑目标表面不连续性极点分布规律研究,电波科学学报,Vol.21, No.5, 2006.
  5. 张安学,师振盛,蒋延生,汪文秉,波导与开口腔体瞬态特性研究,西安交通大学学报,Vol.41,  No.10, 2007.
  6. 朱士涛,张安学,张金生,蒋延生,一种宽频带电视发射天线的设计,电子技术应用,Vol.33, No.7, 2007.
  7. 昝月稳,章锡元,张安学,铁路路基检查车的研究, 铁道工程学报,NO. 9 (Ser. 108), pp:18-21, 2007
  8. 昝月稳,张安学, 铁路路基状态检查车的研制及应用,路基工程,2007年第5, pp:30-31
  9. 张安学,胡浩,蒋延生等.基于多层左手传输线的小型滤波器仿真设计[J].电波科学学报 2008, 23(5):955-959.
  10. Hu H, Zhang AX, Jiang YS, et al, LTCC Compact Filter Based on Multilayered Left-Handed Transmission Line, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2008 INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON METAMATERIALS, 2008.
  11. Guo C, Zhang AX, Jiang YS, et al. A High-Power Reflector Impulse Antenna with Dual-Tem Source. Int J Infrared Milli Waves, 2008, 29(9):832~838.
  12. 郭建英, 张安学, 魏丙国,一种探地雷达目标参数估计方法的研究,中国电子科学研究院学报, Vol. 3 No. 2,2008, pp:136-139
  13. Zhang AX , Wang L, Guo C , Jiang YS ,Constant Impedance TEM Horn Antenna: Aperture and Characteristic Impedance’s Impacts on Axial Electric Field,JOURNAL OF INFRARED MILLIMETER AND TERAHERTZ WAVES, vol.30, no.10, pp:1067-1072, 2009.
  14. Zhang, An-Xue, Wu, Hui, Guo, Chen, Jiang, Yan-Sheng, Design and simulation of a wide-beam high-power parabolic antenna with dual-source,International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves,v.29, no.10, pp:946-952, 2008.
  15. 张安学, 范世毅, 蒋延生, 徐卓, 基于左右手复合传输线的威尔金森功分器,电波科学学报, Vol.24, No.1, pp: 99-103, 2009.
  16. 郭晨,刘策, 张安学, 探地雷达超宽带背腔蝶形天线设计与实现,电波科学学报,Vol . 25,No. 2,pp:222-226,2010.
  17. Liling Fu, Kewei Zhang, Suiqiong Li, Yuhong Wang, Tung-Shi Huang, Anxue Zhang, Z.-Y. Cheng,In situ real-time detection of E. coli in water using antibody-coated magnetostrictive microcantilever,Sensors and Actuators B, 150 (2010), 220-225.
  18. Anfu Zhu, Fu Sheng, Anxue Zhang, An Implementation of Step Recovery Diode-Based UWB Pulse Generator, Proceedings of 2010 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB2010), pp:671-674, September 20-23,2010, Nanjing, China.
  19. Shen, Wen; Zhang, Zhongwu; Horikawa, Shin; Zhang, Anxue; Teng, Junpin; Mathison, Leslie C.; Chin, Bryan A. Time domain characterization of magnetoelastic sensors: A pulse method for resonance frequency determination,Review of Scientific Instruments, v 81, n 8, August 2010.
  20. Lu, Xu; Fu, Liling; Li, Shaokang; Xu, Zhuo; Ren, Wei; Zhang, Anxue; Cheng, Z.-Y.,Membrane as high performance biosensor platform,Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, v 1134, p 71-76, Fall 2008, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings - Polymer-Based Smart Materials - Processes, Properties and Application.
  21. K.W. Zhang, A.X. Zhang, L.L. Fu, B.A. Chin, Z.-Y. Chengm “Development of Highly Sensitive Handheld Device for Real-time Detection of Bacteria in Food,” in Sensing for Agriculture and Food Quality and Safety II; Edited by M.S. Kim, S.I. Tu, and K.L. Chao; Proceedings of SPIE Volume 7676 (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2010).
  22. Anxue Zhang, Hao Hu, Jin Zhao, Zhuo Xu, Yansheng Jiang, Design of Compact Filter Based on Multilayered Left-Handed Transmission Line Using LTCC Technology, FREQUENZ, Vol. 65 (2011), pp. 3-7.
  23. 向坤,陈娟,张安学,蒋延生,徐卓,提高喇叭天线增益的超介质构建方法,西安交通大学学报,Vol.45, No,2, pp:92-96, 2011
  24. Fu LL, Li SQ, Zhang KW, Chen IH, Barbaree JM, Zhang AX, Cheng ZYDetection of Bacillus anthracis Spores Using Phage-Immobilized Magnetostrictive Milli/Micro CantileversIEEE SENSORS JOURNALVol.11 , No. 8, pp: 1684-1691, 2011.
  25. Zhang LL, Xu Z, Qu SB, Wei XY, Zhang AX, Xia S, Xie FCharacteristics of Left-Handed Materials with Magnetic Resonance and Electric Anti-Resonance Based on CeramicsFERROELECTRICS V.411pp79-852011
  26. Chen, Juan, Zhang, AnxueA Frequency-Dependent Hybrid Implicit-Explicit FDTD Scheme for Dispersive MaterialsAPPLIED COMPUTATIONAL ELECTROMAGNETICS SOCIETY JOURNALVol. 25, No.11, pp: 956-961, 2010  
  27. Fu LL, Li SQ, Zhang KW, Chen IH, Barbaree JM, Zhang AX, Cheng ZYDetection of Bacillus anthracis Spores Using Phage-Immobilized Magnetostrictive Milli/Micro CantileversIEEE SENSORS JOURNALVol.11 , No. 8, pp: 1684-1691, 2011
  28. Chen, Juan, Zhang, AnxueA Subgridding scheme based on the FDTD method and HIE-FDTD methodAPPLIED COMPUTATIONAL ELECTROMAGNETICS SOCIETY JOURNALVol. 26, No.1, pp: 1-7, 2011  
  29. Juan Chen, Anxue Zhang An Efficient Method to Reduce the Numerical Dispersion in the HIE-FDTD SchemeWireless Engineering and Technology, 2010, 2, 30-36
  30. Jianxing Li, Yansheng Jiang, Anxue Zhang, Juan Chen,and Xiong ShengDesign of a Compact Multi-band Internal Antenna for Mobile ApplicationMICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERSVol. 53, No. 12,pp:2865-2868, 2011
  31. Li Bo, Guan Yongtao, Jiang Yansheng, Zhang AnxueCompact Dual Band and Circularly Polarized Microstrip Antenna for CNSS2011 cross strait quad-regional radio science and wireless technology conference, July, Harbin China.
  32. 陈娟,张安学,田春明,垂直入射下的金属环的谐振特性,物理学报,Vol. 61, No. 2 (2012)
  33. Zhu, AF, Li, JX, Zhang, AX, Jiang, YSDesign of a Five-Band Internal Antenna for HandsetsFREQUENZVol.66, No.7-8, pp167-1702012.
  34. Qingqing Yang; Anxue Zhang; Yansheng Jiang; Yongjun Wang, GPR imaging algorithm of targets located in layered mediums based on CS, 2012 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR).
  35. Shi Zheng; Anxue Zhang; Yansheng Jiang; Yongjun Wang A multilayer detection/tracking algorithm based on Hidden Markov Model, 2012 14th International Conference on Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR).
  36. Wang, Jiafu; Qu, Shaobo; Ma, Hua; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue; Zhou, Hang ; Chen, Hongya ; Li, Yongfeng. High-efficiency spoof plasmon polariton coupler mediated by gradient metasurfaces, APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, V.101, No. 20, 2012.
  37. 纽莉荣,郭晨,蒋延生,张安学,基于MEMS 的双模矩形波导滤波器的设计,空间电子技术,No.4, pp:94-98, 2012.
  38. 王研,郭晨,蒋延生,张安学,基于MEMS 加工工艺的同轴腔体滤波器设计,空间电子技术,No.4, pp:108-112, 2012.
  39. 王研,郭晨,蒋延生,张安学,小型化边带陡峭的LTCC 滤波器设计,空间电子技术,No.4, pp:103-107, 2012.
  40. Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue, A novel design of circularly polarised antenna based on metamaterial, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS,  V.100, No.6, pp: 770-778, 2013.
  41. Shi, Hongyu; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue; Jiang, Yansheng, Design of a Circular Polarized Horn Antenna with an Anisotropic Metamaterial Slab, FREQUENZ, vol.67, No.9-10, pp: 271-276, 2013.
  42. Lu Lei ; Qu Shao-Bo ; Shi Hong-Yu ; Zhang An-Xue ; Zhang Jie-Que ; Ma Hua A miniaturized low-frequency polarization-insensitive metamaterial absorber based on broadside-coupled spiral structuresACTA PHYSICA SINICA, V. 62, N.15, 2013.
  43. Lirong Niu, Hongyu Shi, Zhenwu Liu, Yansheng Jiang and Anxue ZhangA LTCC Filter Using Multilayered Stepped Impedance ResonatorsMICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS, Volume 55, Issue 9, pp2003–2006, 2013.
  44. Jianxing Li, Hongyu Shi, Hang Li, Kai Feng, and Anxue Zhang, Compact Multi-band Circularly Polarized Antenna for GNSS Applications, Proceedings of 2013 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, Nanjing, 2013.
  45. Shi, Hongyu; Shi Zheng; Zhang, Anxue; Jiang, Yansheng, A Design of Dual-band 90° Polarization Rotator Using Twisted Electric-field-coupled Resonators, Proceedings - 2013 5th IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications, MAPE 2013, ISBN:978-1-4673-6079-1/13, p 94-96, 2013.
  46. Guo Chen; Zhang An-xue; Liu Ce,Design of a Loaded Dual-band (300 MHz/1 GHz) Antenna for Vehicular UWB GPR Application, Telecommunication Engineering,v 53, n 8,pp 1069-73, 2013.
  47. Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue, A linear-to-circular polarizer using split ring resonators, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal,v 28, n 6, p 507-512,2013.
  48. 施宏宇;李建星;张安学;蒋延生;简 晨,一种圆极化平面空间相位调节器的设计,2013年全国天线年会论文集,ISBN:978-7-121-19080-3p 1030-1033, 2013.
  49. Zheng, Shi; Shi, Hongyu; Zhang, Anxue; Jiang, Yansheng,  A Design of OFDM Signal for Ground Penetrating Radar, The 5th IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation, and EMC Technologies for Wireless Communications (MAPE 2013), pp: 568-571, 2013. 
  50. 张小娟,陈娟,郑适,张安学,蒋延生.AMC设计及其在半波天线中的应用[C].全国天线年会,2013:1140-1143
  51. 冯恩信; 高建明; 张安学, 基于SIW 左右手复合传输线的频扫天线阵馈电网络, 微波学报, v 29, n 5/6, pp 155-158, 2013.
  52. Jianxing Li, Hongyu Shi, Hang Li, and Anxue Zhang, Design of 4-element Antenna Array for BDS Anti-jamming Applications, FREQUENZ, Volume: 68Issue: 1-2Pages: 1-62014.
  53. Lu Lei; Qu Shao-Bo; Shi Hong-Yu; Zhang An-Xue; Xia Song; Xu Zhuo; Zhang Jie-Qiu, A broadband transmission absorption polarization-independent metamaterial absorber,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,v 63, n 2, 2014.
  54. Hongyu Shi, Anxue Zhang, Shi Zheng, Jianxing Li, Yansheng JiangDual-band polarization angle independent 90° polarization rotator using twisted electric-field-coupled resonatorsAPPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 104, 034102 (2014).
  55. Wang, Jiafu; Qu, Shaobo; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue; Ma, Hua; Zhang, Jieqiu; Chen, Hongya; Feng, Mingde, Multifrequency super-thin cloaks, Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications, v 12, n 2, p 130-137, April 2014.
  56. Yan, Mingbao ; Qu, Shaobo; Wang, Jiafu; Zhang, Jieqiu; Zhang, Anxue; Xia, Song; Wang, Wenjie, A novel miniaturized frequency selective surface with stable resonance, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, v 13, p 639-641, 2014.
  57. Li, Jianxing; Shi, Hongyu; Li, Hang; Zhang, Anxue, Quad-band probe-fed stacked annular patch antenna for GNSS applications, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, v 13, p 372-375, 2014.
  58. Li, Yongfeng ; Zhang, Jieqiu; Qu, Shaobo; Wang, Jiafu; Chen, Hongya; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue, Wideband radar cross section reduction using two-dimensional phase gradient metasurfaces, Applied Physics Letters, v 104, n 22, June 2, 2014.
  59. Li Yong-Feng; Zhang Jie-Qiu; Qu Shao-Bo; Wang Jia-Fu ; Chen Hong-Ya; Xu Zhuo; Zhang An-Xue,Design and experimental verification of a two-dimensional phase gradient metasurface used for radar cross section reduction,ACTA PHYSICA SINICA,v 63,n 8, 2014.
  60. Wang, Jiafu ; Qu, Shaobo; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue; Ma, Hua; Zhang, Jieqiu; Chen, Hongya; Feng, Mingde, Magnetic monopole-like response in metamaterials, Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications, 2014
  61. Chen, Hongya ; Wang, Jiafu; Ma, Hua; Qu, Shaobo; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue; Yan, Mingbao; Li, Yongfeng, Ultra-wideband polarization conversion metasurfaces based on multiple plasmon resonances, Journal of Applied Physics, v 115, n 15, April 21, 2014.
  62. Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue, A wideband 90 degrees polarisation rotator using split-ring resonators,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ELECTRONICS, v 101,n 8,1106-1116,2014.
  63. Li, Yongfeng; Zhang, Jieqiu; Qu, Shaobo; Wang, Jiafu; Chen, Hongya; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue, Wideband selective polarization conversion mediated by three-dimensional metamaterials,JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, v 115, n 23, 2014.
  64. 郑适,张安学,岳思橙,蒋延生,基于改进粒子群优化的探地雷达波形反演算法,电子与信息学报,V.36 NO.112014.
  65. Shi H-Y, Li J-X, Zhang A-X, et al. Tri-band transparent cross-polarization converters using a chiral metasurface. Chinese Physics B, 2014, 23 (11).
  66. Shi H, Li J, Zhang A, et al. Broadband cross polarization converter using plasmon hybridizations in a ring/disk cavity. Optics Express, 2014, 22 (17): 20973-20981.
  67. Liu Xiao-bo, Shi Hong-yu, Chen Bo, Zhang An-xue. Researches on the mechanism of the refractive index gradient surface. Wuli Xuebao/Acta Physica Sinica, 2014, 63 (21).
  68. Chen Bo, Shi Hongyu, Zhang Anxue, A thin planar antenna based on gradient metasurface. Guangzhou, China: Electromagnetics Academy, 2014: 1383-1386.
  69. Shi H, Li J, Zhang A, Zhu S. Multi Band Polarization Converter Based on Anisotropic Metasurface, 2014 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation.
  70. Li J, Shi H, Zheng S, Zhang A. Miniaturized Probe-Fed Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna for BDS Arrays, 2014 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation.
  71. Li Wei, Juan Chen, Anxue Zhang, Luo Wei, Lei Zhang,A broadband polarization-insensitive Metamaterial Absorber and its application in reducing Mutual coupling between dual-polarized Antennas, 2014 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation.
  72. Shitao Zhu, Xiaoli Dong, Anxue Zhang, Hongyu Shi and ZhuoXu, UWB ISAR High Resolution Imaging Using Near Field for Rotating Target, 2014 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation.
  73. Rong, Mingzhe; Li, Tianhui; Wang, Xiaohua; Liu, Dingxin; Zhang, Anxue. Investigation on propagation characteristics of PD-induced electromagneticwave in T-shaped GIS based on FDTD method. IEICE Transactions on Electronics, v E97-C, n 9, p 880-887, 2014.
  74. Li, Yongfeng; Zhang, Jieqiu; Qu, Shaobo; Wang, Jiafu; Chen, Hongya; Zheng, Lin; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue, Achieving wideband polarization-independent anomalous reflection for linearly polarized waves with dispersionless phase gradient metasurfaces. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, v 47, n 42, October 22, 2014.
  75. Li, Yongfeng ; Zhang, Jieqiu; Qu, Shaobo; Wang, Jiafu; Zheng, Lin; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo. Ultra-broadband linearly polarisation manipulation metamaterial. Electronics Letters, v 50, n 23, p 1658-1660, November 6, 2014.
  77. Chen, Jianzhong; Li, Xuefeng; Shi, Hongyu; Zhang, Anxue, Novel Spurious Suppression Approach for SIR Dual-band Bandpass Filter Design, FREQUENZ, V.69, No.1-2, pp: 65-70, 2015.
  78. Shi, Hongyu; Li, Jianxing; Zhang, Anxue; Jiang, Yansheng; Wang, Jiafu; Xu, Zhuo; Xia, Song. Gradient Metasurface With Both Polarization-Controlled Directional Surface Wave Coupling and Anomalous ReflectionIEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERSV.14, pp:104-107, 2015.
  79. Li, Yongfeng; Zhang, Jieqiu; Qu, Shaobo; Wang, Jiafu; Zheng, Lin; Pang, Yongqiang; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue. Achieving wide-band linear-to-circular polarization conversion using ultra-thin bi-layered metasurfaces, JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS, V.117, No.4, 2015.
  80. Zhu, Shitao; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo, An Average Power Tracking Method for Wideband Highly Nonlinear Power Amplifiers, IEEE MICROWAVE AND WIRELESS COMPONENTS LETTERSV.25, No.4, pp:274-276, 2015.
  81. Zhu, Shitao; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo, Threshold Analysis of Loop-Delay Estimation Using Correlation Functions for Double-Carrier Signals in Digital Predistortion Subsystem, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, V.19, No.3, pp:479-482, 2015.
  82. Li, Jianxing; Zhang, Ming; Shi, Hongyu, Zhang Anxue, Design and Implementation of an Adaptive Space-Time Antenna Array for GPS Receivers, FREQUENZ, V.69, No.3-4, pp: 83-87, 2015.
  83. Shen, YangPei, Zhibin ; Pang, Yongqiang; Wang, Jiafu; Zhang, Anxue; Qu, ShaoboAn extremely wideband and lightweight metamaterial absorberJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICSV.117, No.22, 2015.
  84. Zhu, Shitao; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo; Dong, Xiaoli, Radar Coincidence Imaging With Random Microwave Source, IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS, V.14, pp:1239-1242, 2015.
  85. Li Yong-Feng ; Zhang Jie-Qiu ; Qu Shao-Bo; Wang Jia-Fu ; Wu Xiang; Xu Zhuo; Zhang An-Xue, Circularly polarized wave reflection focusing metasurfaces, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, V. 64, No.12, 2015.
  86. Li Yong-Feng; Zhang Jie-Qiu ; Qu Shao-Bo; Wang Jia-Fu; Wu Xiang; Xu Zhuo; Zhang An-Xue, Design and verification of a two-dimensional wide band phase-gradient meta-surface ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, V.64, No.9, 2015.
  87. Liu Xiao-Bo; Liu Ming-Li; Chen Jian-Zhong; Shi Hong-Yu; Chen Bo; Jiang Yan-Sheng; Xu Zhuo; Zhang An-Xue, Study of positive and negative gradient refractive index alternant surface, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, V.64, No.8, 2015.
  88. Chen Hong-Ya ; Wang Jia-Fu ; Ma Hua; Qu Shao-Bo; Zhang Jie-Qiu; Xu Zhuo ; Zhang An-Xue, Broadband perfect polarization conversion metasurfaces, CHINESE PHYSICS B, V.24, No.1, 2015.
  89. Li Yong-Feng; Zhang Jie-Qiu ; Qu Shao-Bo ; Wang Jia-Fu; Zheng Lin; Zhou Hang; Xu Zhuo ; Zhang An-Xue, Wide-band circular polarization-keeping reflection mediated by metasurface, CHINESE PHYSICS B, V.24, No.1, 2015.
  90. Zheng, ShiPan, XuehanZhang, AnxueJiang, YanshengWang, WenbingEstimation of Echo Amplitude and Time Delay for OFDM-Based Ground-Penetrating RadarIEEE GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING LETTERSV.12, No.12,pp:2384-2388,DEC 2015
  91. Fan Ya; u Shao-Bo; Wang Jia-Fu ; Zhang Jie-Qiu ; Feng Ming-De; Zhang An-Xue,  Broadband anomalous reflector based on cross-polarized version phase gradient metasurface, ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, V.64,No.18, SEP 20 2015
  92. Chen, Jian-zhong; Shen, Jie; Gao, Ni; Zhang, An-xue, Design of Compact Tri-Band Filter Based on Sir-Loaded Resonator with 0 degrees Tapped-Feed Structure, FREQUENZ,V.69,No.9-10 ,pp:389-392, SEP 2015
  93. Li, Jianxing; He, Bin; Fang, Jing; Zhang, Anxue, Compact Dual-Band Proximity-Fed Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna for BDS Applications, FREQUENZ, V.69, No.9-10, pp: 407-412, SEP 2015.
  94. Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue; Li, Jianjun, Study on Band Gaps of the Photonic Crystal in THz Frequency Range Based on the Periodic WCS-PSTD Method ,APPLIED COMPUTATIONAL ELECTROMAGNETICS SOCIETY JOURNAL, V.30 ,No.9, pp:981-989, SEP 2015.
  95. Li, Yongfeng; Zhang, Jieqiu; Qu, Shaobo; Wang, Jiafu; Pang, Yongqiang; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue, Broadband unidirectional cloaks based on flat metasurface focusing lenses ,JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS ,V.48, No.33, AUG 26 2015.
  96. Zheng, Shi; Pan, Xuehan; Zhang, Anxue; Jiang, Yansheng; Wang, Wenbing, Design of OFDM Signal with Good Autocorrelation for Ground Penetrating Radar , FREQUENZ ,V. 69,No.7-8,pp: 369-375, JUL 2015.
  97. Liu, Xiaobo; Zhang, Jingsi; Li, Wei; Lu, Rui; Li, Lumei; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue. Three-band polarization converter based on reflective metasurface. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, v PP, n 99, 2016.
  98. Chen, Juan; Wei, Li; Zhang, Anxue; Li, Jianjun. Study on frequency selective characteristics of the microstructure metallic grating in terahertz frequency range based on the hybrid implicit explicit-pseudospectral time domain method. International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, v 29, n 1, p 35-46, January 1, 2016.
  99. Li, Jianxing; Guo, Jianying; Shi, Hongyu; He, Bin; Zhang, Anxue. CPW-fed stub-loaded slot dipole antenna design for dual-band operation. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, v 60, p 67-72, 2016
  100. Zhang, Ming; Zhang, Anxue; Yang, Qingqing. Robust Adaptive Beamforming Based on Conjugate Gradient Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, v PP, n 99, 2016
  101. Wang, Changqing; Li, Jianxing; Shi, Hongyu; Zhou, Xin; Zhang, Anxue. Wideband double-layered dielectric-loaded dual-polarized magneto-electric dipole antenna. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters, v 63, p 23-28, 2016
  102. Li, Jianxing; Guo, Jianying; Zhang, Anxue; Joines, William T.; Liu, Qing Huo. Miniaturized single-feed cross-aperture coupled circularly polarized microstrip patch antenna. Progress in Electromagnetics Research C, v 63, p 183-191, 2016.
  103. Li, Wen-Hu; Zhang, Jie-Qiu; Qu, Shao-Bo; Shen, Yang; Yu, Ji-Bao; Fan, Ya; Zhang, An-Xue. A circular polarization antenna designed based on the polarization conversion metasurface. Wuli Xuebao/Acta Physica Sinica, v 65, n 2, January 20, 2016
  104. Li, Liang; Liu, Qi-Fan; Wu, Xin; Zhang, An-Xue. A new approach to measure wetness of wet steam by microwave heating. Kung Cheng Je Wu Li Hsueh Pao/Journal of Engineering Thermophysics, v 37, n 2, p 272-276, February 1, 2016
  105. Chen, Jianzhong; Shen, Jie; Gao, Ni; Zhang, Anxue. Compact quad-band bandpass filter based on sextuple-mode stepped impedance stub-loaded resonator. Electronics Letters, v 52, n 3, p 214-215, February 4, 2016
  106. Zhang, Jingsi; Miao, Yingkai; Liu, Xiaobo; Zhang, Anxue. A conformal mapping method based on curve coordinates under complex electromagnetic boundaries. Hsi-An Chiao Tung Ta Hsueh/Journal of Xi'an Jiaotong University, v 50, n 2, p 43-47, February 10, 2016.
  107. Zhang, Ming; Zhang, Anxue; Li, Jianxing. Fast and accurate rank selection methods for multistage Wiener filter. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, v 64, n 4, p 973-984, February 15, 2016
  108. Dong, Mian; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue. Fourth-order hybrid implicit and explicit-FDTD method. International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, v 29, n 2, p 181-191, March 1, 2016
  109. Dong, Guoxiang; Shi, Hongyu; Xia, Song; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo; Wei, Xiaoyong. Ultra-broadband perfect cross polarization conversion metasurface. Optics Communications, v 365, p 108-112, April 15, 2016
  110. Liu, Yajun; Xia, Song; Shi, Hongyu; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo. Dual-band and high-efficiency polarization converter based on metasurfaces at microwave frequencies. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, v 122, n 6, June 1, 2016
  111. Li, Jianxing; Zhang, Anxue; Liu, Jiangang; Liu, Qing Huo. Cavity-backed wideband magneto-electric antenna for through-The-wall imaging radar applications. 2016 IEEE Radar Conference, RadarConf 2016, June 3, 2016, 2016 IEEE Radar Conference, RadarConf 2016
  112. Chen, Juan; Xu, Ning; Zhang, Anxue; Guo, Jinying. Using Dispersion HIE-FDTD Method to Simulate the Graphene-Based Polarizer. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, v 64, n 7, p 3011-3017, July 2016
  113. Tian, Dou; Shi, Hongyu; Zhang, Anxue. Comment on "a wideband ultrathin low profile metamaterial microwave absorber". Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, v 58, n 7, p 1773-1774, July 1, 2016
  114. Shi, Hong-Yu; Zhang, An-Xue; Chen, Jian-Zhong; Wang, Jia-Fu; Xia, Song; Xu, Zhuo. Polarization-insensitive unidirectional spoof surface plasmon polaritons coupling by gradient metasurface  Source: Chinese Physics B, v 25, n 7, July 2016
  115. Yuan, Hang-Ying; Qu, Shao-Bo; Zhang, Jie-Qiu; Wang, Jia-Fu; Chen, Hong-Ya; Zhou, Hang; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, An-Xue. A metamaterial-inspired wideband high-gain FABRY-Perot resonator microstrip patch antenna. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, v 58, n 7, p 1675-1678, July 1, 2016
  116. Han, Ya-Juan ; Zhang, Jie-Qiu; Li, Yong-Feng; Wang, Jia-Fu; Qu, Shao-Bo; Zhang, An-Xue. 360° scanning multi-beam antenna based on spoof surface plasmon polaritons. Wuli Xuebao/Acta Physica Sinica, v 65, n 14, July 20, 2016.
  117. Duan, Junping ; Zhang, Binzhen; Zhang, Anxue; Liu, Jun; Xue, Chengyang; Tang, Jun; Wang, Wanjun. Microfabrication of a dual-mode rectangular waveguide filter. Microsystem Technologies, v 22, n 8, p 2011-2016, August 1, 2016.
  118. Dong, Guo-Xiang; Shi, Hong-Yu; Xia, Song; Li, Wei; Zhang, An-Xue; Xu, Zhuo; Wei, Xiao-Yong. Ultra-broadband and high-efficiency polarization conversion metasurface with multiple plasmon resonance modes. Chinese Physics B, v 25, n 8, August 2016
  119. Yan, Mingbao; Wang, Jiafu; Ma, Hua; Qu, Shaobo; Zhang, Jieqiu; Xu, Cuilian; Zheng, Lin; Zhang, Anxue. A Quad-Band Frequency Selective Surface with Highly Selective Characteristics. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, v 26, n 8, p 562-564, August 2016
  120. Dong, Guoxiang; Shi, Hongyu; Li, Wei; He, Yuchen; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo; Wei, Xiaoyong; Xia, Song. A multi-band spoof surface plasmon polariton coupling metasurface based on dispersion engineering. Journal of Applied Physics, v 120, n 8, August 28, 2016
  121. Liu, Zhao-Tang; Qu, Shao-Bo; Wang, Jia-Fu; Zhang, Jie-Qiu; Hua, Ma; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, An-Xue. Isolation enhancement of patch antenna array via metamaterial integration. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, v 58, n 10, p 2321-2325, October 1, 2016.
  122. Liu, Zhaotang; Wang, Jiafu; Qu, Shaobo; Zhang, Jieqiu; Ma, Hua; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue. Enhancing isolation of antenna arrays by simultaneously blocking and guiding magnetic field lines using magnetic metamaterials. Applied Physics Letters, v 109, n 15, October 10, 2016
  123. Li, Jianxing; Zhang, Anxue; Joines, William T.; Liu, Qing HuoA miniaturized circularly polarized microstrip antenna with bandwidth enhancement. 2016 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, APSURSI 2016 - Proceedings, p 41-42, October 25, 2016.
  124. Li, Jianxing; Guo, Jianying; He, Bin; Zhang, Anxue; Liu, Qing Huo. Tri-Band CPW-Fed Stub-Loaded Slot Antenna Design for WLAN/WiMAX Applications. Frequenz, v 70, n 11-12, p 521-526, November 1, 2016
  125. Guo, Jianying; Chen, Juan; Wang, Jianguo; Zhang, Anxue. A new HIE-PSTD method for solving problems with fine and electrically large structures simultaneously. Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, v 31, n 12, p 1397-1403, December 2016.
  126. Li, Wei; Xia, Song; He, Bin; Chen, Jianzhong; Shi, Hongyu; Zhang, Anxue; Li, Zhenrong; Xu, Zhuo. A Reconfigurable Polarization Converter Using Active Metasurface and Its Application in Horn Antenna. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, v 64, n 12, p 5281-5290, December 2016
  127. Dong, Mian; Zhang, Anxue; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Songlin; He, Yuchen. The fourth-order one-step leapfrog HIE-FDTD method. Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, v 31, n 12, p 1370-1376, December 2016
  128. Chen, Juan; Guo, Jianying; Zhang, Anxue. Incorporating interband conductivity into ADI-FDTD method to simulate graphene. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, p 1-11, December 6, 2016
  129. Liu, Yajun; Xia, Song; Shi, Hongyu; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhu. Efficient dual-band asymmetric transmission of linearly polarized wave using a chiral metamaterial. Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, v 73, p 55-64, 2017
  130. Liu, Xiaobo; Chen, Bo; Zhang, Jingsi; Li, Wei; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue; Shi, Hongyu. Frequency-Scanning Planar Antenna Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polariton. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, v 16, p 165-168, 2017
  131. Shi, Hong-Yu; Li, Wei; Zhu, Shi-Tao; Dong, Xiao-Li; Zhang, An-Xue; Xia, Song; Xu, Zhuo. Broadband Circular Polarizer Based on Plasmon Hybridizations. International Journal of Antennas and Propagation, v 2017, 2017
  132. Liu, Xiaobo; Zhang, Jingsi; Li, Wei; Lu, Rui; Zhu, Shitao; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue. An Analytical Design of Cross Polarization Converter Based on the Gangbuster Metasurface. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, v 16, p 1028-1031, 2017
  133. Li, Jianxing; Wang, Changqing; Zhang, Anxue; Joines, William T.; Liu, Qing Huo. Microstrip-line-fed reactively loaded circularly polarized annular-ring slot antenna. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, v 31, n 1, p 101-110, January 2, 2017.
  134. Tian, Dou; Xu, Ran; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue; Shi, Hongyu. Multiband plasmonic filter based on double layer spoof surface plasmon polaritons. ISAPE 2016 - Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, p 925-927, January 25, 2017, ISAPE 2016 - Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory
  135. Liu, Xiaobo; Zhang, Jingsi; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue; Li, Bo. High-gain spoof surface plasmon polariton planar antenna based on the phase gradient metasurface. ISAPE 2016 - Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, p 153-155, January 25, 2017.
  136. Dong, Guoxiang; Xia, Song; Shi, Hongyu; He, Yuchen; Zhang, Anxue; Wei, Xiaoyong; Xu, Zhuo. Wideband polarization-independent anomalous reflection mediated by metasurface. ISAPE 2016 - Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, p 753-755, January 25, 2017.
  137. Zhang, Jingsi; Liu, Xiaobo; Zhang, Anxue. Three-band polarization-independent spoof plasmon polariton coupler. ISAPE 2016 - Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, p 327-329, January 25, 2017.
  138. Li, Lumei; Shi, Hongyu; Li, Wei; Li, Jianxing; Zhang, Anxue; Li, Wenhui. Main beam angle control microstrip antenna based on phase gradient metasurface. ISAPE 2016 - Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, p 1-4, January 25, 2017.
  139. Yang, Jingxian; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue; Li, Lanxin; Yang, Ying. A low-RCS microstrip antenna using EBG and HIS structure. ISAPE 2016 - Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, p 163-166, January 25, 2017.
  140. Li, Jianxing; He, Bin; Li, Lumei; Zhang, Anxue; Liu, Jiangang; Liu, Qing Huo. Capacitor-loaded circularly polarized annular-ring slotted microstrip patch antenna. ISAPE 2016 - Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, p 13-15, January 25, 2017.
  141. Li, Wei; Xia, Song; Li, Zhenrong; Xu, Zhuo; Li, Lumei; Shi, Hongyu; Zhang, Anxue. PIN tuned phase-gradient-metasurface transmitarray for beam steering application. ISAPE 2016 - Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, p 276-278, January 25, 2017.
  142. Li, Jianxing; Li, Lumei; Zhang, Anxue; Liu, Jiangang; Liu, Qing Huo. Wideband two bowtie dipole array antenna integrated with a tapered balun. ISAPE 2016 - Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, p 16-18, January 25, 2017.
  143. Qin, Xijia; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue; Li, Wei; Xu, Ning. Design of a tunable polarization insensitive graphene absorber operating at terahertz band. ISAPE 2016 - Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Antennas, Propagation and EM Theory, p 723-726, January 25, 2017.
  144. Chen, Juan; Guo, Jianying; Zhang, Anxue. Incorporating interband conductivity into ADI-FDTD method to simulate graphene, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, v 31, n 18, p 1994-2004, December 12, 2017.
  145. Li, Jianxing; Wang, Changqing; Zhang, Anxue; Joines, William T.; Liu, Qing Huo, Microstrip-line-fed reactively loaded circularly polarized annular-ring slot antenna, Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications,  v 31, n 1, p 101-110,  January 2, 2017.
  146. Tian, Dou; Li, Wei; Xu, Ran; Shi, Hongyu; Xu, Zhuo; Xia, Song; Zhang, Anxue, Broadband asymmetric transmission of linearly polarised wave based on bilayered chiral metamaterial, IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation,  v 11, n 2, p 171-176,  January 29, 2017.
  147. Shi, Hong-Yu; Li, Wei; Zhu, Shi-Tao; Dong, Xiao-Li; Zhang, An-Xue; Xia, Song; Xu, Zhuo, Broadband Circular Polarizer Based on Plasmon Hybridizations, International Journal of Antennas and Propagation,  v 2017,  2017.
  148. Liu, Xiaobo; Chen, Bo; Zhang, Jingsi; Li, Wei; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue; Shi, Hongyu, Frequency-Scanning Planar Antenna Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polariton, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,  v 16, p 165-168,  2017.
  149. Zhao, Zhenzhen; Shi, Hongyu; Guo, Jianying; Li, Wei; Zhang, Anxue, Stopband Frequency Selective Surface With Ultra-Large Angle of Incidence, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,  v 16, p 553-556,  2017.
  150. Liu, Xiaobo; Zeng, Zhaoxian; Zhang, Jingsi; Lu, Rui; Li, Wei; Dong, Xiaoli; Zhang, Anxue, A charge mapping method for the capacitance of conducting plate, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters,  v 27, n 5, p 425-427,  May 2017.
  151. Liu, Zhaotang; Wang, Jiafu; Qu, Shaobo; Zhang, Jieqiu; Ma, Hua; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue, Decoupling technique of patch antenna arrays with shared substrate by suppressing near-field magnetic coupling using magnetic metamaterials, Chinese Physics B,  v 26, n 4,  April 2017.
  152. Liu, Xiaobo; Zhang, Jingsi; Li, Wei; Lu, Rui; Zhu, Shitao; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue; Liu, Qing Huo, An Analytical Design of Cross Polarization Converter Based on the Gangbuster Metasurface, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,  v 16, p 1028-1031,  2017.
  153. Lu, Rui; Zhu, Shitao; Zhang, Ming; Zhang, Anxue, Robust time delay estimation based direction finding in lp-space, International Journal of Electronics,  v 104, n 12, p 2111-2120,  December 2, 2017.
  154. Liu, Xiaobo; Li, Wei; Lu, Rui; Zhu, Shitao; Xu, Zhuo; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Anxue, Analysis of High-Efficiency Cross-Polarized Converter at Oblique Incidence, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,  v 16, p 2291-2294,  June 13, 2017.
  155. Liu, Xiaobo; Zhang, Jingsi; Li, Wei; Lu, Rui; Li, Lumei; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue, Three-band polarization converter based on reflective metasurface, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,  v 16, p 924-927, 2017.
  156. Tian, Dou; Xu, Ran; Li, Wei; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue, Endfire antenna based on spoof surface plasmon polaritons, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C,  v 77, p 11-18, 2017.
  157. He, Yuchen; Zhu, Shitao; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo, High-resolution non-direct-viewing computational ghost imaging, Optics InfoBase Conference Papers,  v Part F51-IODC 2017,  2017,  Optical Design and Fabrication, IODC 2017.
  158. Zhang, Ming (Xi'An Jiaotong University, Xi'an; 710049, China); Lu, Rui; Zhu, Shitao; Zhang, Anxue, DOA Estimation Based on Reduced-rank Multistage Wiener Filter, Procedia Computer Science,  v 107, p 652-656,  2017,  7th International Congress of Information and Communication Technology, ICICT 2017.
  159. Zhu, Shitao; He, Yuchen; Lu, Rui; Dong, Xiaoli; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo, A Fast Accurate Time Delay Estimation Method in the Digital Predistortion Subsystem, Procedia Computer Science,  v 107, p 855-860,  2017,  7th International Congress of Information and Communication Technology, ICICT 2017.
  160. Lu, Rui; Zhu, Shitao; Huang, Binke; Zhang, Ming; Liu, Xiaobo; Zhang, Anxue, Low Complexity Robust Direction Finding Method for Impulsive Noise in lp-Space, Procedia Computer Science,  v 107, p 236-242,  2017,  7th International Congress of Information and Communication Technology, ICICT 2017.
  161. He, Yuchen; Zhu, Shitao; Zhang, Songlin; Dong, Mian; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo, Hybrid System Radar Coincidence Imaging, Procedia Computer Science,  v 107, p 867-870,  2017,  7th International Congress of Information and Communication Technology, ICICT 2017.
  162. Li, Lei; Li, Jianxing; Wei, Xiaoyong; Zhang, Anxue; Ma, Hanqing, A Ka band microstrip to waveguide transition using a quasi-triangle probe, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering,  v 27, n 8,  October 2017.
  163. Li, Wei; Xia, Song; Shi, Hongyu; Li, Jianxing; Zhang, Anxue; Li, Zhenrong; Xu, Zhuo, Design of a Dual-Band Dual-Polarization Transparent Frequency Selective Surface, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,  v 16, p 3172-3175,  October 25, 2017.
  164. Zhu, Shitao; Dong, Xiaoli; Zhang, Ming; Lu, Rui; Li, Jianxing; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Anxue, A Super-Resolution Computational Coincidence Imaging Method Based on SIMO Radar System, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters,  v 14, n 12, p 2265-2269,  December 2017.
  165. Li, Jianxing; Shi, Hongyu; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue, Dual-band dual-sense circularly polarized annular ring slot antenna, 2017 International Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Symposium in China, ACES-China 2017,  September 26, 2017.
  166. Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Shuai; Zhang, Anxue, On MIMO-UFMC in the Presence of Phase Noise and Antenna Mutual Coupling, Radio Science,  v 52, n 11, p 1386-1394,  November 2017.
  167. Li, Tianhui; Rong, Mingzhe; Wang, Xiaohua; Zhang, Anxue; Pan, Jin; Liu, Hongliang, Design, Optimization and Experiment Study of Internal UHF Sensor for Partial Discharge Detection in GIS, Zhongguo Dianji Gongcheng Xuebao/Proceedings of the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering,  v 37, n 18, p 5483-5493,  September 20, 2017.
  168. Mai, Huanxiao; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue, A Hybrid Algorithm Based on FDTD and HIE-FDTD Methods for Simulating Shielding Enclosure, IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility,  December 12, 2017.
  169. Zhao, Zhenzhen; Li, Wei; Yang, Ying; Huo, Huimin; Li, Jianxing; Zhang, Anxue, An incident angle insensitive band-pass frequency selective surface with flat top, 2017 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, Proceedings,  v 2017-January, p 273-274,  October 18, 2017.
  170. Li, Wei; Xia, Song; Shi, Hongyu; Dong, Guoxiang; Zhang, Anxue; Li, Zhenrong; Xu, Zhuo, Design of a reconfigurable polarization converter based on RF switches, 2017 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, Proceedings,  v 2017-January, p 885-886,  October 18, 2017.
  171. Li, Lei; Li, Jianxing; Wei, Xiaoyong; Zhang, Anxue, A W-band broadband power divider/combiner using two parallel antisymmetric tapered probes, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering,  v 28, n 1,  January 2018.
  172. Liu, Xiaobo; Li, Wei; Zhao, Zhenzhen; Lu, Rui; Zhu, Shitao; Xu, Zhuo; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Anxue, Tangential Network Transmission Theory of Reflective Metasurface with Obliquely Incident Plane Waves, IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,  v 66, n 1, p 64-72,  January 2018.
  173. Zhu, Shitao; Dong, Xiaoli; He, Yuchen; Zhao, Mengran; Dong, Guoxiang; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Anxue, Frequency-Polarization-Diverse Aperture for Coincidence Imaging, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters,  v 28, n 1, p 82-84,  January 2018.
  174. Li, Jianxing; Li, Lei; Lu, Ling; Shi, Hongyu; Huo, Huimin; Zhang, Anxue, Four-way waveguide power divider design for W-band applications, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2018.
  175. Zhu, Shitao; Dong, Xiaoli; He, Yuchen; Shi, Hongyu; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo, Mixed Mode Radar Coincidence Imaging with Hybrid Excitation Radar Array, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, v 54, n 4, p 1589-1604, August 2018.
  176. Dong, Mian; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue, A Convolutional Perfectly Matched Layer (CPML) for the Fourth-Order One-Step Leapfrog HIE-FDTD Method, Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Newsletter,  v 33, n 1, p 1-6,  January 2018.
  177. He, Yuchen; Wang, Gao; Dong, Guoxiang; Zhu, Shitao;Chen, Hui; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo. Ghost Imaging Based on Deep Learning, SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, V.8, 6469, APR 24 2018.
  178. Tian, Dou; Xu, Ran; Peng, Gantao; Li, Jianxing; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue; Ren, Yuxin. Low-Profile High-Efficiency Bidirectional Endfire Antenna Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons, IEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERS, V.17, No.5, pp:837-840, 2018.
  179. Li, Jianxing; Li, Lei; Qiao, Yu; Chen, Juan; Chen, Jianzhong; Zhang, Anxue, Full Ka Band Waveguide-to-Microstrip Inline Transition Design, Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, p 1-9, May 15, 2018.
  180. Zhu, Shitao; Zhao, Mengran; Dong, Xiaoli; Shi, Hongyu; Lu, Rui;Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, AnxueDifferential Coincidence Imaging With Frequency Diverse ApertureIEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERSV.17, No.6, pp:964-968, 2018.
  181. He, Yuchen; Zhu, Shitao; Dong, Guoxiang; Zhang, Songlin; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo, Resolution Analysis of Spatial Modulation Coincidence Imaging Based on Reflective Surface, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, V.56, No.7, pp: 3762-3771, 2018.
  182. Zhao, Mengran; Zhu, Shitao; Chen, Xiaoming; Li, Jianxing; Hu, Di; Wang, Luyi; Zhang, AnxueFrequency-Diverse Transmission Metamaterial Aperture With a Bunching Random BeamIEEE ANTENNAS AND WIRELESS PROPAGATION LETTERSV.17, No.6, pp: 1029-1033, 2018.
  183. Liu, Xiaobo; Li, Wei; Zhao, Zhenzhen; Lu, Rui;Zhu, Shitao; Xu, Zhuo; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Anxue, Babinet Principle for Anisotropic Metasurface With Different Substrates Under Obliquely Incident Plane Wave, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES, V.66, No.6, pp:2704-2713, 2018.
  184. Chen, Jianzhong; Li, Liang; Qiao, Yu; Cui, Jingyu; Zhang, Anxue. High efficient method for calculating S-parameters of microwave filter from coupling matrix, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2018.
  185. Chen, Xiaoming; Fan, Wei; Zhang, Anxue. On low-pass phase noise mitigation in OFDM system for mmWave communications. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, v 237 LNICST, p 271-280, 2018, Communications and Networking - 12th International Conference, ChinaCom 2017, Proceedings.
  186. Wang, Luyi; Shi, Hongyu; Zhu, Shitao; Li, Jianxing; Zhang, Anxue; Li, Lumei. Generation of multiple modes microwave vortex beams using tunable metasurface. Proceedings of 2017 7th IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation, and EMC Technologies, MAPE 2017, v 2018-January, p 379-381, January 8, 2018, Proceedings of 2017 7th IEEE International Symposium on Microwave, Antenna, Propagation, and EMC Technologies, MAPE 2017.
  187. Zhao, Zhenzhen; Li, Jianxing; Shi, Hongyu; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang Anxue. A low-profile angle-insensitive bandpass frequency-selective surface based on vias.  Source: IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, v 28, n 3, p 200-202, March 2018.
  188. Lu, Rui; Huang, Binke; Zhu, Shitao; Zhang, Ming; Liu, Xiaobo; Zhang, Anxue. Direction-of-arival estimation based on difference of L1 and L2 minimization. International Conference on Communication Technology Proceedings, ICCT, v 2017-October, p 234-237, May 15, 2018, 2017 17th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology, ICCT 2017.
  189. Li, Jianxing (School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China); Zhang, Xiaoke; Chen, Jianzhong; Chen, Juan; Xu, Kai Da; Zhang, Anxue. Circularly polarized co-designed filtering annular slot antenna. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, v 90, p 30-35, June 2018.
  190. Zhu, Shitao; Zhao, Mengran; Dong, Xiaoli; Shi, Hongyu; Lu, Rui; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Anxue. Differential coincidence imaging with frequency diverse aperture. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, v 17, n 6, p 964-968, June 2018.
  191. Wu, Yujing; Shi, Hongyu; Zhu, Shitao; Li, Jianxing; Zhang, Anxue. Passive asymmetric propagation waveguide based on phase gradient metasurface. 2018 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium, IWS 2018 - Proceedings, p 1-3, June 29, 2018, 2018 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium, IWS 2018 - Proceedings.
  192. Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Ming; Zhu, Shitao; Zhang, Anxue. Empirical Study of Angular-Temporal Spectra in a Reverberation Chamber. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, August 8, 2018.
  193. Zhang, Ming; Wang, Xiaojian; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Anxue. The kernel conjugate gradient algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, v 66, n 16, p 4377-4387, August 15, 2018.
  194. Chen, Xiaoming; Tang, Jiazhi; Li, Teng; Zhu, Shitao; Ren, Yuxin; Zhang, Zhihua; Zhang, Anxue. Reverberation chambers for over-the-air tests: An overview of two decades of research. IEEE Access, v 6, p 49129-49143, August 24, 2018.
  195. Zhu, Shitao; Chen, Xiaoming; Pan, Xuehan; Dong, Xiaoli; Shi, Hongyu; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo. Self-adaption matched filter and bi-directional difference method for moving target detection. Sensors (Switzerland), v 18, n 10, October 2018.
  196. Shi, Hongyu; Zhang, Xiaoke; Li, Jianxing; Jia, Peiyuan; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue. 3.6-GHz eight-antenna MIMO array for mobile terminal applications. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, v 95, p 342-348, October 2018.
  197. Mai, Huanxiao; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue. A Hybrid Algorithm Based on FDTD and HIE-FDTD Methods for Simulating Shielding Enclosure. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, v 60, n 5, p 1393-1399, October 2018.
  198. Khan, Tayyab A.; Li, Jianxing; Li, Zhiyuan; Abdullah, Muhammad; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue. Design of a Vivaldi antenna with wideband reduced radar cross section. AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, v 95, p 47-51, October 2018.
  199. Li, Jianxing; Huo, Huimin; Chen, Juan; Zhu, Shitao; Shi, Hongyu; Zhang, Anxue. Miniaturised artificial magnetic conductor and its application in unidirectional circularly polarised slot antenna design. IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, v 12, n 12, p 1885-1889, October 3, 2018.
  200. Li, Jianxing; Li, Wei; Shi, Hongyu; Zhang, Anxue; Lu, Ling; Xu, Liang; Dual-Band Dual-Polarization Transparent Metasurface Design, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, ICCEM 2018, October 17, 2018.
  201. Zhao, Zhen-Zhen; Li, Wei; Chen, Xiao-Ming; Chen, Jian-Zhong; Shi, Hong-Yu; Li, Jian-Xing; Zhu, Shi-Tao; Zhang, An-Xue; Broad-band angle insensitive frequency-selective surface with multiple resonant modes, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, v 60, n 11, p 2660-2664, November 2018.
  202. Dong, Guoxiang; Zhu, Shitao; He, Yuchen; Xia, Song; Zhang, Anxue; Wei, Xiaoyong; Xu, Zhuo; Radar cross section reduction metasurface based on random phase gradientsApplied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, v 124, n 11, November 1, 2018.
  203. Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Ming; Zhu, Shitao; Zhang, Anxue; Empirical study of angularoral spectra in a reverberation chamber, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, v 66, n 11, p 6452-6456, November 2018.
  204. Chen, Jin; Yuan, Xujin; Chen, Mingji; Cheng, Xiaodong; Zhang, Anxue; Peng, Gantao; Song, Wei-Li; Fang, Daining; Ultrabroadband Three-Dimensional Printed Radial Perfectly Symmetric Gradient Honeycomb All-Dielectric Dual-Directional Lightweight Planar Luneburg Lens, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, v 10, n 44, p 38404-38409, November 7, 2018.
  205. Lu, Xinru; Wu, Zixian; Zhang, Anxue; Chen, Juan; Transparent and ultra-wideband microwave absorber made of glass and resistive film, Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation, APCAP 2018, p 225-226, November 15, 2018.
  206. Xiao, Hong; Duan, Junping; Zhang, Binzhen; Zhang, Anxue; Huang, Chengyuan; Jia, Qinyin; Design and characterization of millimeter-wave micromachined polymer-based cavity filter with resonant cylinders, Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical, v 284, p 242-250, 1 December 2018.
  207. Shi, Hongyu; Wang, Luyi; Zhao, Mengran; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo ; Transparent metasurface for generating microwave vortex beams with cross-polarization conversion, Materials, v 11, n 12, December 3, 2018.
  208. Polarization reconfigurable annular ring slot antenna design. Li, Jianxing; Shi, Junwei; Da Xu, Kai; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue2019 Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Fall, PIERS - Fall 2019 - Proceedings, p 1022-1027,  December 2019,  2019 Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Fall, PIERS - Fall 2019 - Proceedings
  209. A Dual-Port Annular Antenna with Polarization Diversity for Smartwatches. Wang, Buyun; Zhang, Anxue; Yan, Sen2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, CSQRWC 2019 - Proceedings,  July 2019,  2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, CSQRWC 2019 - Proceedings
  210. A Compact Low-profile Ultra-Wideband Antenna with an AMC Reflector.Cui, Jiaqian; Zhang, Anxue; Chen, Xiaoming 2019 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2019 - Proceedings,  October 2019,  2019 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2019 - Proceedings
  211. Isolation enhanced circularly polarized patch antenna array using modified electric-field-coupled resonator. Li, Jianxing; Shi, Junwei; Feng, Kai; Xiao, Zhicheng; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering,  v 29, n 5,  May 2019
  212. Multilayered Dielectric TDPO method Based on Characteristic Matrix Theory. Mai, Huanxiao; Zhang, Anxue; Chen, Juan2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, ICCEM 2019 - Proceedings,  March 2019,  2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, ICCEM 2019 - Proceedings
  213. Miniaturized circularly polarized patch antenna using coupled shorting strip and capacitive probe feed. Shi, Hongyu; Li, Jianxing; Shi, Junwei; Chen, Juan; Li, Zhiyuan; Zhu, Shitao; Khan, Tayyab Ali; Zhang, AnxueAEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications,  v 98, p 235-240,  January 2019
  214. The Superposition Principle of Linear Time-Invariant Systems. Zhang, Ming; Zhang, Anxue IEEE Signal Processing Magazine,  v 36, n 6, p 153-156,  November 2019
  215. Broadband Polarization-Sensitive Reflection Metamaterial Aperture in Terahertz Band. Zhao, Mengran; Zhu, Shitao; Shi, Hongyu; Huang, Huilin; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology, ICEICT 2019, p 799-801,  January 2019,  Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology, ICEICT 2019
  216. A Low-profile, Vertically Polarized Antenna for WLAN and UWB Applications. Zheng, Yan; Zhang, Anxue; Yan, Sen 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, ICCEM 2019 - Proceedings,  March 2019,  2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, ICCEM 2019 - Proceedings
  217. A Compact Antenna Based on Metasurface for WLAN Band. Zhang, Kai; Zhang, Anxue; Yan, Sen 2019 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2019 - Proceedings,  October 2019,  2019 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2019 - Proceedings
  218. Dual-Band Eight-Antenna Array Design for MIMO Applications in 5G Mobile Terminals. Li, Jianxing; Zhang, Xiaoke; Wang, Zhi; Chen, Xiaoming; Chen, Juan; Li, Yingsong; Zhang, Anxue IEEE Access,  v 7, p 71636-71644,  2019
  219. Broadband Coding Metasurface with Cross-Polarization Conversion. Feng, Jialin; Shi, Hongyu; Zhang, Anxue Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology, ICEICT 2019, p 789-791,  January 2019,  Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology, ICEICT 2019
  220. Improved Self-Adaption Matched Filter for Moving Target Detection. Pan, Xuehan; Zhu, Shitao; He, Yuchen; Chen, Xiaoming; Li, Jianxing; Zhang, Anxue 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, ICCEM 2019 - Proceedings,  March 2019,  2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, ICCEM 2019 - Proceedings
  221. A Wearable Filtering Antenna Based on Multilayer Structure. Cui, Jingyu; Yan, Sen; Zhang, Anxue 2019 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2019 - Proceedings,  October 2019,  2019 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2019 - Proceedings
  222. Dual-band transmissive cross-polarization converter with extremely high polarization conversion ratio using transmitarray. Li, Jianxing; Feng, Jialin; Li, Bo; Shi, Hongyu; Zhang, Anxue; Chen, JuanMaterials,  v 12, n 11,  June 1, 2019
  223. Tunable Coding Metasurface Using Continuous Graphene Layer. Wu, Yujing; Shi, Hongyu; Zhang, Anxue Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology, ICEICT 2019, p 796-798,  January 2019,  Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology, ICEICT 2019
  224. Design of Low RCS Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna Array for BeiDou Navigation Satellite System Applications. Khan, Tayyab Ali; Sheng, Xiong; Li, Jianxing; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, ICCEM 2019 - Proceedings,  March 2019,  2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Electromagnetics, ICCEM 2019 - Proceedings
  225. Investigation of automotive testing in a reverberation chamber. Xue, Wei; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, AnxueIET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation,  v 13, n 15, p 2605-2609,  December 18, 2019
  226. Wideband Oblique-Incident Spherical-Plane Wave Conversion Metalens in K-band. Huang, Huilin; Zhu, Shitao; Zhao, Mengran; Chen, Xiaoming; Tang, Jiazhi; Zhang, Anxue 2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, CSQRWC 2019 - Proceedings,  July 2019,  2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, CSQRWC 2019 - Proceedings
  227. Random Radiation Metamaterial Aperture design for Coincidence Imaging. Zhu, Shitao; Pan, Xuehan; Zhao, Mengran; Shi, Hongyu; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Anxue Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology, ICEICT 2019, p 805-807,  January 2019,  Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology, ICEICT 2019
  228. Joint TOA/DOA Estimation Using the SAGE Algorithm in OFDM Systems with Virtual Carriers. Lu, Tingting; Zhang, Ming; Kang, Tangbin; Zhang, Anxue Journal of Physics: Conference Series, v 1169, n 1, March 14, 2019, 2018 3rd International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing
  229. A Novel Frequency Selective Surface Radome with Circular Polarization Selection. Zhang, Yangyang; Li, Jianxing; PenG, Gantao; Sang, Xiangyuan; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology, ICEICT 2019, p 662-663, January 2019, Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology, ICEICT 2019
  230. Measurements of Antenna Systems in Reverberation Chamber: A Review. Chen, Xiaoming; Zhu, Shitao; Zhang, Anxue2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, CSQRWC 2019 - Proceedings,  July 2019,  2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, CSQRWC 2019 - Proceedings
  231. Does low mutual coupling imply low antenna correlation? Chen, Xiaoming; Abdullah, Muhammad; Li, Qinlong; Zhu, Shitao; Shi, Hongyu; Zhang, Anxue 2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI 2019 - Proceedings, p 1769-1770,  July 2019,  2019 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI 2019 - Proceedings
  232. A simple tridiagonal loading method for robust adaptive beamforming. Zhang, Ming; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Anxu Signal Processing,  v 157, p 103-107,  April 2019
  233. A Mixed Cross Coupling Gap Waveguide Bandpass Filter with Asymmetric Transmission Zeros. Shu, Minjie; Xu, Wenjiao; Wu, Zixian; Guo, Cheng; Chen, Jianzhong; Zhang, Anxue 2019 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2019 - Proceedings,  October 2019,  2019 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2019 - Proceedings
  234. An optically transparent and ultra-wideband absorber based on multi-layer structure. Lu, Xinru; Chen, Juan; Peng, Zhenghui; Wu, Zixian; Zhang, Anxue 2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, CSQRWC 2019 - Proceedings,  July 2019,  2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, CSQRWC 2019 - Proceedings
  235. Radiation Pattern Reshaping of Mircostrip Antennas Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons Mode Coupling. Qu, Bingyue; Xu, Zhuo; Zhang, Anxue; Yan, Sen 2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, CSQRWC 2019 - Proceedings,  July 2019,  2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, CSQRWC 2019 - Proceedings
  236. Sense Reconfigurable Circularly Polarized Microstrip Patch Antenna Design. Sheng, Xiong; Shi, Junwei; Huo, Huimin; Li, Jianxing; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology, ICEICT 2019, p 671-673,  January 2019,  Proceedings of 2019 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology, ICEICT 2019
  237. Design of a low scattering metasurface for stealth applications. Khan, Tayyab Ali; Li, Jianxing; Chen, Juan; Raza, Muhammad Usman; Zhang, Anxue Materials,  v 12, n 18,  September 1, 2019
  238. Generation of Multiple Modes Microwave Vortex Beams Using Active Metasurface. Shi, Hongyu; Wang, Luyi; Peng, Gantao; Chen, Xiaoming; Li, Jianxing; Zhu, Shitao; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,  v 18, n 1, p 59-63,  January 2019
  239. On Power Angular Spectrum Estimation in a Reverberation Chamber. Chen, Xiaoming; Li, Teng; Zhang, Ming; Zhu, Shitao; Zhang, Anxue 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2019,  March 2019,  13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2019
  240. Over-the-Air Testing of 5G Millimeter-Wave System with Adaptive Beamforming. Pei, Huiling; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Ming; Zhang, Anxue 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium, IWS 2019 - Proceedings,  May 2019,  2019 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium, IWS 2019 - Proceedings
  241. Gradient Metasurface with Anomalous Transmission and Linear-Circular Polarization Conversion. Feng, Jialin; Shi, Hongyu; Zhang, Anxue 2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, CSQRWC 2019 - Proceedings,  July 2019,  2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, CSQRWC 2019 - Proceedings
  242. Transparent cross-polarization converter with anomalous refraction. Shi, Hongyu; Li, Jianxing; Zhu, Shitao; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications,  v 98, p 230-234,  January 2019
  243. Broadband CPW-fed stub-loaded slot antenna array for 5G mm-Wave applications. Zhang, Xiaoke; Yang, An; Hu, Peng; Li, Jianxing; Zhang, Anxue 2019 Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Fall, PIERS - Fall 2019 - Proceedings, p 1563-1566,  December 2019,  2019 Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Fall, PIERS - Fall 2019 - Proceedings
  244. Frequency-diverse bunching metamaterial antenna for coincidence imaging. Zhao, Mengran; Zhu, Shitao; Li, Jianxing; Shi, Hongyu; Chen, Juan; He, Yuchen; Zhang, Anxue Materials,  v 12, n 11,  June 1, 2019
  245. Bandpass FSS with Zeros Adjustable Quasi-Elliptic Response. Zhao, Zhenzhen; Zhang, Anxue; Chen, Xiaoming; Peng, Gantao; Li, Jianxing; Shi, Hongyu; Kishk, Ahmed A. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, v 18, n 6, p 1184-1188, June 2019
  246. Low Profile Unequally Dual-Feed Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna with a Wide Beamwidth. Sheng, Xiong; Li, Jianxing; Huo, Huimin; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue 2019 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, ICMMT 2019 - Proceedings,  May 2019,  2019 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, ICMMT 2019 - Proceedings
  247. Generation of a microwave beam with both orbital and spin angular momenta using a transparent metasurface. Shi, Hongyu; Wang, Luyi; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo Journal of Applied Physics,  v 126, n 6,  August 14, 2019
  248. Three-dimensional surface wave measurement system. Peng, Gantao; Zhu, Shitao; Zhang, Jingsi; Shi, Hongyu; Zhang, Yangyang; Li, Jianxing; Zhang, Anxue Journal of Engineering,  v 2019, n 20, p 6692-6694,  October 2019,  IET International Radar Conference, IRC 2018
  249. Space-Time-Polarization Adaptive Antenna Arrays for GNSS Receivers.
  250. Wang, Xiaojian; Li, Jianxing; Zhang, Ming; Zhang, Anxue Journal of Physics: Conference Series, v 1169, n 1, March 14, 2019, 2018 3rd International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing
  251. Design of dual-mode dual-band rectangular waveguide filtering antenna. Wu, Zixian; Chen, Jianzhong; Zhang, Anxue; Lu, Xinru; Zhang, Xiaoke International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering,  v 29, n 7,  July 2019
  252. Design of a Multilayer Structure Microwave Filtering Antenna. Cui, Jingyu; Chen, Jianzhong; Zhang, Anxue; Yan, Sen; Li, Jianxing; Qiao, Yu 2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, CSQRWC 2019 - Proceedings,  July 2019,  2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, CSQRWC 2019 - Proceedings
  253. Design of Ultra-wideband and Transparent Absorber based on Resistive Films. Lu, Xinru; Chen, Juan; Huang, Youqi; Wu, Zixian; Zhang, Anxue Applied Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal,  v 34, n 5, p 765-770,  2019
  254. Mutual Coupling Reduction for Linearly Arranged MIMO Antenna. Faraz, Faizan; Li, Qinlong; Chen, Xiaoming; Abdullah, Muhammad; Zhang, Shuai; Zhang, Anxue 2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, CSQRWC 2019 - Proceedings,  July 2019,  2019 Cross Strait Quad-Regional Radio Science and Wireless Technology Conference, CSQRWC 2019 - Proceedings
  255. A Generalized Correlation Theorem for LTI Systems. Zhang, Ming; Yang, Qingqing; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Anxue Journal of Physics: Conference Series, v 1169, n 1, March 14, 2019, 2018 3rd International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing
  256. Microfabrication of Coaxial Filter without Internal Conductor Support. Wu, Zixian; Zhang, Anxue; Chen, Jianzhong; Lu, Xinru 2019 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, ICMMT 2019 - Proceedings,  May 2019,  2019 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, ICMMT 2019 - Proceedings
  257. Wideband transmission enhancement of electromagnetic waves through high-permittivity ceramics via magnetic metamaterial films. Li, Yongzhi; Zheng, Lin; Wang, Jiafu; Jia, Yuxiang; Li, Yongfeng; Zhang, Anxue; Zhang, Jieqiu; Qu, Shaobo Materials Research Express,  v 6, n 11,  October 18, 2019
  258. Wideband and low-profile transmitarray antenna using transmissive metasurface. Liu, Yajun; Zhang, Anxue; Xu, Zhuo; Xia, Song; Shi, Hongyu Journal of Applied Physics,  v 125, n 4,  January 28, 2019
  259. Co-design of low profile single-fed circularly polarized filtering antenna with high out-of-band rejection. Wu, Zixian; Zhang, Anxue; Chen, Jianzhong; Lu, Xinru; Li, Jianxing AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications,  v 102, p 99-104,  April 2019
  260. Analysis of Complementary Metasurfaces Based on the Babinet Principle. Liu, Xiaobo; Lu, Rui; Zhu, Shitao; Xu, Zhuo; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Anxue IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters,  v 29, n 1, p 8-10,  January 2019
  261. Design of a metasurface with wide RCS reduction bandwidth. Khan, Tayyab Ali; Li, Jianxing; Raza, Usman; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue2019 Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Fall, PIERS - Fall 2019 - Proceedings, p 976-982,  December 2019,  2019 Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Fall, PIERS - Fall 2019 - Proceedings
  262. High efficient method for calculating S-parameters of microwave filter from coupling matrix. Chen, Jianzhong; Li, Liang; Qiao, Yu; Cui, Jingyu; Zhang, Anxue International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering,  v 29, n 2,  Februaryy 2019
  263. Design of low RCS circularly polarized patch antenna array using metasurface for CNSS adaptive antenna applications. Li, Jianxing; Khan, Tayyab A.; Chen, Juan; Raza, Muhammad U.; Zhang, Anxue Materials, v 12, n 12, June 1, 2019
  264. Characterizations of Mutual Coupling Effects on Switch-Based Phased Array Antennas for 5G Millimeter-Wave Mobile Communications. Chen, Xiaoming; Abdullah, Muhammad; Li, Qinlong; Li, Jianxing; Zhang, Anxue; Svensson, Tommy IEEE Access,  v 7, p 31376-31384,  2019
  265. Multi-polarization, polarization-independent, wide-angle RCS reduction metasurface based on random phase gradients. Dong, Guoxiang; Li, Xiaoping; Liu, Yanming; Zhu, Shitao; He, Yuchen; Zhang, Anxue Applied Optics,  v 58, n 4, p 764-771,  February 1, 2019
  266. Graphene-Based Dynamically Tunable Attenuator on Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons Waveguide. Tian, Dou; Kianinejad, Amin; Zhang, Anxue; Chen, Zhi Ning IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters,  v 29, n 6, p 388-390,  June 2019
  267. Dual-polarized broadband base station antenna backed with dielectric cavity for 5G communications. Li, Mengting; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Anxue; Kishk, Ahmed A. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, v 18, n 10, p 2051-2055,  October 2019
  268. Spin-to-Orbital Angular Momentum Conversion with Quasi-Continuous Spatial Phase Response. Wang, He; Li, Yongfeng; Chen, Hongya; Shen, Yang; Yang, Zetian; Wang, Jiafu; Zhang, Jieqiu; Ding, Meng; Zhang, Anxue; Cui, Tiejun; Qu, Shaobo Advanced Optical Materials,  v 7, n 24,  December 1, 2019
  269. Comparisons of channel emulation methods for state-of-the-art multi-probe anechoic chamber based millimeter-wave over-the-air testing. Pei, Huiling; Chen, Xiaoming; Fan, Wei; Zhang, Ming; Zhang, Anxue; Svensson, Tommy IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference,  v 2019-September,  September 2019,  2019 IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC 2019 Fall - Proceedings
  270. New ultra-wideband filter with sharp notched band using defected ground structure. Liu, Jingbo; Ding, Wenhao; Chen, Jianzhong; Zhang, Anxue Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters,  v 83, p 99-105,  2019
  271. A Full X-Band Fully 3-D Printed E-Plane Rectangular-Coax-to-Waveguide Transition. Li, Jin; Guo, Cheng; Yu, Yang; Huang, Guan-Long; Yuan, Tao; Wang, Yi; Xu, Jun; Zhang, AnxueIEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, v 2019-June, p 1209-1212, June 2019,  2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, IMS 2019
  272. Miniaturized suspended strip-line bandpass filter based on spoof surface plasmon polaritons. Wang, Ruolin; Wang, Jiafu; Han, Yajuan; Li, Yongfeng; Zhang, Jieqiu; Tian, Xiaoxia; Zhang, Anxue; Qu, Shaobo Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, v 52, n 32, June 4, 2019
  273. A Connectorized X-Band 3-D Printed Air-Filled Self-Suspended Rectangular Coaxial Transmission Line. Yu, Yang; Li, Jin; Guo, Cheng; Huang, Guan-Long; Cheng, Qingsha S.; Zhang, Anxue 2019 49th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2019, p 690-693, October 2019, 2019 49th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2019
  274. Shaping and Slotting High-Q Spherical Resonators for Suppression of Higher Order Modes. Guo, Cheng; Li, Jin; Yu, Yang; Zhang, Fan; Li, Sheng; Attallah, Moataz M.; Shang, Xiaobang; Zhang, Anxue; Wang, Yi; Lancaster, Michael J. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, v 2019-June, p 1205-1208, June 2019, 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, IMS 2019
  275. A 3-D Printed E-Plane Waveguide Magic-T Using Air-Filled Coax-to-Waveguide Transitions. Guo, Cheng; Gao, Yang; Wang, Yi; Huang, Guan-Long; Cheng, Qingsha S.; Zhang, Anxue; Li, Jin; Yu, Yang; Zhang, Fan; Zhu, Yujian; Yang, Qian; Zhu, Weijun; Zhu, Shitao; Shang, Xiaobang IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques,  v 67, n 12, p 4984-4994,  December 2019
  276. Co-design of a filtering antenna based on multilayer structureInternational Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering. Cui, Jingyu; Zhang, Anxue; Yan, Sen. v 30, n 2, February 1, 2020
  277. A novel hybrid algorithm based on FDTD and WCS-FDTD methods. Mai, Huanxiao; Chen, Juan; Yu, Xumin; Zhang, Anxue. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, v 30, n 5, May 1, 2020
  278. A frequency reconfigurable filtering antenna based on stepped impedance resonator. Cui, Jingyu; Zhang, Anxue; Wu, Zixian; Yan, Sen. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, v 34, n 5, p 571-580, March 23, 2020
  279. Design and measurement-based characterization of a K-band metalens for wideband oblique-incident spherical-plane wave conversion. Huang, Huilin; Zhao, Mengran; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhu, Shitao; Tang, Jiazhi; Zhang, Anxue. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, v 30, n 2, February 1, 2020
  280. A Structure Parameter Estimation Method for Microstrip BPF Based on Multilayer FCN. Du, Hao ; Yang, Qian; Dai, Xinyue; Guo, Cheng; Liao, Xuewen; Zhang, Anxue. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, v 30, n 6, p 581-584, June 2020
  281. Evaluation of the Purity of OAM Modes Using the Reverberation Chamber Technique. Xue, Wei. Chen, Xiaoming; Shi, Hongyu; Huang, Huilin; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2020,  March 2020, 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2020
  282. Resolution Threshold Analysis of the Microwave Radar Coincidence Imaging. Zhu, Shitao ; He, Yuchen; Chen, Xiaoming; Guo, Cheng; Shi, Hongyu; Li, Jianxing; Dong, Xiaoli; Zhang, Anxue IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing,  v 58, n 3, p 2232-2243,  March 2020
  283. High selectivity wideband bandpass filter based on stepped impedance open stubs loaded ring resonator. Yang, Qian; Shu, Minjie; Guo, Cheng; Li, Jianxing; Zhang, AnxueAEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications,  v 126,  November 2020
  284. An Omnidirectional Multiband Antenna for Railway Application. Cui, Jiaqian; Zhang, Anxue; Chen, XiaomingIEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters,  v 19, n 1, p 54-58,  January 2020
  285. Frequency-Diverse Metasurface Antenna with Hybrid Bunching Methods for Coincidence Imaging. Zhao, Mengran; Zhu, Shitao; Huang, Huilin; Chen, Xiaoming; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue IEEE Access,  v 8, p 137711-137719,  2020
  286. Broadband Metamaterial Aperture Antenna for Coincidence Imaging in Terahertz Band. Zhao, Mengran; Zhu, Shitao; Chen, Juan; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Anxue IEEE Access,  v 8, p 121311-121318,  2020
  287. Tunable multi-band terahertz absorber using a single-layer square graphene ring structure with T-shaped graphene strips. Xu, Kai-Da ; Li, Jianxing; Zhang, Anxue; Chen, Qiang Optics Express,  v 28, n 8, p 11482-11492,  April 13, 2020
  288. A Generalized Accurate Model for Complementary Periodic Subwavelength Metasurface Based on Babinet Principle. Liu, Xiaobo; Zhang, Jingsi; Chen, Xiaoming; Jiang, Zhi Hao; Zhang, Anxue IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,  v 68, n 5, p 3780-3790,  May 2020
  289. Single-Ended and Balanced Bandpass Filters Using Multiple Pairs of Coupled Lines and Stepped-Impedance Stubs. Li, Donghao ; Xu, Kai-Da; Zhang, anxue IEEE Access,  v 8, p 13541-13548,  2020
  290. Statistical Analysis of Antenna Efficiency Measurements with Non-Reference Antenna Methods in a Reverberation Chambe. Xue, Wei ; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Ming; Zhao, Luyu; Zhang, Anxue; Huang, Yi IEEE Access,  v 8, p 113967-113980,  2020
  291. Direction-of-Arrival Estimation in the Presence of Phase Noise. Lu, Rui ; Zhang, Ming; Chen, Xiaoming; Zhang, Anxue; Svensson, Tommy IEEE Communications Letters,  v 24, n 8, p 1710-1714,  August 2020.
  292. Compact High-Efficiency Resonator Antennas Based on Dispersion Engineering of Even-Mode Spoof Surface Plasmon Polaritons. Tian, Dou; Wang, Jiafu; Kianinejad, Amin; Zhang, Anxue; Chen, Zhi Ning IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,  v 68, n 4, p 2557-2564,  April 2020
  293. An all-dielectric 3D Luneburg lens constructed by common-vertex coaxial circular cones. Chen, Jin; Lin, Yiyue; Peng, Gantao; Huang, Yixing; Zhang, Anxue; Song, Wei-Li; Chen, Mingji; Liu, Zhanwei; Fang, Daining Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, v 53, n 1, 2020
  294. Coupled-line band-pass filter with T-shaped structure for high frequency selectivity and stopband rejection. Xu, Kai-Da; Lu, Sen; Ren, Yi; Zhang, Anxue; Chen, Qiang International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering,  v 30, n 8,  August 1, 2020
  295. Multi-functional sandwich structure with metamaterial antenna lattice cores: Protection, radiation and absorption. Han, Yajuan; Jiang, Wei; Wang, Jiafu; Gong, Shuhong; Li, Yongfeng; Zheng, Lin; Zhang, Jieqiu; Zhang, Anxue; Qu, Shaobo IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation,  v 14, n 7, p 593-599,  June 10, 2020
  296. A new type of the air-filled substrate integrated gap waveguide resonator. Shu, Minjie; Wu, Zixian; Cheng, Zhaoliang; Yang, Qian; Chen, Jianzhong; Zhang, Anxue International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering,  v 30, n 7,  July 1, 2020
  297. Analysis of multilayered homogeneous dielectric targets by using time-domain physical optics method. Mai, Huanxiao; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering,  v 30, n 2,  February 1, 2020
  298. Polarization reconfigurable annular ring slot antenna design. Li, Jianxing; Shi, Junwei; Xu, Kai-Da; Yang, Qian; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications,  v 123,  August 2020
  299. The Effect of Mutual Coupling on the Performance of GNSS Antenna Arrays. Wang, Xiaojian; Li, Jianxing; Chen, Wenchao; Zhang, Ming; Chen, Juan; Zhang, Anxue IEEE Access,  v 8, p 20480-20487,  2020
  300. B. Li; H. Shi; J. Chen; A. Zhang; Z. XuWaveguide Coupler in Designer Surface Plasmon using Topological edge states2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP)2021165-167
  301. L. Wang; X. Bao; C. Liu; Y. Wang; G. Crupi; A. ZhangAn Inexpensive Coaxial Balun-free Antenna for Microwave Tumor Treatment2021 15th International Conference on Advanced Technologies, Systems and Services in Telecommunications (TELSIKS)2021125-128
  302. Y. Wang; C. Liu; L. Wang; Z. Shi; A. ZhangA Novel Balun-Fed UWB Dipole Antenna for Borehole Pulse Radar2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology (ICEICT)2021485-488
  303. B. Li; A. Zhang; X. LiuCompact Broadband and Dual-Polarized Cylindrical Dielectric Resonant Antenna2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology (ICEICT)2021165-167
  304. W. Liu; W. Chen; A. ZhangDesign of a Wideband Stack Array Antenna For Ka-band Satellite Communication Application2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology (ICEICT)2021       345-348
  305. S. Chen; L. Wang; Z. Fang; Z. Shi; A. ZhangA Ground-penetrating Radar Object Detection Method Based on Deep Learning2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology (ICEICT)2021110-113
  306. K. Dong; L. Wang; Z. Shi; A. ZhangA Dual-band Wideband High Gain Planar Antenna for Radar Applications2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology (ICEICT)2021186-189
  307. M. Shu; W. Liu; J. Li; Y. Cao; C. Guo; A. ZhangW-Band Waveguide Slot Array Antenna with High Gain Based on Rectangular Micro-Coaxial Process2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology (ICEICT)2021379-381
  308. W. Xu; J. Chen; Z. Shi; A. ZhangA Novel Picosecond-Pulse Circuit Based on Marx Structure and SRD2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology (ICEICT)2021311-313
  309. B. Li; A. Zhang; X. LiuDual Polarization Common Aperture Transceiver Antenna with High Radiation Performance2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology (ICEICT)2021135-137
  310. R. Liang; A. Zhang; C. Guo; G. Shi; Z. Wu   Millimeter Wave Compact Power Divider Based on Micro-coaxial Lines2021 IEEE MTT-S International Wireless Symposium (IWS)2021     1-3
  311. X. Wen; C. Guo; X. Shang; Y. Yu; M. Shu; Q. Yang; S. Li; M. M. Attallah; H. Liu; A. ZhangSLM Printed Waveguide Dual-Mode Filters With Reduced Sensitivity to Fabrication ImperfectionsIEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters2021v.31n.111195-1198
  312. M. Li; X. Chen; A. Zhang; A. A. Kishk; W. FanReducing Correlation in Compact Arrays by Adjusting Near-Field Phase Distribution for MIMO ApplicationsIEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology2021v.70n.87885-7896
  313. B. Qu; S. Yan; A. Zhang; Y. Pang; Z. XuMiniaturization of Monopole Antenna Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon PolaritonsIEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters2021v.20n.81562-1566
  314. X. Xiong; M. Zhang; H. Shi; A. Zhang; Z. XuSBL-Based 2-D DOA Estimation for L-Shaped Array With Unknown Mutual CouplingIEEE Access2021v.970071-70079
  315. G. Dong; Y. Liu; X. Li; A. ZhangUltrawideband Spoof Surface Plasmon Polariton Bidirectional Endfire Antenna Based on Wave Vectors MismatchingIEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation2021v.69n.117895-7899
  316. M. Zhao; S. Zhu; H. Huang; D. Hu; X. Chen; J. Chen; A. ZhangFrequency-polarization Sensitive Metasurface Antenna for Coincidence ImagingIEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters2021v.20n.71274-1278
  317. M. Zhao; S. Zhu; H. Huang; D. Hu; X. Chen; J. Chen; A. ZhangFrequency-Diverse Metamaterial Cavity Antenna for Microwave Coincidence ImagingIEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters2021v.20n.61103-1107
  318. M. Zhao; S. Zhu; D. Hu; H. Huang; X. Chen; C. Guo; J. Chen; A. Zhang3-D Printing Disordered-Cavity-Based Metaimager for Coincidence ImagingIEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters2021v.31n.6620-623
  319. B. Qu; S. Yan; A. Zhang; F. Wang; Z. Xu3-D Printed Cylindrical Luneburg Lens for Dual PolarizationIEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters2021v.20n.6878-882
  320. X. Dai; Q. Yang; H. Du; C. Guo; A. ZhangDirect Synthesis Method for Dual-Band Bandpass Filters With Wide Fractional Bandwidth Range and Center Frequency RatioIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs2021v.68n.82755-2759
  321. Y. Wang; A. ZhangDual Circularly Polarized Fabry-perot Resonator Antenna Employing a Polarization Conversion MetasurfaceIEEE Access2021v.944881-44887
  322. G. Dong; X. Li; Y. Liu; A. ZhangVariable Operating Frequencies Spoof SPP Filter Based on Double-Layers Structure       IEEE Photonics Technology Letters2021v.33n.3      131-134
  323. W. Xue; F. Li; X. Chen; S. Zhu; A. Zhang; T. SvenssonA Unified Approach for Uncertainty Analyses for Total Radiated Power and Total Isotropic Sensitivity Measurements in Reverberation ChamberIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement2021v.701-12
  324. J. Yang; J. Wang; X. Zheng; A. Zhang; R. Mittra; G. A. E. VandenboschBroadband Anomalous Refractor Based on Dispersion Engineering of Spoof Surface Plasmon PolaritonsIEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation2021v.69n.53050-3055
  325. J. Cui; X. Song; A. Zhang; S. YanA Novel Frequency Reconfigurable Filtering Antenna Loaded with Microfluidic Structure2022 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements and Applications (CAMA)20221-4
  326. M. Shu; X. Shang; N. Ridler; M. Naftaly; C. Guo; A. ZhangCharacterisation of dielectric materials at G-band (140-220 GHz) using a guided free-space technique52nd European Microwave Conference (EuMC)2022107-110
  327. W. Wu; B. Liu; P. He; X. Wen; H. Yang; Y. Cao; Z. Wang; G. Shi; Q. Yang; A. Zhang; C. GuoA W-Band GSG Probe Fabricated by Metal Additive ManufacturingIEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement2022V.711-10
  328. L. Wang; X. Bao; Y. Wang; G. Crupi; A. ZhangA Localized and Minimally Invasive Tumor Treatment Based on a Frequency Adjustable Microwave Ablation Method2022 IEEE International Symposium on Medical Measurements and Applications (MeMeA)20221-6
  329. Y. Liu; K. -D. Xu; J. Li; Y. -J. Guo; A. Zhang; Q. ChenMillimeter-Wave E-Plane Waveguide Bandpass Filters Based on Spoof Surface Plasmon PolaritonsIEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques2022v.70n.104399-4409
  330. L. Wang; H. Shi; J. Yi; L. Dong; H. Liu; A. Zhang; Z. XuHigh-Efficiency Conversion From Rectangular Waveguide Mode to Spoof SPP Using MetasurfaceIEEE Photonics Technology Letters2022v.34n.15783-786
  331. M. Zhao; S. Zhu; M. Tao; J. Chen; A. ZhangMulti-domain Joint Designed W-band Transmission-reflection Cavity Metasurface Antenna for Coincidence Imaging2022 Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS)2022310-316
  332. C. Guo; X. Wen; Z. Wu; Y. Yu; W. Wu; A. Zhang; X. Song; S. Liang; Z. FengA 135-150 GHz High-Power Frequency Tripler With Filtering Matching NetworkIEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters2022v.32n.11,1327-1330
  333. R. Liang; G. Shi; M. Shu; Z. Wu; C. Guo; A. ZhangMicromachined W-band Eight-way Power Divider Based on Micro-coaxial Lines2021 51st European Microwave Conference (EuMC)2022374-376
  334. L. Wang; H. Shi; X. Chen; J. Yi; L. Dong; H. Liu; A. Zhang; Z. XuRectangular Waveguide-Fed Surface-Wave Frequency-Scanning Antenna Utilizing Wavevector MismatchIEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters2022v.21n.91727-1731
  335. X. Liu; R. Lu; A. Zhang; X. Chen  Extension of Babinet Principle to Complementary Metallic Elements on the Interface of Different SubstratesIEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters2022v.32n.101151-1154
  336. L. Wang; X. Bao; Y. Wang; S. Yan; A. ZhangA Minimally Invasive Microwave Ablation Antenna With Highly Localized Ablation ZoneIEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters2022v.21n.81587-1591
  337. B. Qu; Y. Pang; L. Wang; A. Zhang; Z. XuWideband Top-Loaded Monopole Antenna2022 16th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EuCAP)20221-4
  338. M. Zhang; J. Li; A. ZhangThe Robustness of Pencil Beam Synthesis Without Considering Sensor UncertaintiesIEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation2022v.70n.9       8608-8613
  339. G. Li; H. Shi; J. Yi; B. Li; A. Zhang; Z. XuTransmission-reflection-Integrated Metasurfaces Design for Simultaneous Manipulation of Phase and AmplitudeIEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation2022v.70n.76072-6077
  340. H. Du; Q. Yang; X. Dai; X. Liao; A. Zhang      A Parameter Extraction Method for LC Circuit of DB-BPF Based on Fully Connected NetworkIEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems2022v.41n.103558-3562
  341. X. Wen; Y. Yu; C. Tian; C. Guo; W. Wu; F. Li; Y. Li; A. ZhangAn Invar Alloy SLM Printed Diplexer With High Thermal StabilityIEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs2022v.69n.31019-1023
  342. G. Dong; X. Li; Y. Liu; A. ZhangSpoof Surface Plasmon Polariton Endfire Antenna Possessing Bidirectional and Unidirectional Radiation PatternIEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters2022v.21n.169-73
  343. M. Zhang; S. Zhu; X. Chen; A. ZhangFast Detection of the Number of Signals Based on Ritz Values: A Noise-Power-Aided ApproachIEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems2022v.58       n.1651-662
  344. Y. Wang; X. Chen; X. Liu; J. Yi; J. Chen; A. Zhang; A. A. KishkImprovement of Diversity and Capacity of MIMO System Using Scatterer ArrayIEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation2022v.70n.1789-794
  345. B. Liu; X. Chen; J. Tang; A. Zhang; A. A. KishkCo- and Cross-Polarization Decoupling Structure With Polarization Rotation Property Between Linearly Polarized Dipole Antennas With Application to Decoupling of Circularly Polarized AntennasIEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation2022v.70n.1702-707



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