1. 翟斌庆. (2017). 汉长安城遗址区的历史形态演变及保护与更新. 北京:中国建筑工业出版社 (ISBN 978-7-112-21265-1). (获西安交大2017年人文社科学术著作出版基金资助)
2. 翟斌庆. (2014). 中国历史城市的更新与社会资本(Social Capital and Urban Regeneration in Chinese Historic Cities). 北京:中国建筑工业出版社 (ISBN 978-7-112-16973-3). (中英对照,获西安交大2013年人文社科学术著作出版基金资助)
1. Zhai, B. & Chan, A.P.C. (2018). Community Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Revitalization Project: A Case Study in Hong Kong. Journal of Building Construction and Planning Research, 6(2), 23-40.
2. Ng, M. K., Zhai, B., Zhao, Y., & Li, J. (2016). Valuing Xi’an: a Chinese Capital City for 13 Dynasties. disP-The Planning Review, 52(3), 8-15.
3. Zhai, B. & Xu, J. (2015). Where is the Local Resident Community in the Conservation and Reuse of the Great Heritage Sites in Chinese Historic Cities?, In M. Di Stefano & S. Settis (Eds.), Heritage and Landscape as Human Values, (1), 148-153. Napoli: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane s.p.a.
4. Zhai, B. & Chan, A.P.C. (2015). Community participation and community evaluation of heritage revitalisation projects in Hong Kong. Open House International, 40 (1), 54-61.
5. Zhu, S. & Zhai, B. (2015). A quantitative research of spatial feature of core area in Qujiang. Applied Mechanics and Materials, (744-746), 2191-2195.
6. Zhai, B. & Ng, M.K. (2013). Urban regeneration and social capital in
7. Zhu, S. & Zhai, B. (2013). The application of transparency in renovation of historical building. Advanced Materials Research, (671-674), 2250-2254.
8. Zhai, B. (2012). Urban Regeneration Realities in China's Historic Cities - A case study of Xi'an. In J. Li & J. Xu (Eds.), Human Culture Heritage Preservation, (5), 27-34. Xi’an: Xi’an Jiaotong University Press.
9. Zhai, B. (2009). Historic Preservation at WUF 4 (the Fourth Session of the World Urban Forum). Planning and Development: Journal of the Hong Kong Institute of Planners, 24 (1), 57.
10. Zhai, B. (2008).
11. Zhai, B. & Karakiewicz, J. (2006). The Considerations to Cultural Heritage Areas in Urban Regeneration - case study on
12. 翟斌庆, 徐博. (2019). 汉长安城的历史形态演变与遗址区村落保护. 中国园林, 35(6), 126-130.
13. 孙应魁, 翟斌庆. (2019). 基于人类聚居学理论的南疆传统村落演进及病理化研究. 建筑学报, (20), 47-52. (通讯作者)
14. 孙应魁, 翟斌庆. (2019). 乡村振兴背景下地域性传统村落的保护规划探究:以新疆特克斯县琼库什台村为例. 小城镇建设, (2), 113-119.
15. 翟斌庆, 李骥, 伍美琴. (2018). 城市社区公共环境的使用后评价与满意度研究——以西安为例. 建筑与文化, (12), 223-225.
16. 翟斌庆, 卫其励. (2018). 城市历史景观视角下的西安南门广场保护与更新研究. 建筑与文化, (11), 209-211.
17. 翟斌庆, 刘文婷. (2018). 社区可持续视角下我国城中村的保护与更新研究——以西安为例. 建筑与文化, (10), 080-082.
18. 孙应魁, 翟斌庆. (2018). 人类聚居演变视角下的传统村落保护与更新研究:基于新疆的案例. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 48(6), 878-886. (通讯作者)
19. 李骥, 翟斌庆. (2016). 中国大遗址“公园化”当中的“原真性”问题再思考. 中国园林 (5), 117-121. (通讯作者)
20. 翟斌庆. (2015). 香港历史地段“再生”案例的可持续性评价. 华中建筑 (3), 11-15.
21. 翟斌庆, 陈炳泉, 许楗, 潘婧. (2014). 历史建筑活化项目中的社区参与和社区评价——以香港前北九龙裁判法院(NKM)为例. 城市规划 (5), 58-64.
22. 翟斌庆,伍美琴. (2009). 城市更新理念与中国城市现实. 城市规划学刊 (2), 75-82.
23. 翟斌庆,翟碧舞. (2010). 中国城市更新中的社会资本. 国际城市规划 (1), 53-59.
24. 翟斌庆, 竺剡瑶, 许楗. (2014). 历史城市的“再生”实践及关键问题:以西安市为例. 华中建筑, (12), 106-109.
25. 袁为,翟斌庆,陈远翔. (2014). 转型期中国城中村改造过程中的邻里关系与参与度分析研究:以西安市为例. 华中建筑, (11), 104-108.
26. 翟斌庆, 王若愚. (2014). 转型期中国城中村改造当中的关键问题研究:以西安为例. 西安建筑科技大学学报(社会科学版)(6), 25-31.
27. 翟斌庆, 竺剡瑶. (2014). 中国历史城市的再生实践及启示:以西安鼓楼回民区为例. 西安建筑科技大学学报(社会科学版)(4), 66-70.
28. 翟斌庆. (2007). 医疗理念的演进与医疗建筑的发展. 建筑学报 (7), 89-91.
29. 翟斌庆. (2007). 新医疗理念下的门诊部环境设计浅析. 华中建筑 25 (7), 57-59.
30. 翟斌庆. (2006). 新医疗理念在门诊楼实践中的探索:以西京医院改造研究为例. 南方建筑 7 (111), 94-97.
1. Zhai, B. & Xu, J. (2014). <Where is the Local Resident Community in the Conservation and Reuse of the Great Heritage Sites in Chinese Historic Cities?>, Paper presented at the 18th ICOMOS General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Florence, Italy, 10-14 November, 2014.
2. Zhai, B. & Xu, J. (2013). <Social Capital and Urban Regeneration in Chinese Historic Quarters>, Paper presented at the 5th Joint AESOP-ACSP Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 15-19 July, 2013.
3. Chan, A. P. C. & Zhai, B. (2012). <Evaluating the Revitalization Scheme in Hong Kong and Its Implications Beyond>, Paper presented at the Sustainability Conference 2012, 10-12 January 2012, at the Robson Square, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. (Corresponding author)
4. Zhai, B. & Ng, M. K. (2009). <Transitions towards genuine “urban regeneration” in China’s historic cities>, Paper presented at the 23rd Congress of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP), held on July 15th-18th, 2009, in Liverpool, UK.
5. Zhai, B. (2009). <Urban Regeneration and Social Capital in China’s Historic Cities - A Case study of Sanxuejie district, Xi’an city, P.R.China>, Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), held on March 22nd-27th, 2009, in Las Vegas, U.S.A.
6. Zhai, B. & Ng, M. K. (2008). <Urban Regeneration of China’s Historical District in a Transitional Economy - A case study of the Drum Tower Muslim District, Xi’an city, P.R.China>, Paper presented at the Global Planners Network Congress, held on October 31st to November 2nd 2008, at Zhenjiang, P.R.China.
7. Zhai, B. (2007). <Regenerate the Historical City Rhetorically? - A critique of current conservation strategies and development control mechanism in Xi’an City Wall Area (CWA), China>, Paper presented at the International Conference on China’s Urban Land and Housing in the 21st Century, held on December 13th-15th 2007, at Hong Kong Baptist University, HK.