



 Y. Cai, J. Roslund, G. Ferrini, F. Arzani, X. Xu, C. Fabre & N. TrepsMultimode entanglement in reconfigurable graph states using optical frequency combsNature Communications 8, Article number: 15645 (2017)



S. Gerke, J. Sperling, W. Vogel, Y. Cai, J. Roslund, N. Treps, and C. FabreMultipartite Entanglement of a Two-Separable StatePhys. Rev. Lett. 117, 1105022016



Yin Cai, Jingliang Feng, Hailong Wang, Giulia Ferrini, Xinye Xu, Jietai Jing, and Nicolas TrepsQuantum-network generation based on four-wave mixingPhys. Rev. A 91, 0138432015


S. Gerke, J. Sperling, W. Vogel, Y. Cai, J. Roslund, N. Treps, and C. FabreFull Multipartite Entanglement of Frequency-Comb Gaussian StatesPhys. Rev. Lett. 114, 0505012015



  • Quantum enhanced measurement of an optical frequecy comb, Yin CAI* et al. Nature Paterned jounal npj Quantum Information,7, 82(2021)

  • Collective multipartite Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering via cascaded four-wave mixing of rubidium atoms, Yang Liu, Yin Cai*, Binshuo Luo, Jin Yan, Mengqi Niu, Feng Li, and Yanpeng Zhang, Phys. Rev. A 104, 033704 (2021) 

  • Hierarchy of Nonlinear Entanglement Dynamics for Continuous Variables. Da Zhang*, David Barral*, Yin Cai* et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 150502 (2021) 

  • Non-Gaussian nature and entanglement of spontaneous parametric nondegenerate triple-photon generation by Da Zhang, Yin Cai*, Zhan Zheng, et al. (Accepted PRA 2021)

  • Three-mode squeezing of simultaneous and ordinal cascaded four-wave mixing processes in rubidium vapor,Wei Li, Yin CAI*, (Accepted Annalen der Physik 2021)

  • Fully determinstic analysis on photonic whispering-gallery modes of irregular polugonal microcavities with testing in hexagons, Xiaoxuan Luo, Yin Cai, Yongsheng Wang, Zaoyu Chen, Fu Liu, Lei Zhang, Yanpeng Zhang, and Feng Li*, Phys. Rev. A 103, L031503 (2021) 

  • Shaping temporal correlation of biphotons in a hot atomic ensemble, K.K. Li, Yin Cai* et al.(Accepted Adv. Photonics Research)(2021) 

  • Shaping the Temporal Waveform of Tri-Photon with Double-dressing, Yamen Li et al, Ann. Physik 533, 2000489(2021).

  • Frequency multiplexed entanglement for continuous-variable quantum key distribution, Yin Cai* (Accepted by Photonics Research 2021)


  • Y. CAI*, et. al., Versatile Multipartite EPR steering via a quantum frequency comb, Phys. Rev. Research (Rapid Communications), 2, 032046(R) (2020).
  • Yu Xiang, Yang Liu, Yin Cai*,  Feng Li, Yanpeng Zhang, and Qiongyi He, Monogamy Relations within Quadripartite Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering based on Four-Wave Mixing of Rubidium Atoms, (2020) .(Accepted by Phys. Rev. A)
  • J-W LI, ..., Yin CAI* , Y-P Zhang,  Gnereration of Multimode Quantum Correlation with Energy-level Cascaded Four-wave Mixing. (Acceppted by Annals of Physics. )

  • Peng Li, Feng Li,* Xiaoyu Zhang, Yiming Li, Xiaoxuan Luo, Ruimin Wang, Yin Cai, and Yanpeng Zhang, Orthogonally Polarized Luminescence of Single Bismuth Phosphate Microcrystal Doped with Europium, Adv. Optical Mater. 8, 2000583(2020)

  • Yuliang Liu, Kangkang Li, Wei Li, Sifan Li, Yin Cai,* and Yanpeng Zhang*, Dressing-Controlled Quantum Steering in Energy-Level Cascaded Parametric Amplified Fou-Wave Mixing Process,Adv. Quantum Tecnol., 2000029 (2020).

  • Yin Cai*, Ling Hao, Da Zhang, Yang Liu, Binshuo Luo, Zhan Zheng, Feng Li, and Yanpeng Zhang, Multimode entanglement generation with dual-pumped four-wave-mixing of Rubidium Atoms, Optical Express, 28,  25278-25292 (2020).

  • Kangkang Li, Sifan Li, Changbiao Li, Yin Cai*, Feng Li, and Yanpeng Zhang,Dressing-Shaped Rabi Oscillation of Photon Pairs in Hot Atomic Ensemble,Adv. Quantum Technol,2020, 2000098(2020)

  • Kangkang Li, Yin Cai, Ji Wu, Yuliang Liu, Siqi Xiong, Yameng Li, and Yanpeng Zhang*,Three-body topology entanglement generation via a six-wave mixing: competing and coexisting of linear and nonlinear optics responses in triphoton correlation,Adv. Quantum Tecnol., 3, 1900119(2020).

  • Li, Kangkang; Cai, Yin; Li, Wei; Fan, Huanrong; Ning, Shaohuan; Zhang, Siqiang; Zhang, Yanpeng,All-optical wavelength division multiplexing amplifier based on vacuum induced nonreciprocal bistability in six-wave mixing process with a ring cavity,RIP(2020)

  • Li, Kangkang; Feng, Yuan; Li, Xinghua; Gu, Bingling; Cai, Yin; Zhang, Yanpeng,Generation of Competitive and Coexisting Two Pairs of Biphotons in Single Hot Atomic Vapor Cell,ANNALEN DER PHYSIK(2020)

  • Feng, Yuan; Zhang, Zhaoyang; Ahmed, Irfan; Li, Sifan; Liu, Yuliang; Cai, Yin; Zhang, Yanpeng,Evolution of linear and nonlinear optical responses in single- and double-dressing quadphoton correlations,OE(2020)


  • Yang Liu, Yin Cai*, Yu Xiang*, Feng Li, Yanpeng Zhang, and Qiongyi He*, Tripartite Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering with linear and nonlinear beamsplitters in four-wave mixing of Rubidium atomsOpt. Express, 27, 33070-33079 (2019).

  •  Feng Li*, Yiming Li, Yin Cai, Peng Li, Haijun Tang and Yanpeng Zhang, Tunable Open‐Access Microcavities for Solid‐State Quantum Photonics and Polaritonics, Advanced Quantum Technologies, 2, 10 (2019).
  • Da Zhang, Irfan Ahmed, Lin Hao, Yin Cai, Changbiao Li, Yiqi Zhang, and Yanpeng Zhang*, Temporally Correlated Narrowband Biphoton Interference Based on Mach–Zehnder Interferometer,Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 531, 1900300 (2019).