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Project number Project name Project origin Start time Roles Project kind
2017YFC1501901 高精度守恒高可扩展数值算法和大气模式框架研究 国家重点研发计划项目子课题 2018-1~ 负责人 Vertical project
2017YFA0603901 高分辨率大气模式准均匀网格和适应性加密算法研发 国家重点研发计划项目课题 2017-7~ 负责人 Vertical project
41522504 高精度大气模式 国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金项目 2016-1~ Principle Vertical project
11372242 面向全球大气模式的高精度算法研究 国家自然科学基金面上项目 2014-1~2017-12 负责人 Vertical project
2012BAC22B01 多矩有限体积、质量守恒单元积分半拉格朗日方案研究 国家科技支撑计划项目子课题 2012-1~2016-12 负责人 Vertical project
10902116 基于多矩的浸入边界数值模式研究开发 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 2010-1~2012-12 负责人 Vertical project
10852001 自适应网格技术在全球大气、海洋模式中的应用研究 国家自然科学基金主任基金项目 2009-1~2009-12 负责人 Vertical project


  1. Chungang Chen, Xingliang Li, Feng Xiao, Xueshun Shen, A nonhydrostatic atmospheric dynamical core on cubed sphere using multi-moment finite-volume method, J. Comput. Phys., 2022

  2. Jie Tang, Chungang Chen, Xueshun Shen, Feng Xiao, Xingliang Li, A three-dimensional positivity-preserving and conservative multi-moment finite volume transport model on cubed-sphere grid, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 2022

  3. Pei Huang,Chungang Chen,Xingliang Li,Xueshun Shen,Feng Xiao, An adaptive nonhydrostatic dynamical core using a multi-moment finite volume method on cubed sphere. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 2022

  4. Pei Huang,Chungang Chen,LI Xingliang Li,Xueshun Shen,Feng Xiao, An Adaptive Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Dynamical Core Using a Multi-Moment Constrained Finite Volume Method, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 39 (2022), 478-501

  5. Pei Huang, Chungang Chen, Xingliang Li, Xueshun Shen, Feng Xiao, A nonnegative and shape-preserving global transport model on cubed sphere using high-order conservative collocation scheme, Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fl., 93 (2021), 1969-1992

  6. Xingliang Li, Xueshun Shen, Chungang Chen, Jie Tang, and Feng Xiao, A note on nonnegativity correction for multimoment finite volume transport model with WENO limiter. Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 146 (2020), 546-556

  7. Yuzhang Che, Chungang Chen, Feng Xiao, Xingliang Li, Xueshun Shen, A Two-Stage Fourth-Order Multimoment Global Shallow-Water Model on the Cubed Sphere, Mon. Wea. Rev., 148(2020), 4267-4279

  8. Qingchang Qin, Xueshun Shen, Chungang Chen, Feng Xiao, Yongjiu Dai, Xingliang Li, A 3D Nonhydrostatic Compressible Atmospheric Dynamic Core by Multi-moment Constrained Finite Volume Method, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 36 (2019), 1129-1142

  9. J. Tang, C. G. Chen, X. L. Li, X. S. Shen, F, Xiao, A non-oscillatory multi-moment finite volume global transport model on cubed-sphere grid using WENO slope limiter, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., DOI:10.1002/qj.3331

  10. X. Deng, Z. Y. Sun, B. Xie, K. Yokoi, F. Xiao, C. G. Chen, A Non-oscillatory Multi-Moment Finite Volume Scheme with Boundary Gradient Switching, J Sci Comput, 2017, doi:10.1007/s10915-017-0392-0

  11. P. Zhang, C. Yang, C. G, Chen, X. L. Li, X. S. Shen, F. Xiao, Development of a hybrid parallel MCV-based high-order global shallow-water model, J Supercomput, 2017, doi:10.1007/s11227-017-1958-1

  12. X. L. Li, X. S. Shen, F. Xiao and C. G. Chen, An MCV Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Model with Height-Based Terrain following Coordinate: Tests of Waves over Steep Mountains, Advances in Meteorology, 2016, Article ID 4513823, 12 pages

  13. C. G. Chen, X. L. Li, X. S. Shen and F. Xiao, A high-order conservative collocation scheme and its application to global shallow-water equations, Geosci. Model Dev., 8 (2015), 221-233

  14. X. L. Li, C. G. Chen, F. Xiao and X. S. Shen, A high-order multi-moment constrained finite-volume global shallow-water model on the Yin-Yang grid, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 2015, DOI: 10.1002/qj.2504

  15. C. G. Chen, J. Z. Bin, F. Xiao, X. L. Li and X. S. Shen, A global shallow-water model on an icosahedral–hexagonal grid by a multi-moment constrained finite-volume scheme, Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc., 140 (2014), 639-650

  16. C. G. Chen, X. L. Li, X. S. Shen and F. Xiao, Global shallow water models based on multi-moment constrained finite volume method and three quasi-uniform spherical grids, J. Comput. Phys., 271(2014), 191-223

  17. X. L. Li, C. G. Chen, X. S. Shen and F. Xiao, A Multimoment Constrained Finite-Volume Model for Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Dynamics, Mon. Wea. Rev., 141 (2013), 1216-1240

  18. F. Xiao, S. Ii, C. G. Chen and X. L. Li, A note on the general multi-moment constrained flux reconstruction formulation for high order schemes, Appl. Math. Model., 37 (2013) 5092–5108

  19. X. L. Li, X. S. Shen, X. D. Peng, F. Xiao, Z. R. Zhuang and C. G. Chen, An Accurate Multimoment Constrained Finite Volume Transport Model on Yin-Yang Grids, Adv. Atmos. Sci., 30 (2013), 1320–1330

  20. C. G. Chen, J. Z. Bin and F. Xiao, A Global Multimoment Constrained Finite-Volume Scheme for Advection Transport on the Hexagonal Geodesic Grid, Mon. Wea. Rev., 140(2012), 941-955

  21. C. G. Chen, F. Xiao, X. L. Li and Y. Yang, A multi-moment transport model on cubed-sphere grid, Int. J. Numer. Methods Fluids, 67 (2011), 1993-2014

  22. C. G. Chen, F. Xiao and X. L. Li, An adaptive multi-moment global model on cubed sphere, Mon. Wea. Rev., 139 (2011), 523-548

  23. C. G. Chen and F. Xiao, Shallow water model on cubed-sphere by multi-moment finite volume method, J. Comput. Phys., 227 (2008), 5019-5044