Basic Information

Prof. Dr. Chang Liu 刘畅


一、基本概况 Profile
刘畅,西安交通大学教授,博导,国家级青年人才。西安交通大学“金属材料强度国家重点实验室”成员。长期致力于开发超强高塑性合金,并研究其力学行为、强塑化机制及使役性能,以第一作者/通讯作者在国际顶级期刊发表多篇论文,包括Nature Communications(3篇),Advanced Materials, Materials Today,Advanced Science,Electrochimica Acta,Scripta Materialia等。


二、科研经历 Experience




合作导师:Dierk Raabe院士,德国国家科学院院士



Contact Information


Center for Alloy Innovation and Design (CAID)


State Key Laboratory For Mechanical Behavior of Materials


School of Materials Science and Engineering


Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, 710049, China

西安交通大学, 西安, 710049, 中国


Research Fields

一、研究方向 Research Interests

• 高熵合金、镁合金、钛合金、钴合金;

• 生物医用合金;

• 基于磁控溅射的高通量合金研发;

• 材料的微纳力学行为与强韧化机制;

• 力、热、电、气多场耦合下的原位电镜技术;

• 原子分辨率结构与成分表征技术:球差校正扫描透射电镜、三维原子探针及两者联动技术;

• 金属材料的磨损、腐蚀等使役行为。


二、主持项目 Project

01. 西安交通大学,青年拔尖A,2023-2029;

02. 国家级青年人才,2023-2026;

03. 国自然,面上基金,2024-2027;


三、招生信息 Job



四、近五年代表工作(一作/通讯,时间顺序) Paper

1. E. Ma*, C. Liu*, Chemical inhomogeneities in high-entropy alloys help mitigate the strength-ductility trade-off, Progress in Materials Science 143, 101252 (2024). 影响因子: 48.2

2. C. Liu†, J. Cui†, Z. Cheng†, B. Zhang, S. Zhang, J. Ding,R. Yu*,E. Ma*, Direct observation of oxygen atoms taking tetrahedral interstitial sites in medium‐entropy body‐centered‐cubic solutions. Advanced Materials 2209941 (2023). 影响因子: 29.4

3. G. Wu, S. Liu, Q. Wang, J. Rao, W. Xia, Y. Yan, J. Eckert, C. Liu*, E. Ma, Z. Shan*, Substantially enhanced homogeneous plastic flow in hierarchically nanodomained amorphous alloys. Nature Communications, 14, 3670 (2023). 影响因子: 16.6

4. C. Liu, W. Lu, W. Xia, C. Du, Z. Rao, J.P. Best, S. Brinckmann, J. Lu, B. Gault, G. Dehm, G. Wu*, Z. Li*, D. Raabe*, Massive interstitial solid solution alloys achieve near-theoretical strength, Nature Communications, 13, 1102 (2022). 影响因子: 16.6

5. C. Liu*, Z. Li, W. Lu, Y. Bao, W. Xia, X. Wu, H. Zhao, B. Gault, C. Liu, M. Herbig, A. Fischer, G. Dehm, G. Wu*, D. Raabe*, Reactive wear protection through strong and deformable oxide nanocomposite surfaces, Nature Communications, 12, 5518 (2021). 影响因子: 16.6

6. G. Wu†, C. Liu† (equal contribution), A. Brognara, M. Ghidelli*, Y. Bao, S. Liu, X. Wu, W. Xia, H. Zhao, J. Rao, D. Ponge, V. Devulapalli, W. Lu*, G. Dehm, D. Raabe*, Z. Li*, Symbiotic crystal-glass alloys via dynamic chemical partitioning, Materials Today, 51, 6-12 (2021). 影响因子: 24.2

7. C. Liu, Q. Wang, B. Han, J. Luan, J. Kai, C.T. Liu, G. Wu, J. Lu, Second phase effect on corrosion of nanostructured Mg-Zn-Ca dual-phase metallic glasses. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 9, 1546-1555 (2021). 影响因子: 17.6

8. C. Liu, Y. Liu, Q. Wang, X. Liu, Y. Bao, G. Wu*, J. Lu*, Nano-dual-phase metallic glass film enhances strength and ductility of a gradient nanograined magnesium alloy, Advanced Science 7, 202001480 (2020). 影响因子: 15.1