Basic Information

程 海 教授 Prof. Hai Cheng


AGU 会士

西安交通大学 全球环境变化研究院

Contact Information

Institute of Global Environmental Change

Xi'an Jiaotong University

Address: No.19 Building, Western China Science and Technology Innovation Harbour, No.999 Siyuan Round South Road, Fengxi New City, Xixian New Area, Xi'an, 712000, Shaanxi, China

Tel: 86-29-88965119


Lab Website:







Hai Cheng has over the past three decades been at the leading edge in the technical developments of U-series and other techniques to address many fundamental questions in paleoclimatology and global climate change research. As one of world-leading experts, he has focused largely on studies of cave records worldwide, and produced an incredible body of work, which has led to a clearer understanding of the Earth’s climate history on a wide range of timescales. The broad international significance of his contributions is attested by >680 peer-reviewed papers, including 30 in Nature and Science, >80 in Nature and Science Sub-Journals and PNAS (Google Scholar: H-index: 119 and citations: >89000). He is a ‘Highly Cited Researches’ (continuously from 2014 to 2024, Thomson Reuters/Clarivate Analytics). He ranks 23rd in the current international ranking of geoscientists, just one step below Sir Nicholas Shackleton (22nd, known as the founding father of palaeoclimatology,


程海教授在过去的三十年中,一直处于铀系(U-series)技术和其他技术发展的前沿,致力于解决古气候学和全球气候变化研究中诸多基础性问题。作为全球领先的专家之一,他主要专注于世界各地的洞穴记录研究,并取得了令人瞩目的成果,这些成果为我们更清晰地了解地球气候历史提供了支撑,涵盖了广泛的时间尺度。他的贡献在国际学术界得到了广泛认可,已发表超过680篇学术论文,包括30篇《自然》和《科学》期刊论文,80余篇《自然》、《科学》子期刊及《PNAS》、《The Innovation》论文(谷歌学术:H指数为119,引用量超过89000)。他连续多年(2014-2024)被评为“高被引研究学者”(Thomson Reuters/Clarivate Analytics)。在国际地球科学家排名中位列第23,仅次于被誉为“古气候之父”的Sir Nicholas Shackleton(排名第22,详情请见: