Peer reviewed journal publications in English

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Paper Name Author Publication/Completion Time Magazine Name
An experimental investigation on MMH/NTO impinging jets flame characteristics at high chamber pressure Fei LH , Zhang F* , Tang CL* , Xu TA , Yang AL , Yang B , Huang ZH 2024-10-09 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Hypergolic fuel impacting a gelled oxidizer wall: Droplet dynamics, heat release, ignition, and flame analysis Dias GS* , Mota FAD , Fei LH , Wu YT , Liu MY , Tang CL* , Costa FD 2024-10-09 Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science
Ignition envelope and bubbly spray combustion of a cost-effective self-igniting fuel with rocket-grade hydrogen peroxide Mota FAS* , Dias GS , Fei LH , Tang CL* 2024-10-07 Combustion and Flame
Experimental and kinetic modeling study on the low-temperature decomposition and autoignition of 2-Azido-N,N-dimethylethanamine: A promising green mono- and bi-propellant Wu YT, Kong XD, Ao YL, Hou YM, Wang JW, Yin GY, Sun WC, Zhang YJ, Huang ZH, Tang CL* 2024-07-18 Proceedings of the Combustion Institude
Understanding the reverse effects of NO2 addition on the auto-ignition behavior of n-dodecane/methane mixtures from low to intermediate temperature Mai ZM, Wu YT*, Tang CL*, Huang ZH 2024-07-18 Proceedings of the Combustion Institude
Towards optimized excess air ratio and substitution rate for a dual fuel HPDI engine Wang W, Mai ZM, Yao XX, Tang CL*, Huang ZH 2024-07-15 Applied Thermal Engineering
Effects of graphene oxide addition on ignition sensitivity and burning rate of NEPE propellant under rapid thermal stimulus Yang M, Yu T, Meng SQ , Fang M, Fu XL, Tang, CL*, Huang, ZH 2024-07-14 Combustion and Flame
Catalytically promoted green fuel with hydrogen peroxide: Effect of hypergolic combustion on atomization and flow characteristics using impinging jets Dias GS*, Mota FAD, Fei LH, Liu MY, Tang CL*, Costa FD 2024-07-10 Proceedings of the Combustion Institude
Gelled hydrogen peroxide: Hypergolic reaction with low toxicity fuel by drop and impinging jets tests Dias GS*, Mota FAD, Fei LH, Tang CL*, Costa FD 2024-07-08 ACTA Astronautica
Ignition delay time measurements and kinetic modeling for n-dodecane and methane blends at low-to-intermediate temperature conditions Mai ZM, Wu YT*, Tang CL*, Mu HB, Wang W, Huang ZH 2024-06-23 Combustion and Flame
Novel Hypergolic Green Fuels with Hydrogen Peroxide for Propulsion Systems Mota FAS, Fei LH, Liu MY, Jiang JW, Tang CL* 2024-02-11 J Propulsion and Power
Understanding the nonlinear reactivity promoting effect of n-heptane addition on the binary mixture from low to intermediate temperature: a case of methane/n-heptane mixtures Mai ZM, Wu YT*, Tang CL*, Wang W, Huang ZH 2023-11-29 J Eng Gas Turbines Power
Diesel-natural gas dual fuel injection strategy effects on engine ignition delay and cylinder pressure evolution Wang W, Tang CL*, Huang ZH 2023-11-18 Case Stud Therm Eng
Role of O2 on nitrous oxide fuel blend ethylene auto-ignition sensitivity Yang M, Ma X*, Huang ZH, Tang CL* 2023-10-24 Combust Flame
A mixed primary atomization model with quantification of aerodynamic, turbulence and cavitation effects Luo K, Huang YC*, Li YT, Tang CL* 2023-10-20 Int J Multiphas Flow
Heat transfer characteristics of oblique jet impingement liquid film cooling in the forced convection mode Liu CS, Huang ZH, Tang CL* 2023-10-08 Int J Heat Mass Tran
Effect of high-frequency jet velocity perturbations on impinging jets atomization characteristics Li Y, Tang CL*, Zhang P 2023-09-13 Phys Fluids
Development of polyamine/alkanolamine-based hypergolics with hydrogen peroxide: a new route to n-methylimidazole with MDEA as a promising green fuel Mota FAS*, Liu MY, Mohsen AAA, Yao XX, Mai ZM, Tang CL* 2023-09-10 Fuel
Spray ignition and combustion modes and their time scales studies in an optical rapid compression machine Mai ZM, Tang CL*, Li Y, Wu YT, Huang ZH 2023-09-07 J Eng Gas Turbines Power
Understanding the reversal dilution effect of the species sampling in the negative temperature coefficient region Wu YT*, Mai ZM, Rao BX, Liu J, Tang CL*, Huang ZH 2023-08-04 Fuel

Conference publications

Tang C, The auto-ignition behaviors of solid particles under heating in a rapid compression machine, International Workshop on Explosions and Reactive Flows, 24~25 Jul., 2021, Beijing, China

Tang C, Dynamics of droplet impact on a solid surface and its prospective implication on spray wall modeling, 23-36 Oct.2020, 21st Annual Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems – Asia, Zhenjiang China


Tang C, “Droplet impact on sol id surface wi th hierarchical  roughness”,  The 2nd International Conference of Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer  (IPHT2017) , Xi’an, China, Jul  7-10, 201Tang C, “Dynamics of droplet collision”,  EMN 2015 International Conference on Droplets, Phuket, Thailand, May 8-11, 2015

Tang C, “On head-on collision of unequal size droplets”, 6th International Symposium on “Clean and High-efficient Combustion in Engines”Aug. 30, 2015. Tianjin, China.

Tang C, “Evaluation of Energetic Ionic Liquids as Green Hypergolic Propellant for Hydraizine Replacement”, EMN Meeting on Ionic Liquids, Oct. 9-13, 2016. Bangkok, Thailand.

Tang C, “Dynamics of droplets interactions: Regime diagram, mixing pattern, and prospective applications for hypergolic ignition”, 8th Int Sym Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversions, Dec. 16-19, 2016. Chengdu,  China.

Tang C, “Effect of di-n-butyl ether blending with soybean-biodiesel on spray and atomization characteristics in a common-rail fuel injection system”, 7th Int Conference on Biofuels and Bioenergy Oct. 2-4, 2017. Toronto, Canada.

Peer reviewed journal publications in Chinese

杨猛,廖才越,汤成龙*,黄佐华,FOX-7/NC/NG在快速热刺激下的自着火行为 [J]含能材料,2021.

翁欣妍,杜宗罡,于君,童尚庆,李建玲,张庆华,汤成龙*,黄佐华. 含BH3(CN)BH2(CN)-阴离子的离子液体自着火过程的实验研究[J]含能材料,2018,07, 557-564.

秦梦晓,张旭辉, 汤成龙*. 液滴撞击不同粗糙度固体表面动力学行为实验研究 [J] 西安交通大学学报 2017,51(09),26-31.

汤成龙, 张旭辉, 司占博, 黄佐华. 甲烷/乙烷-空气预混层流燃烧特性试验和数值模拟研究 [J] 内燃机工程 2016,37(01),83-88

关力, 汤成龙, 杨柯, 莫隽, 黄佐华*. 添加二丁醚对生物柴油喷雾特性的影响 [J]. 燃烧科学与技术 2015,21(05),453-457

汤成龙, 司占博, 张旭辉, 张双, 黄佐华. 稀释气对高甲烷含量天然气燃烧特性的影响[J]. 西安交通大学学报 2015,49(09),41-46+83.

穆海宝, 喻琳, 李平, 汤成龙, 王金华, 张冠军. CH4/O2/He混合气体作大气压介质阻挡放电处理后其燃烧特性的改变[J]. 高电压技术 2014, 40(10): 2980-2985.

陈朝阳, 耿莉敏, 巩静, 汤成龙, 张春化. 掺氢对二甲醚预混层流燃烧特性的影响[J]. 西安交通大学学报 2014,48(06),122-126.

陈朝阳, 李跟宝, 陈昊, 汤成龙, 黄佐华. 二甲醚-空气-CO2一维自由传播火焰数值模拟[J]. 车用发动机 2014,(01),14-17.

郑建军,张志远,黄佐华,王金华,汤成龙,张烜,甲醇-空气-稀释气预混燃烧的数值分析[J]. 科学通报,2010,55(4):401-408

何佳佳, 胡二江, 金春, 黄佐华, 汤成龙, 苗海燕. 不同初始温度下甲烷-空气层流燃烧速率的测定[J]. 内燃机学报, 2009, 27 (6): 487-492.

汤成龙, 金春, 何佳佳, 黄佐华, 王金华. 丙烷-氢气-空气预混层流燃烧特性研究[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2009, 30 (6): 1075-1079.

汤成龙, 何佳佳, 黄佐华, 金春, 王金华, 王锡斌, 苗海燕. 丙烷-空气-稀释气层流燃烧速率测定[J]. 内燃机学报, 2008, 26 (6): 525-532.

Customization(Multiple times)

黄佐华,刘洋,汤成龙. 一种基于放热率曲线快速计算乙醇汽油辛烷值敏感性的方法. ZL 20191 0912974.X

汤成龙,武颖韬,黄佐华.一种快速压缩机连杆连接装置. ZL201710612827.1

汤成龙,郭阳,翁欣妍,黄佐华. 一种测量自燃推进剂液相点火延迟的装置及测量方法. ZL201810355590.8

汤成龙,杨猛,丁晓倩,杨锐,黄佐华. 一种研究含能材料反应机理及安全性评估的方法. ZL201910433410.8

汤成龙,刘洋,黄佐华. 一种用于实验室快速压缩机的压缩终点温度调节方法. ZL201811261020.9