Research Fields


Digitalization and strategy


Product development and innovation


Marketing management and strategy


Host Brief Introduction

[55] Shu, Chengli, Zhao, Jingxu, Yao, Qiong*, and Zhou, Kevin Z. (2024). Green innovation and export performance in emerging market firms: A legitimacy-based view. Management and Organization Review, online, DOI: 10.1017/mor.2023.40.管理学院认定的A类期刊,SSCI检索期刊;第二作者为指导的博士生

[54] Liu, Aiqing, Shu, Chengli,  and Xiao, Zhenxin*. (2024). Entrepreneurial orientation, political ties, and corproate reputation: The moderating roles of institutional environments. Journal of Business Research114347. DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114347.管理学院认定的B类期刊,SSCI检索期刊;第一作者为指导的博士毕业生,现就职于山东大学

[53] 舒成利*,辜孟蕾,高山行,刘翠娟. 知识溢出创业理论的进路与突破[J],西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)(CSSCI),2023DOI: 10.15896/j.xjtuskxb.202306011.(第二作者为指导的博士毕业生,现就职于四川大学

[52] 舒成利*,赵安格,黄东,高山行. 新发展格局下数字经济产业链发展战略框架研究[J],中国科技论坛(CSSCI),2023,12: 61-71. DOI: 10.13580/j.cnki.fstc.2023.12.015.(第二作者为指导的硕士毕业生,第三作者为指导的博士生

[51] 李宁娟,彭其,舒成利. 企业数字化转型与绿色创新差异化[J],山西财经大学学报(CSSCI),2023,45(10): 97-112. DOI: 10.13781/j.cnki.1007-9556.2023.10.008.

[50] Yang, Zhangbo, Shu, Chengli*, Gao, Shanxing, and Wang, Hui. (2022). The combined impact of direct and indirect ties on innovation: The moderating role of similarity in alliance subtypes. Journal of Product Innovation Management39(6): 847-870. DOI: 10.1111/jpim.12639.管理学院认定的A类期刊,SSCI检索期刊

[49] Shu, Chengli*, Hashmi, Hammad B. A., Xiao, Zhenxin, Haider, Syed W., and Nasir, Mishal. (2021). How do Islamic values influence CSR? A systematic literature review of studies from 1995-2020. Journal of Business EthicsOnline. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-021-04964-4.FT 50种期刊,管理学院认定的A类期刊,SSCI检索期刊第二作者为指导的博士生

[48] 周郴保,赵文红*,舒成利,武镇. 激情澎湃就能无所畏惧?——发明激情和发展激情对创业失败恐惧的影响研究[J],科学学与科学技术管理(CSSCI),2022,43(4): 156-173. (第一作者为合作的访问学者 

[47] 廉思秋,高山行,舒成利,郝志阳. 新型举国体制下构建触发中国高新技术突破的“扇形”模式研究[J],中国科技论坛(CSSCI),2021,11: 149-157. DOI: 10.13580/j.cnki.fstc.2021.11.018.

[46] De Clercq, Dirk, Shu, Chengli*, and Gu, Menglei. (2023). Overcoming organizational politics with tenacity and passion for work: Benefits for helping behaviors. Personnel Review52(1): 1-25. DOI: 10.1108/PR-09-2020-0699.管理学院认定的C类期刊,SSCI检索期刊第三作者为指导的博士毕业生,现就职于四川大学

[45] Gu, Menglei, Shu, Chengli*, and De Clercq, Dirk. (2021). Knowledge filters and employee venturing behaviors: A cross-institutional study of the U.S. and Indian firms. IEEE Transactions on Engineering ManagementOnline. DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2021.3065955.管理学院认定的A类期刊,SSCI检索期刊第一作者为指导的博士毕业生,现就职于四川大学

[44] Zhao, Mengli, Liu, Jinxin*, and Shu, Chengli. (2021). Pursuing sustainable development through green entrepreneurship: An institutional perspective. Business Strategy and the EnvironmentOnline. DOI: 10.1002/bse.2869.管理学院认定的B类期刊,SSCI检索期刊第一、第二作者为指导的博士毕业生,现分别就职于武汉大学、华中科技大学 

[43] 周郴保,赵文红*,舒成利,黄珊珊. 同源异效?——发明激情和发展激情对商业模式创新的影响研究[J],外国经济与管理(CSSCI),2021,43(12): 85-99. DOI: 10.16538/j.cnki.fem.20210602.401.(第一作者为合作的访问学者 

[42] Zhao, Wenhong, Zhang, Wenwei, and Shu, Chengli*. (2021). Industry ties, entrepreneurs' employment experience and resource acquisition of new ventures in China. Management DecisionOnline. DOI: 10.1108/MD-05-2020-0597.管理学院认定的C类期刊,SSCI检索期刊

[41] Tang, Ryan, Shu, Chengli*, and Zhou, Kevin. (2021). State ownership of Chinese firms and their outward foreign direct investment: Political and economic contingencies. Asia Pacific Journal of ManagementOnline. DOI: 10.1007/s10490-021-09756-y.管理学院认定的B类期刊,SSCI检索期刊 

[40] Zhao, Mengli, Yang, Jianjun, Shu, Chengli*, and Liu, Jinxin. (2020). Sustainability orientation, the adoption of 3D printing technologies, and new product performance: A cross-institutional study of American and Indian firms. TechnovationOnline. DOI: 10.1016/j.technovation.2020.102197.管理学院认定的A类期刊,SSCI检索期刊;第一、第四作者均为指导的博士毕业生,现分别就职于武汉大学、华中科技大学

[39] 赵晶旭,舒成利*,王尧,高山行. 人工智能风险的契约观及契约化治理机制研究[J]. 科学学研究,2021年8月,39(8):21-30.(国家基金委遴选的A类期刊、CSSCI检索期刊;第一作者为指导的博士生) 

[38] Jiang, WeiShu, Chengli*, Zhou, Kevin, and Guo, Zhaoyang. (2020). When more is better: A contingent view of alliance partner multiplicity and a focal firm's product innovation performance in China. Innovation: Organization & ManagementOnline. DOI: 10.1080/14479338.2021.1873788.SSCI检索期刊 

[37] Liu, Jinxin, Sheng, Shibin, Shu, Chengli*, and Zhao, Mengli. (2020). R&D, networking expenses, and firm performance: An integration of the inside-out and outside-in perspectives. Industrial Marketing ManagementOnline. DOI: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2020.11.010. 管理学院认定的B类期刊,SSCI检索期刊;第一、第四作者均为指导的博士毕业生,现分别就职于华中科技大学、武汉大学 

[36] Shu, Chengli*, Liu, Aiqing, and Nakata, Cheryl. (2020). How does face influence the purchase of imitative new products? Moderating roles of product design characteristics. Psychology & Marketing, 37(11): 1601-1618, DOI: 10.1002/mar.21405.管理学院认定的B类期刊,SSCI检索期刊;第二作者为指导的博士毕业生,现就职于山东大学 

[35] Shu, Chengli*, Gu, Menglei, Liu, Cuijuan, and Audretsch, David. (2020). The role of the government in the knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship: A firm-level analysis. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, Online. DOI: 10.1109/TEM.2020.3009697.管理学院认定的A类期刊,SSCI检索期刊;第二作者为指导的博士毕业生,,现就职于四川大学 

[34] Shu, Chengli*Liu, Jinxin, Zhao, Mengli, and Davidsson, Per. (2020). Proactive environmental strategy and firm performance: The moderating role of corporate venturing. International Small Business Journal, Online. DOI: 10.1177/0266242620923897.管理学院认定的B类期刊,SSCI检索期刊;第二、第三作者为指导的博士毕业生,现分别就职于华中科技大学、武汉大学 

[33] Hashmi, Hammad Bin Azam, Shu, Chengli, Haider, Syed Waqar*. (2020). Moderating effect of hedonism on store environment-impulse buying nexus. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 48(5): 465-483. DOI: 10.1108/IJRDM-09-2019-0312.SSCI检索期刊;第一作者为指导的博士生 

[32] Shu, Chengli*, Zhao, Mengli, Liu, Jinxin, and Lindsay, Wendy. (2020). Why firms go green and how green impacts financial and innovation performance differently: An awareness-motivation-capability perspective. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 37(3): 795-821. DOI: 10.1007/s10490-018-9630-8.管理学院认定的B类期刊,SSCI检索期刊;第二、第三作者为指导的博士毕业生,现分别就职于武汉大学、华中科技大学

[31] Yi, Yaqun, Wang, Yunhui, Shu, Chengli*. (2020). Business model innovation in China: A focus on value propositions. Business Horizons, 63(6): 787-799. DOI: 10.1016/j.bushor.2020.07.002SSCI检索期刊).

[30] Shu, Chengli, De Clercq, Dirk*, Zhou, Yunyue, and Liu, Cuijuan. (2019). Government institutional support, entrepreneurial orientation, strategic renewal, and firm performance in transitional China. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 25(3): 433-456. DOI: 10.1108/ijebr-07-2018-0465. SSCI检索期刊)

[29] Jin, Jason Lu, Shu, Chengli*, and Zhou, Kevin Z. (2019). Product innovativeness and new product performance in new ventures: Contingent roles of market knowledge breadth and tacitness. Industrial Marketing Management, 76: 231-241. DOI: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2018.08.009. 管理学院认定的B类期刊,SSCI检索期刊)

[28] Zhou, Yunyue, Shu, Chengli, Jiang, Wei*, and Gao, Shanxing. (2019). Green management, firm innovations, and environmental turbulence. Business Strategy and the Enviroment, 28: 567-581. DOI: 10.1002/bse.2265. 管理学院认定的B类期刊,SSCI检索期刊)

[27] 舒成利,辜孟蕾知识溢出创业理论:评述与未来研究方向[J]科技进步与对策CSSCI),2019,36(5)154-160. (第二作者为指导的博士毕业生,现就职于四川大学

[26] 辜孟蕾舒成利企业知识过滤与员工离职创业行为:制度环境的调节作用研究[J]科学学与科学技术管理CSSCI),2019,40(7):105-120. (第一作者为指导的博士毕业生,现就职于四川大学)

[25] 刘艾青舒成利高山行3D打印技术的应用对企业创新独占的挑战与对策[J]软科学CSSCI),2019,33(4)86-90.第一作者为指导的博士毕业生,现就职于山东大学)

[24] 李宁娟,高山行,舒成利环境扫描对双元创新非线性影响机理的探讨:战略柔性的调节作用[J]管理评论CSSCI),2018,30(4)45-58.

[23] Shu, Chengli*, Jin, Jason Lu, and Zhou, Kevin Zheng. (2017). A contingent view of coopetition in international joint ventures. Journal of International Marketing, 25(3): 42-60. DOI: 10.1509/jim.16.0075.(管理学院认定的A类期刊,SSCI检索期刊,国际营销研究领域国际最佳期刊)

[22] Gao, Yu, Shu, Chengli, Jiang, Xu, Gao, Shanxing, and Page, Albert L. (2017). Managerial ties and product innovation: The moderating roles of macro- and micro-institutional environments. Long Range Planning, 50(2): 168-183. DOI: 10.1016/j.lrp.2016.11.005. 管理学院认定的B类期刊,SSCI检索期刊)

[21] 李宁娟,高山行,舒成利企业动态复合成长模式--基于美国生物技术企业的案例研究[J]管理案例研究与评论CSSCI),2017,10(3):225-246.

[20] Shu, Chengli*, Zhou, Kevin Zheng, Xiao, Yazhen, and Gao, Shanxing. (2016). How green management influences product innovation in China: The role of institutional benefits. Journal of Business Ethics, 133(3): 471-485. DOI: 10.1007/s10551-014-2401-7. FT 50种期刊,管理学院认定的A类期刊,SSCI检索期刊)

[19] 舒成利,江旭,胡小飞战略联盟中的双元学习、知识获取与创新绩效[J]研究与发展管理CSSCI),201627(6)97-106.

[18] 高山行,李宁娟,舒成利制度反应战略对制度利益和新产品绩效的影响研究[J]华东经济管理CSSCI),2016,30(11)1-8.

[17] Shu, Chengli*, Wang, Qin, Gao, Shanxing, and Liu, Cuijuan. (2015). Firm patenting, innovations, and government institutional support as a double-edged sword. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32(2): 290-305. DOI: 10.1111/jpim.12230. (管理学院认定的A类期刊,SCISSCI双检期刊,创新研究领域国际最佳期刊)

[16] 高山行,周匀月,舒成利企业每种创新都生而平等吗?创新、企业绩效和竞争者联系的调节作用[J]科学学研究CSSCI),201533(10)1564-1572, 1583.

[15] Shu, Chengli*, Liu, Cuijuan, Gao, Shanxing, and Shanley, Mark. (2014). The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship in alliances. Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice, 38(4): 913-940. DOI: 10.1111/etap.12024.FT 50种期刊,管理学院认定的A类期刊,SSCI检索期刊,创业研究领域国际最佳期刊)

[14] 孟祥海,高山行,舒成利生物技术药物发展现状及我国的对策研究[J]中国软科学CSSCI),2014414-24. 

[13] Shu, Chengli, Page, Albert. L.*, Gao, Shanxing, and Jiang, Xu. (2012). Managerial ties and firm innovation: Is knowledge creation a missing link? Journal of Product Innovation Management, 29(1): 125-143. DOI: 10.1111/j.1540-5885.2011.00883.x. (管理学院认定的A类期刊,SCISSCI双检期刊,创新研究领域国际最佳期刊)

[12] Zhang, Haisu*, Shu, Chengli, Jiang, Xu, and Malter, Alan J. (2010). Managing knowledge for innovation: The role of cooperation, competition, and alliance nationality. Journal of International Marketing, 18(4): 74-94. DOI: 10.1509/jimk.18.4.74.(管理学院认定的A类期刊,SSCI检索期刊,国际营销研究领域国际最佳期刊)

[11] Shu, Chengli*, Gao, Shanxing, Jiang, Xu, and Page, Albert L. (2010). Managerial guanxi ties, knowledge creation, and firm innovation: Evidence from China. Academy of Management Best Papers Proceedings, 1-6. DOI: 10.5465/ambpp.2010.54493609. (管理学院认定的管理类顶级国际会议,会议录用论文的top 10%有机会入选最佳会议论文集)

[10] 舒成利,高山行原始性创新:效率、分布性主体间的交互机制[J]科学学研究CSSCI),201028(3)436-443.

[9] 舒成利,高山行专利竞赛中企业R&D投资策略研究:马尔科夫链的视角[J]管理工程学报CSSCI),200923(4)37-41, 48.

[8] 舒成利,高山行基于知识生产模式的原始性创新发生机制的研究[J]科学学研究CSSCI),200826(3)640-644.

[7] 舒成利,高山行影响企业专利申请行为因素研究述评[J]情报杂志CSSCI),200827(3)47-51.

[6] 舒成利,高山行基于知识生产模式的原始性创新发生机制的研究[J]., working paper series, 1-6.

[5] 舒成利,智勇我国体育产业创新能力与发展策略研究[J]体育文化导刊2007541-44.

[4] 舒成利,智勇陕西省跳水运动队后备人才培养现状与发展策略分析[J]中国体育科技CSSCI),200743(3)86-89.

[3] 舒成利,刘翠娟中国职业足球比赛门票定价的经济学解释[J]首都体育学院学报200719(1)23-25.

[2] 舒成利,周小杰从利益相关者管理理论看我国职业足球产业的发展[J]成都体育学院学报CSSCI),2006321-24.

[1] 舒成利从美特斯·邦威经营的成功看企业的虚拟化战略[J]沿海企业与科技2006143-45.


* 代表通讯作者。

Main Responsibility


     Editor: Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market & Complexity

     Associate Editor: Data Science and Management

     Editorial Review Board Member: International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior and Behavior




     Journal of Operations Management

     Journal of International Marketing

     Journal of Product Innovation Management

     Journal of Small Business Management

     Journal of Business Ethics

     Journal of Business Research

     Management and Organization Research

     Asia Pacific Journal of Management


     Thunderbird International Business Review

     Australian Journal of Management

    Journal of World Business

    Journal of Environmental Planning and Management



     American Marketing Association Summer/Winter Educators' Conference

     Academy of Management Annual Conference

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     Academy of Management Annual Conference 2009

     Special Interest Group Chair, China Marketing International Conference, 2015, 2016.

     Co-chair, CIMaR (Consortium for International Marketing Research), Xi'an, 2016






     Academy of Management Annual Conference 2009

     IACMR Conference 2021




