Science Project

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Project number Project name Project origin Start time Roles Project kind
52211540721 MEMS传感器通道内液体乳-细菌颗粒液固两相流动特性及颗粒实时检测方法研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2023-01~2024-12 负责人 Vertical project
52076174 变截面微通道内粘弹性流体-纳米颗粒两相流动特性研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2021-01~2024-12 负责人 Vertical project
2019M653590 气溶胶3D打印微喷嘴气流内颗粒运动机理及控制方法研究 中国博士后基金面上项目 2019-01~2021-12 负责人 Vertical project
51706175 微通道内包裹固体颗粒的微液滴生成及运动机理研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2018-01~2020-12 负责人 Vertical project
xjj2016010 食品安全快速检测新型 微流体技术及相关多相流动特性研究 其他 2016-01~2018-12 负责人 Vertical project
51476127 微通道内非牛顿流体-弹性颗粒液固两相流 动特性研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2015-01~2018-12 骨干成员 Vertical project
xjj2014114 微小通道非牛顿流体中 弹性颗粒的动力特性研究及其利用 其他 2014-01~2015-12 骨干成员 Vertical project
51128601 微流传感器通道内液 固两相流与颗粒相分离的基础研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2012-01~2013-12 骨干成员 Vertical project


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Paper Name Author Publication/Completion Time Magazine Name
Continuous Sheathless Particle Separation in Viscoelastic Fluids with Different Rheological Properties C S Gan, Z Z Tian, L Liu, L L Fan, L Zhao 2024-04-22 Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
Gravity-based focusing and size-dependent separation of metal microparticles in lubricating oil C Gan, L L Fan, L Zhao 2023-08-11 Electrophoresis
An improved Dissipative Particle Dynamics Method for the Liquid-Particle Two-Phase Flow in Microchannels H Dong, X Wu, LL Fan, L Zhao 2023-08-09 Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
Efficient Focusing of Aerosol Particles in the Microchannel under Reverse External Force: A Numerical Simulation Study Y Qin, L L Fan, L Zhao 2023-02-26 Micromachines
Flow Patterns of an Open Microchannel and Jet Impingement Hybrid Cooling Scheme Y M Guo, L L Fan, L Zhao 2023-02-03 Heat Transfer Engineering
Elastic-inertial separation of microparticle in a gradually contracted microchannel Z Z Tian, C S Gan, L L Fan, J C Wang, L Zhao 2022-08-13 Electrophoresis
Heat transfer enhancement of a new single-phase hybrid cooling scheme of microchannel and microjet impingement Y M Guo, L L Fan, L Zhao 2022-01-17 Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer
Efficient microfluidic enrichment of nano‐/submicroparticle in viscoelastic fluid L L Fan, Z Z Tian, J Zhe et al. 2021-08-16 Electrophoresis
Enhancement of passive mixing via arc microchannel with sharp corner structure L Y Huang, Q Liu, L L Fan et al. 2021-05-08 Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
Formation and capture of droplet with high volume ratio of cell to droplet. Z Zhao, Z Y Xun, L L Fan et al. 2021-03-06 Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
Enhanced viscoelastic focusing of particle in microchannel LL Fan, Z Zhao, YY Tao, et al. 2020-01-03 Electrophoresis
Continuous elasto-inertial separation of microparticles using a co-flowing Newtonian-viscoelastic fluid system LL Fan, Z Zhao, X Wu, et al. 2019-11-22 Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
Continuous sheath-free focusing of microparticles in viscoelastic and Newtonian fluids LL Fan, X Wu, H Zhang, et al. 2019-09-25 Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
A passive microfluidic device for continuous microparticle enrichment L L Fan , X L Zhu, Q Yan, J Zhe , L Zhao 2018-11-28 Electrophoresis
Single particle train ordering in microchannel based on inertial and vortex effects LL Fan, Q Yan, J Zhe, L Zhao 2018-03-06 Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
Rapid microfluidic mixer utilizing sharp corner structures LL Fan, XL Zhu, H Zhao, J Zhe, L Zhao 2017-06-18 Microfluidics and nanofluidics
Numerical simulation on the flow and heat transfer characteristics in the one-side heating helically coiled tubes X Niu, S Luo, LL Fan, L Zhao 2016-06-23 Applied Thermal Engineering
Inertial particle focusing in microchannels with gradually changing geometrical structures LL Fan, Q Yan, J Guo, H Zhao, L Zhao 2016-03-23 Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
Continuous 3D particle focusing in a microchannel with curved and symmetric sharp corner structures LL Fan, XK He, Y Han, J Zhe 2015-03-26 Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering
Continuous size-based separation of microparticles in a microchannel with symmetric sharp corner structures LL Fan, XK He, Y Han, L Du, L Zhao, J Zhe 2014-05-21 Biomicrofluidics


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