
* 代表通讯作:相关成果发表在PAS、JFM、AIAA J.等期刊


Y. Shen, F.Y. Zuo*. XXXXXXX. To be submit.


S. Wang, F.Y. Zuo*. Analysis of free interaction theory in swept shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction. AIAA Journal. 2025, Accept.


F.Y. Zuo*, Y. Shen, J. Wei, C. Ren. Spectral proper orthogonal decomposition of external flow at high Reynolds number. Acta Astronautica. 2025, 227: 21-39.


F.Y. Zuo*, T. Zhang, S. Hu, S. Shen. Hypersonic laminar flow over spherically double cone with thermochemical non-equilibrium analysis. Acta Mechanica Sinica. 2025, 41: 124253.


F.Y. Zuo*, S. Pirozzoli. Recent progress in conical shock wave/boundary layer interaction with spanwise pressure gradient. Propulsion and Power Research. 2024, 13(3): 295-318. (Invited Paper, Featured on cover)


F.Y. Zuo*, Y. Shen, J. Wei, S. Hu. Reynolds number and Mach number effects on the shock-induced separation. AIAA Journal. 2024, 62(4): 1618-1625.


F.Y. Zuo*, A. Memmolo, S. Pirozzoli. On wall pressure fluctuations in conical shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2023, 967, A3.


F.Y. Zuo*. Hypersonic conical shock-wave/turbulent-boundary-layer interaction at high Reynolds number. AIAA Journal. 2023, 61(9): 3743-3760.


F.Y. Zuo*, S. Mölder. Design of hypersonic wavecatcher intake at Mach 12 with rectangular-to-elliptical shape transition. Propulsion and Power Research. 2023, 12(2): 167-179.


F.Y. Zuo*. Hypersonic shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction over a compression ramp. AIAA Journal. 2023, 61(4): 1579-1595.


F.Y. Zuo*, M. Yu, S. Pirozzoli. Modal analysis of separation bubble unsteadiness in conical shock-wave/turbulent-boundary-layer interaction. AIAA Journal. 2022, 60(9): 5123-5135.


F.Y. Zuo*, J. Wei, S. Hu, S. Pirozzoli. Effects of wall temperature on hypersonic impinging shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interactions. AIAA Journal. 2022, 60(9): 5109-5122.


F.Y. Zuo*, S. Mölder. Startability of truncated hypersonic wavecatcher intake. Acta Astronautica. 2022, 198: 531-540.


F.Y. Zuo*, S. Mölder, S. Hu. Thermochemical non-equilibrium effects on hypersonic wavecatcher intake at Mach 12. Acta Astronautica. 2022, 198: 56-68.


F.Y. Zuo*, S. Mölder. Flow quality in an M-Busemann wavecatcher intake. Aerospace Science and Technology. 2022, 121: 107376.


F.Y. Zuo*, A. Memmolo, S. Pirozzoli. Reynolds-averaged numerical simulations of conical shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions. AIAA Journal. 2021, 59(5): 1645-1659.


F.Y. Zuo*. The scaling of separation bubble in the conical shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interaction. Acta Astronautica. 2021, 186: 418-425.


F.Y. Zuo*, S. Hu. Thermochemical non-equilibrium effects on aerothermodynamic prediction of laminar double-cone flow. Acta Astronautica. 2021, 182: 179-188.


F.Y. Zuo*, S. Mölder, G. Chen. Performance of wavecatcher intakes at angles of attack and sideslip. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics. 2021, 34(7): 244-256. (Editor’s Highlights)


F.Y. Zuo*, A. Memmolo. Investigation of conical shock wave/boundary layer interaction in axisymmetric internal flow. Aerospace Science and Technology. 2020, 106: 106106.


F.Y. Zuo*, A. Memmolo, G. Huang, S. Pirozzoli. Direct numerical simulation of conical shock wave-turbulent boundary layer interaction. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2019, 877: 167-195. (Featured on cover)


F.Y. Zuo*, S. Mölder. Hypersonic wavecatcher intakes and variable-geometry turbine based combined cycle engines. Progress in Aerospace Sciences. 2019, 106: 108-144. (Invited Review)


F.Y. Zuo*, G. Huang. Numerical investigation of bleeding control method on section-controllable wavecatcher intakes. Acta Astronautica. 2018, 151: 572-584.


F.Y. Zuo*, G. Huang, C. Xia. Bleeding control for improving internal waverider inlet self-starting ability. International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines. 2019, 36(1): 51-60.


G. Huang, F.Y. Zuo*, W. Qiao. Design method of internal waverider inlet under non-uniform upstream for inlet/forebody integration. Aerospace Science and Technology. 2018, 74: 160-172.


F.Y. Zuo*, G. Huang, C. Xia. Investigation of internal-waverider-inlet flow pattern integrated with variable-geometry for TBCC. Aerospace Science and Technology. 2016, 59: 69-77.


左逢源*. 内转式TBCC组合动力进气道设计方法研究进展. 清华大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 62 (3): 555-561. 


左逢源 基于内乘波概念的TBCC进气道过渡模态研究工程热物理学报, 2015, 36(2): 274-278.