Basic Information




            洪灵博士 教授 博士生导师

            西安交通大学 航天学院

            Ling Hong, Professor, Ph.D.
            School of Aerospace

            Xi’an Jiaotong Univeristy



Contact Information



     +86-29-82663723 (office)

Educational Experience

2004-2006  美国特拉华大学机械系应用控制实验室,博士后
Postdoc, Lab of Applied Controls, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University of Delaware, U.S.A.

1998-2001 西安交通大学工程力学系 博士

Ph.D. in Mechanics, Xi'an Jiaoting University, Xi’an, China

1995-1997 西安交通大学工程力学系 硕士

M.S. in Mechanics, Xi'an Jiaoting University, Xi’an, China

1978-1982 甘肃工业大学工程力学系 学士

B.S. in Engineering Mechanics, Gansu University of Technology, Gansu, China

Work Experience

2001-现在 西安交通大学结构与振动国家重点实验室,讲师、副教授、教授
Professor, State Key Lab of Strength and Vibration, Xi’an Jiaoting University, China

2010 美国纽约大学神经科学中心访问教授
Visiting Professor, Center of Neural Science, New York University, USA

1992-1997 甘肃工业大学工程力学系,讲师
Lecturer, Dept. of Engineering Mechanics, Gansu University of Technology, Gansu, China

1982-1992 兰州通用机器厂职工大学 助教、讲师
Lecturer, College for Engineers, Lanzhou General Machineary Factory, Gansu, China


Honorary Title

动力学与控制国际期刊 副主编

Associate Editor for International Journal of Dynamics and Control

Award of Science and Technology Advances of Educational Ministry of China

Nomination Award of National Excellent Doctorate Dissertation of China