

Jicheng Li, Professor & Doctoral supervisor



Telephone: 029-82663799

Email: jcli@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

Adress: No.28, Xianning West Road, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710049, P.R. China(School of Mathematics and Statistics, Xi'an Jiaotong Unieversity)



(1.)Basic Information


              Vice-president of school of mathematics and statistics

Secretary general of ministry of education university mathematics teaching guidance committee(2013-2017)

Commissioner of xi'an jiaotong university teaching committee(2009----)

Director of university mathematics teaching research and development center

Director of xi'an jiaotong university mathematics teaching center

Host of the course “higher mathematics” for country first excellent resources sharing

Host of provincial excellent course“ mathematics modeling and experiment”




  •           1986-1993, Shaanxi Normal University Department of Mathematics, Bachelor and Master in Elementary Mathematics.
  •           1996-1999, Xi’an Jiaotong University School of Science, Doctor in Mathematics.
  •           2003-2004, Visit in the University of Manchester.

(5.)Scientific Research


  •    Numerical linear algebra and its application
  •    Preconditioned iterative method for linear and nonlinear algebra
  •    Application of matrix theory in Information Science (image recognition, information processing, text retrieval)



   Computational Mathematics:

                                           Numerical linear algebra and its application

                                           Numerical linear and nonlinear algebraic solution method and the preconditioned method


                                           Matrix computation theory

   Applied Mathematics:


                                           Matrix method for image recognition and information processing