Journal Papers

  1. Wu SF, Li JX*, Yao JH, Cao YX, Yan S. 3D printed millimeter-wave filtering monopulse comparator for dual-circularly polarized antenna. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2024, 23(12): 4797-4801.

  2. Li JX, Yu XY, Gan S, Li CJ, Yan S, Xu KD. Wideband circularly polarized substrate integrated dielectric resonator antenna array for 5G millimeter-wave applications. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2024, 23(12): 4378-4382.

  3. Li JX, Wu SF, Li ZT, Cao YX*, Xu KD. 3D-printed OAM beam generator with enhanced out-of-band gain filtering characteristic. Optics Express, 32(26): 47285-47295.

  4. Wu SF, Li JX*, Yao JH, Cao YX, Li YJ, Zhang XY. 3D-printed Ka-band circularly-polarized monopulse antenna array with high gain and low axial ratio. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2024, 72(11), 8282-8293.
  5. Li JX, Zhou JM, Wen YX, Xu KD, Ren Y. Miniaturized wideband bandpass filter using capacitor-loaded coupled-lines. International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2024, 186: 155476.
  6. Li JX, Wang JH, Wu SF, Chen XM, Yan S, Chen J. A 4.9 GHz low power microwave ablation antenna with bi-directional localized ablation zone. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2024, 23(10): 3004-3008.
  7. Li JX, Lv SY, Wu SF, Li QL, Xu KD. Millimeter-wave dual-wideband filtering power divider using groove gap waveguide and spoof surface plasmon polariton. IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2024, 14(6): 1089-1097.
  8. Li JX, Li ZT, Wu SF, Li QL, Li YJ, Zhang XY. Wide-angle scanning all-metal magnetoelectric dipole phased array with low scanning loss. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2024, 23(7): 2259-2263.
  9. Li JX, Wu SF, Li ZY, Cao YX, Yan S. Robust broadband dual-polarized rectenna with high conversion efficiency. International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2024, 179: 155294.
  10. Wu SF, Li JX*, Wang JH, Cao YX, Zhou HD. Millimeter-wave 3D-printed filtering power divider with high frequency selectivity and enhanced heat dispersion. International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2024, 177: 155200.
  11. Li JX, Wen YX, Li QL, Wu SF, Xu KD, Zhang XY. Frequency-controlled wide-angle scanning antenna based on sinusoidally modulated waveguide using stereo lithography appearance technology, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2024, 23(6): 1909-1913.
  12. Li JX, Wang YY, Zhang LX, Huang BK, Yan S, Chen XM. A quasi-isotropic antenna with system ground plane for IoT-based smart home applications. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2024, 11(8): 14449-14459.
  13. Li JX, Wu SF, Cao YX, Chen XM, Li YJ, Zhang YX. SLM printed millimeter-wave multibeam antenna array based on filtering Butler matrix. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2024, 72(4): 3813-3818.
  14. 李建星,王健合,吴思凡,王志丰,陈娟.黄土介质微波加热机理及效果研究.现代应用物理,202415(1)010504
  15. Wu SF, Li JX*, Li YJ, Yan S, Zhang XY. SLM printed dual-band dual-polarized shared-aperture filtering antenna array for millimeter-wave integrated sensing and communication. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2024, 72(3): 2855-2860.
  16. He WY, Li JX*, Xu KD, Yan S, Chen J. Voltage-controlled tunable filtering attenuator using PIN diodes. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2024, 71(2): 562-566.
  17. Zhang LX, Li JX*, Wang YY, Yan Sen, Xu KD, Hung LY. A compact dual-band wearable button antenna design for WBAN applications. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation. 2023, 71(10): 8284-8289.
  18. Li JX, Wu SF, Li YJ, Chen XM, Yan S, Zhang XY. SLA printed dual-band conical-beam filtering antenna. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2023, 22(10): 2462-2466.
  19. Wu SF, Li JX, Chen XM, Yan S, Zhang XY. A Ka-band SLM printed filtering divider-fed magnetoelectric dipole antenna array using embedded gap waveguide. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2023, 22(4): 774-778.
  20. Li JX, Yang A, Tian CM, Ye L, Chen BD. Multi-fidelity Bayesian algorithm for antenna optimization. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2022, 33(6): 1119-1126.
  21. Wu SF, Li JX*, Cao YX, Yan S, Xu KD, Luyen H. Three-dimensional printed, dual-band, dual-circularly polarized antenna array using gap waveguide technology. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12: 10704.
  22. Li JX, Li ZY, Jiang C, Liu Z. Designing and modeling of a dual-band high-efficiency rectenna using dielectric resonant antenna array. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12: 10081.
  23. 吴思凡,李建星*,曹元熙,闫森,陈娟.一种Ka波段集成化滤波功分器设计.无线电工程,202252(11)2081-2086
  24. Li JX, Hu P, Chen J, Xu KD, Mao CX, Zhang XY. Dual-polarized duplex base-station antenna with a duplexer-integrated balun. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2022, 21(2): 317-321.
  25. Li JX, Xu KD, Shi JW, Guo YJ, Zhang AX. Spoof surface plasmon polariton waveguide with switchable notched band. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2021, 33(20): 1147-1150. 
  26. Li JX, Shi JW, Xu KD, Guo YJ, Zhang AX, Chen Q. Spoof surface plasmon polaritons developed from coplanar waveguides in microwave frequencies. IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2020, 32(22): 1431-1434. 
  27. Li JX, Shi JW, Xu KD, Yang Q, Chen J, Zhang AX. Polarization reconfigurable annular ring slot antenna design. International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2020, 123, 1-6. 
  28. Wang XJ, Li JX*, Chen WC, Zhang M, Chen J, Zhang AX. The effect of mutual coupling on the performance of GNSS antenna arrays. IEEE Access, 2020, 8(1): 20480-20487. 
  29. Li JX, Khan TA, Meng XJ, Chen J, Peng GT, Zhang AX. Wideband radar cross section reduction of microstrip patch antenna using coding metasurface. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2019, 13(10): 1719-1725.
  30. Li JX, Zhang XK, Wang Z, Chen XM, Chen J, Li YS, Zhang AX. Dual-band eight-antenna array design for MIMO applications in 5G mobile terminals. IEEE Access, 2019, 7(1): 71636-71644.
  31. Li JX, Shi JW, Li LM, Khan TA, Chen J, Li YS, Zhang AX. Dual-band annular slot antenna loaded by reactive components for dual-sense circular polarization with flexible frequency ratio. IEEE Access, 2018, 6(1): 64063-64070. 
  32. Li JX, Shi JW, Feng K, Xiao ZC, Chen J, Zhang AX. Isolation enhanced circularly polarized patch antenna array using modified electric-field-coupled resonator. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2018, 29(5): E21560. 
  33. Li JX, Huo HM, Chen J, Zhu ST, Shi HY, Zhang AX. Miniaturised artificial magnetic conductor and its application in unidirectional circularly polarised slot antenna design. IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, 2018, 12(12): 1885-1889. 
  34. Li JX, Li L, Qiao Y, Chen J, Chen JZ, Zhang AX. Full Ka-band waveguide-microstrip inline transition design. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, 2018, 39(8): 714-722. 
  35. Tian D, Xu R, Peng GT, Li JX, Xu Z, Zhang AX, Ren YX. Low profile high efficiency bidirectional endfire antenna based on spoof surface plasmon polaritons. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2018, 90: 30-35. 
  36. Zhao ZZ, Li JX, Shi HY, Chen XM, Zhang AX. A low-profile angle-insensitive bandpass frequency selective surface based on vias. IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 2018, 28(3): 200-202. 
  37. Li JX, Li L, Lu L, Shi HY, Huo HM, Zhang AX. Four-way waveguide power divider design for W-band applications. International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2018, 28(4): E21242. 
  38. Li W, Xia S, Shi HY, Li JX, Zhang AX, Li ZR, Xu Z. Design of a dual-band dual-polarization transparent frequency selective surface. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2017, 16: 3172-3175. 
  39. Chen J, Li JX, Liu QH. Analyzing graphene-based absorber by using the WCS-FDTD method. IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 2017, 65(10): 3689-3696.
  40. Chen J, Li JX, Liu QH. Designing graphene-based absorber by using HIE-FDTD method. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2017, 65(4): 1896-1902.
  41. Li JX, Shi HY, Li H, Zhang AX. Quad-band probe-fed stacked annular patch antenna for GNSS applications. IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2014, 13: 372-375.
  42. Li JX, Jiang YS, Zhang AX, Chen J, Sheng X. Design of a compact multiband internal antenna for mobile application. Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2011, 53(12): 2865-2868. 

Conference Papers

  1. Li CJ, Li JX*, Li ZT, Wu SF. A dual-polarized, broadband, conformal phased array with wide-angle beam scanning capability. IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Workshop Series on Advanced Materials and Processes for RF and THz Applications (IMWS-AMP), Nanjing, China, 2024. (Best Student Paper Award Honorable Mention Award)

  2. Wu SF, Li JX*, Shi JW, Cao YX, Yan S, Chen J. Dual-band dual-circularly polarized shared-aperture mmWave antenna. IEEE 5th International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology (ICEICT), Hefei, China, 2022. (Best Paper Award)

  3. 吴思凡,李建星,韦童,贺未雨,闫森,张安学.一种基于间隙波导技术的双频段双圆极化阵列天线.2021年全国天线年会,宁波,中国,2021.(学生代表性论文)

  4. Zhang YY, Li JX, Peng GT, Sang XY, Chen J, Zhang AX. A novel frequency selective surface radome with circular polarization selection. IEEE 2nd International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology (ICEICT), Harbin, China, 2019. (Best Paper Award)

  5. Wang XJ, Li JX, Zhang M, Zhang AX. Space-time-polarization adaptive antenna arrays for GNSS receivers. 2018 3rd International Conference on Communication, Image and Signal Processing (CCISP), Sanya, China, 2018. (Best Oral Presenter)

  6. Li JX, Zhang AX, Liu JG, Liu QH. Cavity-backed wideband magneto-electric antenna for through-the-wall imaging radar applications. IEEE Radar Conference (RadarConf), Philadelphia, USA, 2016, 1-3. (Student Travel Grant Award)


  1. 李建星,李泽霆,吴思凡,李秦龙,陈娟.一种K波段宽角扫描相控阵天线单元及天线阵列:中国,ZL202310718348.32023-10-10
  2. 李建星,温雅馨,吴思凡,李秦龙,尹叶青,陈娟.一种基于三维全金属 SSPP结构的漏波天线:中国,ZL202310707975.72023-07-19
  3. 李建星,田春明,杨安.一种基于多输出高斯过程贝叶斯优化的天线优化方法中国,202110438497.52020-04-22
  4. 李建星,徐开达,陈娟,贺未雨,施俊威.一种波束可重构漏波天线:中国,ZL202111007790.22021-08-30
  5. 李建星,吴思凡,贺雨晨,陈娟.一种圆极化波导缝隙天线中国,ZL202110395537.22021-04-13
  6. 李建星,陈娟,胡鹏,贺雨晨,张安学.一种用于卫星通信的双频双圆极化共口径天线中国,ZL20211024332862021-03-04
  7. 安学,李建星振盛,陈娟,士涛,张明地铁盾构隧道衬砌质量高精度快速车载检测方法与装置中国,ZL201810629109.X2018-06-19
  8. 建星,张安学陈娟施宏宇霍惠敏一种左右旋圆极化可重构缝隙天线ZL201710592726.22017-07-19
  9. 建星,陈建,张安学,陈娟,张小可,惠敏.一种具有滤波特性的圆极化缝隙天线中国,ZL201710602163.02017-07-21
  10. 建星,舒敏杰,肖志成,安学陈娟一种基于电磁吸波体的高隔离度阵列天线中国,ZL201810651119.32018-06-22

Software Copyright

  1. 李建星,王小健,张明,贺雨晨,陈娟.GNSS极化敏感阵列多径抑制波束形成软件V1.02021SR10497772021-05-06