Postdoc researchers

Recently-graduated or graduating PhDs with interest and special expertiese in first-principles modelling are welcome to apply to be an independent researcher in our group. Research topics will be negotiated and might be application-oriented (e.g., halide perovskites), method-oriented (e.g., machine learning materials science), or system-oriented (e.g., defect study).

According to the latest policy, XJTU encourages young scientists at early career to be "Postdoc Fellows and Lecturers" simultaneously. Applicants are recommended to have this guidance in mind.

Please contact via email [ (at)].

PhD candidates and MSc students

Our group is interested in having 1 PhD candidate and 1 MSc student for the theoretical study of ferroelectric oxide perovskites such as PbTiO3-based or PbHfO3-based alloys. Applicants with strong background in mathematics and physics are highly preferred. In addition, coding techniques and experience would be a plus, since large-scale modelling and data-driven / machine learning materials science will be employed to handel the important structural-disorder feature of these complex functional materials.

Please contact via email [ (at)].

BCs projects and theses students

To be announced.