Selected papers

[1]        JI X, SHYY W, XU K. A Gradient Compression-Based Compact High-Order Gas-Kinetic Scheme on 3D Hybrid Unstructured Meshes [J]. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2021, 35(7): 485-509.

Journal Paper




Zhang H, Ji X, Zhao Y, et al. A robustness-enhanced reconstruction based on discontinuity feedback factor for high-order finite volume scheme. Journal of Scientific Computing. 2024 Oct;101(1):20.


Wei, Y, Cao, J, Ji, X, et al. Adaptive wave-particle decomposition in UGKWP method for high-speed flow simulations. Advances in Aerodynamics [J]. 5, 25 (2023).

17 JI X, ZHAO F, SHYY W, et al. Two-step multi-resolution reconstruction-based compact gas-kinetic scheme on tetrahedral mesh [J]. Journal of Computational Physics. 2024, 497:112590.
16 XIE Q, JI X, QIU Z, et al. High-order spectral difference gas-kinetic schemes for Euler and Navier-Stokes equations [J] East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2023, 13 (3), 499-523.
15 ZHANG Y, JI X, XU K. A high-order compact gas-kinetic scheme in a rotating coordinate frame and on sliding mesh [J]. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2023, Accept.
14 ZHAO F, JI X, SHYY W, et al. Direct modeling for computational fluid dynamics and the construction of high-order compact scheme for compressible flow simulations [J]. Journal of Computational Physics, 2023.
13 YANG X, LIU C, JI X, et al. Unified Gas-Kinetic Wave-Particle Methods VI: Disperse Dilute Gas-Particle Multiphase Flow [J]. Communications in Computational Physics, 2022, 31(3):669.
12 JI X, SHYY W, XU K. A p-multigrid compact gas-kinetic scheme for steady-state acceleration [J]. Computers & Fluids, 2022, 241: 105489.
11 YANG X, JI X, SHYY W, et al. Comparison of the performance of high-order schemes based on the gas-kinetic and HLLC fluxes [J]. Journal of Computational Physics, 2022, 448: 110706.
10 ZHAO F, JI X, SHYY W, et al. A compact high-order gas-kinetic scheme on unstructured mesh for acoustic and shock wave computations [J]. Journal of Computational Physics, 2021: 110812.
9 JI X, SHYY W, XU K. A Gradient Compression-Based Compact High-Order Gas-Kinetic Scheme on 3D Hybrid Unstructured Meshes [J]. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2021, 35(7): 485-509.
8 JI X, ZHAO F, SHYY W, et al. Compact High-Order Gas-Kinetic Scheme for Three-Dimensional Flow Simulations [J]. AIAA Journal, 2021: 1-18.
7 ZHAO F, JI X, SHYY W, et al. An acoustic and shock wave capturing compact high-order gas-kinetic scheme with spectral-like resolution [J]. International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2020, 34(10): 731-56.
6 JI X, ZHAO F, SHYY W, et al. A HWENO reconstruction based high-order compact gas-kinetic scheme on unstructured mesh [J]. Journal of Computational Physics, 2020, 410: 109367.
5 JI X, XU K. Performance enhancement for high-order gas-kinetic scheme based on WENO-adaptive-order reconstruction [J]. Communications in Computational Physics, 2020, 28(2), 539-590.
4 ZHAO F, JI X, SHYY W, et al. Compact higher-order gas-kinetic schemes with spectral-like resolution for compressible flow simulations [J]. Advances in Aerodynamics, 2019, 1(1): 1-34.
3 JI X, PAN L, SHYY W, et al. A compact fourth-order gas-kinetic scheme for the Euler and Navier–Stokes equations [J]. Journal of Computational Physics, 2018, 372: 446-72.
2 JI X, ZHAO F, SHYY W, et al. A family of high-order gas-kinetic schemes and its comparison with Riemann solver based high-order methods [J]. Journal of Computational Physics, 2018, 356: 150-73.
1 SHI M, JI X, FENG S, et al. Self-propelled hovercraft based on cold Leidenfrost phenomenon [J]. Scientific reports, 2016, 6(1): 1-7.



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PhD thesis

JI X. High-order non-compact and compact gas-kinetic schemes - Rare & Special e-Zone (

 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong), 2019.