

1. 高能耗低温空分装置节能核心部机-低温液体膨胀机研发和工业应用





2. 航空发动机/燃气轮机用跨音速轴流压气机研究
课题组对轴流压气机的研究有二十余年的积累(源于孙金菊老师在Cranfield University的博士课题研究),基础理论扎实,技术沉淀深厚。例如,课题组通过自主化研究和开发,拥有从一维、通流、到三维叶片的轴流压气机设计软件和技术;预测整机气动稳定性的模型和软件;整机多目标多层次协同优化软件平台等。
团队研究工作和创新性成果获得了国际同行的认可,先后两次获得英国机械工程师学会IMechE的奖项:The Arthur Charles Main Award 1998Donald Julius Groen Prize 2014

3. 多相流LBM模型和方法研究及其在航空器防结冰等方面的应用

本方向的研究重点:高精度多重网格LBM;热LB模型和方法;基于 LBM的液滴结融冰研究等。

4. 应用驱动的通风冷却用风扇增效降噪创新性研究

噪声数值预测是风扇研发中的重要环节。传统上基于LES非稳定流场模拟及FW-H模型的声场预测耗时太长,使得气动-声学耦合设计优化异常困难而不可行,亟需发展瞬态流场快速计算的方法。课题组发展的Vortex-In-Cell method可快速计算瞬态压力脉动,为声场预测提供了一种快速实用的途径。它利用离散涡元表示的涡量场代替原连续涡量场,采用拉格朗日描述方法追踪。通过追踪涡元空间位置和强度随时间的变化来描述涡量场的变化,实现对旋涡产生、聚集和输送全过程模拟。具有高效、高精度显著特点,尤其适合解决非定常振动/变形边界(如旋转风扇)流动问题。

5. 燃料电池系统氢气再循环泵研发

燃料电池(fuel cells)是一种将化学能转换成电能的电化工装置,可以为任何需要电力的设备提供清洁、高效并且可靠的电能。其发电效率高、无污染而被认为是清洁绿色能源的首选。燃料电池已经在某些应用领域取代其它能源供应设施,从电池充电器到家庭供热系统以及汽车动力来源,或许是人类解决汽车污染问题以及汽车对石油依赖的最佳和最终方案。

6. 其它



1. 代表性论文

1.       Zihao Cheng, Yan Ba, Jinju Sun* et al, A numerical study of droplet dynamic behaviors on microstructured surface with three dimensional color-gradient lattice Boltzmann model, Soft Matter, 1744-683X, 2017 (SCI:10.1039/C7SM02078C, IF3.709)
2.       Yan Ba, Haihu Liu,Qing Li, Qinjun Kang, and Jinju Sun*, Multiple-relaxation-time color-gradient lattice Boltzmann model for simulating two-phase flows with high density ratio, Physical Review E, 2016,94(2), (SCI:WOS:000381492200017, IF 2.313)
3.       Yan Ba, Haihu Liu, Jinju Sun*, et al, Color-gradient lattice Boltzmann model for simulating droplet motion with contact-angle hysteresis, Physical Review E, 2013, 88(4), 043306(1-13). (SCI: 240REEI: 20134516944120, IF 2.313)
4.       Yan Ba, Qinjun Kang, Haihu Liu, Jinju Sun*, Chao Wang, Three dimensional lattice Boltzmann simulations of microdroplets including contact angle hysteresis on topologically structured surfaces, Journal of Computational Science, 2016, 17 (SCI WOS:0003906258000, IF1.925)
5.       Yan Ba, Haihu Liu, Jinju Sun* et al,Three dimensional simulations of droplet formation in symmetric and asymmetric T-junctions using the color-gradient lattice Boltzmann model, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 90, November 2015, Pages 931-947 (SCI:CX0BH, IF3.891)
6.       Rongye Zheng, Haihu Liu, Jinju Sun*, et al, Droplet hysteresis investigation on non-wetting striped textured surfaces: A lattice Boltzmann study, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 411, 1 October 2014, Pages 53-62 (SCI: AN1GI, IF2.132)
7.       Rongye Zheng, Jinju Sun*, haihu Liu, A modeling approach to droplet contact-line motion dynamics in high-density-ratio two-phase flow, Computers and Fluids, Computers and Fluids, 2013, 73(1): 175-186 (SCI: 099GFEI: 20130716026063; IF2.221)
8.       J Sun*, H Xi, S Huang, 2006, Investigation of airflow and contaminant aerosol distribution in an operation theater with heated-walls, Proceedings of the 3rd Asian Conference on Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Vols I and II, pp627 EI20143418075537
9.       Peng Song, Jinju Sun*, Blade shape optimization for transonic axial flow fan, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2015 29(3) (SCI:CD7SD, IF1.194)
10.   Peng Song, Jinju Sun*, Ke Wang, Swirling and cavitating flow suppression in a cryogenic liquid turbine expander through geometric optimization, Journal of Power and Energy, 2015, 229(6) (SCI:CQ2CY, IF1.022)
11.   Peng Song, Jinju Sun*, Ke Wang, Axial flow compressor blade optimization through flexible shape tuning by means of cooperative co-evolution algorithm and adaptive surrogate model, Journal of Power and Energy, 2014, 228:782-798 (SCI: AQ5AS, IF1.022)
12.   J Sun and R L Elder*, Numerical optimisation of a stator vane setting in multistage axial flow compressors, IMech E proceedings, Journal of power and energy, 212 (A4): 247-259, 1998   (SCI: WOS:000076411100005; IF1.022)
13.   Xiaomin Liu* , Bin Zhang , Jinju Sun, An improved implicit reinitialization method for the level set function applied to shape and topology optimization of fluid, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2015, 281(6) (SCIWOS:000350529500017IF: 1.63)
14.   B Zhang, X Liu*, J Sun, Topology optimization design of non-Newtonian roller-type viscous micropumps, Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2016, 53: 409-424 (SCI:WOS000372615400003; IF: 2.876)
15.   Youwei He, Jinju Sun*, Peng Song, et al, Development of a multi-objective preliminary design optimization approach for axial flow compressors, ASME Turbo Expo 2018, GT2018-76155 (EI 20184005895820)
16.   Xuesong Wang, Jinju Sun*, Peng song, et al, Three-dimensional blade shape optimization for a transonic axial flow compressor though incoporating surrogate model and sequential sampling, ASME Turbo Expo 2018, GT2018-75448 (EI20184005897399)
17.   Bin Zhang , Xiaomin Liu* , Jinju Sun, Topology Optimization for Stokes Problem Under Multiple Flow Cases Using an Improved Level Set Method, Proceedings of ASME 2013 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM2013-16155 (EI20140517253214)
18.   Peng Song, Jinju Sun*, Ke Wang, and Zhilong He, 2011, Development of an Optimization Design Method for Turbomachinery by Incorporating the Cooperative Coevolution Genetic Algorithm and Adaptive Approximate Model, ASME Turbo Expo 2011, Paper No. GT2011-45411 (EI20123615387829)
19.   Rongye Zheng, Jianhua Xiang, and Jinju Sun*, 2010, Blade Geometry Optimization for Axial Flow Compressor, ASME Turbo Expo 2010, Paper No. GT2010-22229 (EI20114814562208
20.   Elder, R. L*, Sun, J. and P. Wiess, Optimising Variable stator vane setting in multistage axial flow compressors. Seventh European Congress on Fluid Machinery, the Hague, Netherlands, April, 1999
21.   Chao Wang, Jinju Sun*, Zihao Cheng, Development of a vortex method with penalization for modeling the complex fluid and moving/deforming solid interaction, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow, Vol. 28 Issue 82018, pp.1809-1826, (SCI:WOS:000447730300005; IF2.45)
22.   Chao Wang, Jinju Sun*, Yan Ba, A semi-Lagrangian Vortex-In-Cell method and its application to high-Re lid-driven cavity flow, International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, 2017 27(6) (SCI:000406920500001, IF 2.450)
23.   Xifeng Zhao, Jinju Sun*, Zhi Zhang, Prediction and measurement of axial flow fan aerodynamic and aeroacoustic performance in a split-type air-conditioner outdoor unit, International Journal of Refrigeration, Volume 36, Issue 3, May 2013, Pages 1098-1108 (SCI: 120EEEI: 20131316143172, IF3.233)
24.   Xifeng Zhao, Jinju Sun*, Chao Wang, et al, Experimental and numerical study of electronic module-cooling heat sinks used in a variable frequency air-conditioner outdoor unit, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2014,38(2): 10-21. (SCI: AC8RX, IF3.233)
25.   Xifeng Zhao, Jinju Sun*, Renheng, Gao, Quantitative evaluation of flow-induced fan casing structual vibration and noise radiation of air-conditioner outdoor unit, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2014, Dusseldorf, Germany, GT2014-25809 (EI20150600496502)
26.   Xifeng Zhao, Jinju Sun*, and Zhi Zhang, 2011, Numerical and Experimental Investigation of Flow Behaviour and Aerodynamic Noise in Axial Flow Fan of Air-conditioner, ASME Turbo Expo 2011, Paper No. GT2011-45280 (EI20123615387816)
27.   Xifeng Zhao, Jinju Sun*, Youwei He, Kang Lin, Numerical and experimental investigation of noise radiation for double-suction centrifugal fans of airconditioner indoor unit, ASME Turbo Expo 2016, GT2016-56773 ( EI20164302940350)
28.   Ke Wang, Jinju Sun*, Peng Song, Experimental study of cryogenic liquid turbine expander with closed-loop liquefied nitrogen system, Cryogenics, Volume 67, April 2015, Pages 4-14 (SCI:CE9OB, IF1.196)
29.   J Sun* et al, Investigating multistage axial flow compressor instabilities, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering , 2003, No.1   (CSCD:1273420)
30.   J Sun and H Tsukamoto*, Off-design performance prediction for diffuser pumps, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, Vol 215, Issue 2, pp. 191-201, 2001 (SCI: WOS:000169204000006; IF1.022)
31.   X Hu*, Z Qu, X Yang, J Sun, Theoretical study on frictional losses of a novel automotive swing vane compressor, International Journal of Refrigeration, 2013, 36(3): 1098-1108 (SCI: 120EE; EI20131316143158; IF3.233
32.   Xuesong Wang, Jinju Sun*, Changjiang Huo, Guilong Huo, Peng Song, Design and flow analysis of a radial outflow turbo-expander, ASME Turbo Expo 2019, GT2019-90346 
33.   Ningbo Yuan, Jinju Sun*, Peng song, et al, Investigation of flow-induced radial force and its influence on rotor dynamics for a cryogenic liquid turbine expander, ASME Turbo Expo 2018, GT2018-75443 (EI20184005898979)
34.   Changjiang Huo, Jinju Sun*, Shan Sun, et al, Flow analysis of an operational natural gas turbo expander, ASME Turbo Expo 2018, GT2018-75211 (EI20183905878135)
35.   Ke wang, Jinju Sun*, Peng Song, Changjiang Huo, Influence of impeller faring cone geometry on cavitation flow behavior in a cryogenic liquid turbine expander, ASME Turbo Expo 2016, GT2016-56778 (EI20164202923369)
36.   Peng Song, Jinju Sun*, Kaiqiang Li, et al, Numerical study of cavitaing flow in two-phase LNG expander, ASME Turbo Expo 2016, GT2016-56780 (EI20164202923370)
37.   K Li, J Sun*, J Fu, P Song, Design and Numerical Flow Analysis of a LNG Power Recovery Turbine, Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2013Paper GT2013-94900 (EI20135117101813)
38.   Zhilong He, Yunzheng Ge, Jinju Sun* et al, Numerical study of cavitating behavior in a cryogenic liquid turbine , ASME Turbo Expo 2012, Paper No. CT2012-68774 (EI20133316600988)
39.   Ke Wang, Jinju Sun*, Zhilong He, and Peng Song, 2011, Prediction of Axial Thrust Load Acting on a Cryogenic Liquid Turbine Impeller, ASME Turbo Expo 2011, Paper No. GT2011-45273 (EI20123615387645)
40.   Yan Ren, Jinju Sun*, Rongye Zheng, Peng Song, and Ke Wang, 2010, Investigation of Impeller Strength For a Cryogenic Liquid Turbine, ASME Turbo Expo 2010, Paper No. GT2010-23125 (EI20114814562148)
41.   Wei Zhao, Jinju Sun*, Hezhao Zhu, et al, 2008, Numerical investigation of a cryogenic liquid turbine performance and flow behavior, ASME Turbo Expo 2008, Paper No. GT2008-50391 (EI20093812311535)

2. 知识产权



1.       孙金菊、王科、宋鹏,Cryogenic liquid turbine, United States invention patent, Application No.2014/369522,Publication No.US20140341716A1, Patent No.9534576B2, Date of Patent: Jan 3, 2017 201713日授权)
2.       孙金菊、王科、宋鹏,一种低温液力透平,中国国家发明专利,申请号 201110455237.5,申请日期2011.12.30,授权公告日:2014.09.03,授权公告号:CN102562170B
3.       孙金菊、王科、宋鹏,径流式液力透平优化设计方法,中国国家发明专利,申请号201110439235.7,申请日期2011.12.22,授权公告日:2014.03.12,授权公告号CN102608914B 
4.       孙金菊、王科、宋鹏等,一种液体膨胀机,中国国家发明专利,申请号200910023562.7,申请日期2009.08.11,授权公告日:2011.08.31,,授权公告号:CN101644170B
5.       孙金菊、李成、韩春明等,一种高压液体节流用膨胀机转子,申请号200810150526.2,申请日期2008.08.01,授权公告日: 2011.08.31,中国国家发明专利,授权公告号:CN101333995B
6.       孙金菊、王科、宋鹏等,低温液力透平闭式试验系统和测试方法,申请日期2013 9 23 , 中国国家发明专利,专利号201310432913.6,授权公告日2015.04.29,授权公告号:CN103512738A
7.       孙金菊、王科、宋鹏,一种低温液体膨胀机喷嘴,申请日期20150416,中国国家发明专利,专利号201510183811.4,授权公告日2016.08.26,授权公告号:CN104895623A
8.       孙金菊,宋鹏,“液体透平通流部件整机优化设计软件,软件著作权,登记号:2014SR028957,登记日期:2014311日。




9.       孙金菊、宋鹏、霍长江,一种低温液体膨胀机停机系统及方法,中国发明专利,申请号:2017110587627,申请日:20171101,公告(公布)号:CN107860171A,公告(公布)日:2018-03-30
10.   孙金菊、霍长江、宋鹏,一种低温液体膨胀机热启动系统及方法,中国发明专利,申请号:2017110587701,申请日:20171101,公告(公布)号: CN 107702431A,公告(公布)日:2018-02-16
11.   宋鹏、孙金菊、霍长江,一种两相低温液体膨胀机抗空化的优化设计方法,中国发明专利,申请号:2018100090538,申请日:20180104,公告(公布)号:CN 108197390A,公告(公布)日:2018-06-22
12.   孙金菊、袁宁波、宋鹏,一种考虑径向流体力影响的低温液体膨胀机转子临界转速的预测方法,中国发明专利,申请号:2018100083750,申请日:20180104公告(公布)号CN108287952A公告(公布)日:2018-07-17
13.   宋鹏、孙金菊、霍长江,一种低温液体膨胀机内旋涡空化流动的有效控制方法,中国发明专利,申请号:2018100087484,申请日:20180104,公告(公布)号:108561195A,公告(公布)日:2018-09-21
14.   孙金菊、霍长江、宋鹏,一种基于制冷量分析的低温液体膨胀机节能效益计算方法,中国发明专利,申请号: 2018112230407,申请日: 20181019,公告(公布)号: CN 109323532A,公告(公布)日:2019-02-12
15.   孙金菊、霍长江、宋鹏,基于㶲分析的低温液体膨胀机节能效益的快速计算方法,中国发明专利,申请号: 2018112243229,申请日: 20181019,公告(公布)号: CN 109344527A,公告(公布)日:2019-02-15
16.   孙金菊、霍长江、宋鹏,考虑密封力影响的低温液体膨胀机转子临界转速预测方法,中国发明专利,申请号: 2018112230394,申请日: 20181019,公告(公布)号: CN 109408946A,公告(公布)日:2019-03-01

3. 获得的奖项
